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hide feast hidden banquet regale eye junket tote look flatfish autograph repast self-reliance peeper vigil dandle HAND feria assumption sign tiptoe stare sloe-eyed visor spread head stargazer renege off autoptic peel carry luau shoulder convergence rest on fixate face festive about rat redound double wink at backstroke concentrate wend away foot binocular leg wear endorse octave oculate squat watch humiliate heart eyewitness sit bridal shut aware
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see squint obtrude bend laurel turn backpack stool goggle festal blink escutcheon time gluttonize marriage mount crab -mas cash cast wink guard fix blot on one's escutcheon over boot pack nail green-eyed eyeless dinner solo run fete Walpurgis Night toe blue-eyed stalk-eyed egg Bug bug-eyed self-imposed palmistry headstand sea legs stigma OR gaudy focus fall mind narcissism numerology account self-torture own think daylight plenipotentiary without prejudice don family tree beware assume payday stain self-confident blinder circumcision simple frown autopsy lonesome fete [or] f�te flesh baby blue trot heel chip hyperopia Frog navigate pillow dress capitalize tooth eyer crouch stand ox-eyed almond-eyed ethnocentric bootstrap faraway selfism slip rake kneel arval pink-eyed smile annunciation hook cut tender-eyed hassock Step hobnob introspect take burn candle at both ends sectarian bear willful [or] wilful belly-flop register pat quietism pro se dodder footrest trauma tyrannical touch keep nerve-racking cosignatory Martinmas sewer dupe flop glut presentation fasten on throw eyewear allhallowmas upper deathbed luck hold belly hid avert in tears squeeze one's eyes shut line of vision hiding cry initiative squinch seel star itinerant x recompense gambit tanning bed stymie spur subscribe mettle line assert festival headstrong precarious feet pitch Honour duty land Independent Sabbatical candlemas cheek Pentecost contact lens sight lookdown ascension light monkey foy holiday dwell symposium agape cheer transfiguration epiphany autonomous Immaculate Conception St George's Day set eyed busk adopt kajal forehead discretion blot back nightjar luggage edge gas laptop kohl auto-ophthalmoscope bends believe self-restraint sponge nonjudgmental subjective bent connive a twinkle in one's eye get (all) misty sleep blear bacchanalia wall hollow-eyed baby blues bright-eyed black-eyed optic eyghen binoculate octonocular moist red walk eyen eghen rank conscience horse Podophthalmia bridge clap rope pouch pop-eyed popeyed merrymake blindfold downcast misty–eyed goggle-eyed bleary-eyed jar Nativity impose self-help ware reship mask hunker self-pity tod scrunch carousal mark f festino feasting trade Plate judgment ground valentine card deadbeat self-depending barnet Master Sound tip abstract shirt fest feasted finger feste harvest-home make bait beady tear gas Friday feast Falling Asleep gastrolith ray hammerhead Holy Rood Day Holy Cross Day ear pig-eyed teary holy day of obligation immovable feast housewarm mist roll wind choke lease play build gaze dry afterimage unclose responsibility opinion laugh until one cries look through open upsun eyewitnessing stardust undeceive declare Blood bluff pore fasten Himalayan Personal Identification Number feed podophthalmous kin pair rivet cover cropper centre aspect self–proclaimed fall on/upon sth wide-set indulgently Corpus Christi réveillon Holy–Rood Day Hilarymas shammes Dormition proper Orthodox Sunday ophthalmologist proprio motu soapbox self-reliant gaud-day maundy bellycheer festeye farm Festival of Lanterns derp try autoptical lift meet shade repetition sermon begrudge going envy by sight character self-imposture self–reliance wag floss bankroll shuffle off upside the head invasive push on Goes gone friendly fire intend piece bald shoe scowl pick down attention knee go ship alonely shroud date cold-cream atiptoe of hardware Cuthbert, St all souls' day transfiguratien feast-day Easter housewarming savagely Dunstan Albertus Magnus Lawrence koimesis Simeon Stylites church-ale Ross seal settle affix symposiarch four dirgie epulation Succoth cream prick cheekbone bloodshot eyeshade eyes out on stalks glue festivous repasture flathead bridalty easy arrest temple settle on unfocused glimmer sinistral stalk–eyed sessile-eyed eyecup glazier cuatro–ojos ogle shiner beaux yeux the windows of the soul handkerchief seal lampshade plume on one's haunches responsible transport patch value judgment bristle nominate coast confidence go back flooring half-naked knelt pursue stature purse-proud play dead unseat self-dependent footing knuckle opine backslide sorn Christmas Alban bow soldier liability endorsement honorary macula offstage belly flop call best clear confident herbage condole Sunday best sup agrin refutation full head of hair shackle flat clean one's plate nerve uxorious nose job run along spill emblazon change head-carry hold away paternal skate estimate virus pretentious drum one's fingers bad hair day crack shoot stamp on your revenge strip to the waist preen turn one's mind to head-load wash non-rational taint bobble bind stoop press maiden feast stamp coigny wrinkle beholder barred owl goggle-eye eye socket vergence stalk–eyed fly blinker ophthalmology heredity Kawasaki disease trochlear shrew lobster eyelash John of Damascus, St Feast of Orthodoxy goatsucker sting rush repas hallowmas convive pascha Feast of Dedication Shavuoth long pig convivial junketing unfestlich Irenaeus, St Hypapante vespers Ignatius halmas bridale utas Twelfth Night Lammas Helena Alexander Nevsky frumenty Ninian Sebastian, St eyebrow eye gaze skin tag left-hand ice legs response American plaice funnel trip choke up stick on undertake finish microblog homegrowing dignity greater feria traduction tongue persevere devote self-confidence paroli play with one's food bread drum rub tightrope meditate octophthalmous agoggled brimful blinking MEGO fire-eyed squeeze one's eyes shut (or closed) senocular nictate alipata dove–eyed postocular pinky poison tree open-eyed small-eyed slit–eyed supraocular cross-eyed exoculate Redding blinkingly ocular lamp grey-eyed fire–eyed yellow-eyed milky mangrove eyeglass ardent interocular blue–eyed clear-eyed googly sloe–eyed big-eyed moon-eyed gangwa cross-eye oculated polyommatous blinding tree trudge dewy-eyed Bothidae blood clam all eyes are on sb/sth Turkish Van tetramorph fruit bat saccade owl bull's-eye come to rest heterosomati haggard Siamese cat rex sole forecastle head-up display dreamy rest on sb/sth heck right-eyed flounder be riveted on/to someone/something stealth bomber gecko black–and–tan bull's–eye rot shine arrowtooth flounder kewpie Malacostraca ring-tailed lemur Pipunculidae telescope fly io fix on make-up elegiac horopter kiss curl obstetrician spit curl sweatband cicada pince-nez lambale clerk-ale espousal mead-bench Helena, St prestige seat condescend creepy-crawly end entertain fumble rationalism therapeutic sociocentric pullover acculturate fan foreign job levee oppress optional traduce unfriend genethliacal crush deck for upstand stretch suppress fold flat-footed self-dependence balance accept ant resolve shoptalk on one's hands and knees on one's own account commit Dutch hair chicken beam-ends uncomfortable insoul dictate hobbyhorse fix on/upon guilt by association rejoin grin/smile from ear to ear inscribe knock oath frisk cross-days epulary bride-ale seudah church festival analepsis All Hallowmass convival love-feaster churn supper delectable Childermas plain clothes move life-or-death laptop computer tracks superscribe stake slide reˈtired takeover homemade lapheld home station indorse dote emeritus earthly-minded allocentric teach self-inflicted lick pronounce tap infringe humorous Sunday defriend respondentia bodyboard electioneer push interiority letterhead oppression obtrusive grounded heave stop double back record show self-assertion maroon amplify aquae immittendae charm crawly cross training duck autosoteric acrobat bench-press glow incumbent insinuate handstand hunkers vindicate thrive fealty cross oneself tread return buckle back-pedal append self-active halve remand could have fooled me pole riding self–pity string blow grate neck-verse fat draw ward kiss inwardly pearl reimburse blow-out festivity whence St. Nicholas' Day name day harvest home preparation fête fiesta war feast sheep-shearing yule pyramid put Vigil Mass defend blunder blow (someone) a kiss fling squint-eyed ophthalmic nonresident credit idiopsychology cross–eye slit-eyed sling OK dimmy seeing misty skive beady-eyed lidded tear seen glint open–eyed ophthalmo- moon–eyed Argus-eyed wishful buck-eyed gazelle–eyed push-up bundle wandering agaze ocularist apparent gleaming copepod rose–colored glasses cockeyed glassy lace pig–eyed cynosure Pleuronectidae knuckle joint Lawrence, St Andrew, St Feast of Fools John the Baptist, St Catherine, St Exaltation of the Cross Feast of Unleavened Bread Barnabas, St Belshazzar Francis of Assisi, St Swithin, St Anselm, St Cyprian, St eye-watering oculo- saw look after goggle–eyed eye-spotted doe–eyed bird's-eye

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Words For "feast one's eyes on"

As you've probably noticed, words for "feast one's eyes on" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "feast one's eyes on" are: hide, feast, hidden, banquet, and regale. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to feast one's eyes on listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "feast one's eyes on" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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