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strake stem broadside keel stemmed alliteration fore and aft awning deck poop ramline turret deck strongback catamaran abaft rake belt scull stern astern trunk counter tail taffrail grim sternpost backstay aftermost sucker aft offshoot branch tendril leaf dour axil stalk transom vine radical rootstock fore-and-aft wear spring pitch perfoliate sessile rhizome austere node snag petiole astringent cutting beanstalk stolon pith tuber stock escutcheon cane harsh
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sternward fantail hemp bowsprit hard roll herbaceous quarterdeck scape flinty Tree gallery corymb veer stem-winding quill breasthook aftward stick spear sheer affix Malacca rudder sternmost joint browbeat gammon graft gruff pink sternly derive amidships rebuke herb hood theme internode leafstalk frown severe cyme trim hawkweed corm sympodium gudgeon stem-winder thorn rock-ribbed iron deadwood umbel bamboo grimly stern-wheeler jiggermast apterous gondola acrogen cordon sprout basal dress compote scar anterior Ate flax cicatrix sternway unrelenting haulm after strict adnexed AL shoot restem stour bobstay spring line runner xylem aspidistra calabash spindle thematic bulb radicant procambium cockpit ammoniac shaft truncheon squat ironbound stipe rising wood gripe side ramification oppositifolious tough love o ramify superior port afterdeck stool thallus dichotomous relentless goblet hook chaser ARM forestay peduncle meristem axis dichotomy outboard motor cranial nerve sargassum sternforemost raceme compound leaf twig berth posterior caudex stroke oar row stalked sternage jolly boat adnate strip run knot crown end emanate marrow-stemmed kale sprig flush deck lenticel rugged neck pink-sterned ramie mushroom dressed overall cortical buttock radicle touch poppet quarter rail backspring inseparable mandrake root stem fruticose standard caulescent stealer rod tiller pipe cleaner taproot steerage lisi hand bole cornstalk hog chain gentle stop athematic stopped fastigiate mizzen stopping depressed quarter en soft propeller bush century plant outboard rudderpost hydrorhiza spike tumbler stud drop strake shrub denominative hard-featured beam scapi johnboat gondolier slip underlie underlay hull underlying bolt two-ranked lymphocyte racemose V–stern bumpkin milk presential leaf trace tribalism agave termination ending beak shut-off stern tube stemson Bow mask keelhaul shaft tunnel stemless apron creeper layer stale tulip horn timber taciturn protonema round stern stem–winder bud stern fast davit heel extirpate MS gibberellin forehook skaffie brier earth up brier [or] briar fast root end port bow overhang starboard bow cortex decurrent square stern laconic sturdy sterno- austerity rough po-faced pushpit muscoid stemlet weak peltate monotropa root transom stern suppliant side shoot anagen cauliflorous break jibe ensign staff larboard stemware launch shank ryanodine continuous podocarp cloudberry sinistrorse hookah stern sheets jigger suffix lichen petticoat genetic spiral culm bitter pons dextrorse ret root climber palmate proviso chase crack reed screw water-jet cant determinate growth sternson cruiser stern leave jetboat determinate catonian loof broad off air layer attached torved pontine gammon knee grade shell pileus sharp top sternwheeler trichome stub obdeltoid pedicular trail knee consonant stem bumkin cudweed catchfly balcony junk beard iron hand tuck grimsir toothwort aftmost sternwards partial veil intrapetiolar strain relieve ambush avoid slipped adequation indeterminate stemming common bundle corona metaplasm supple-jack afterpart sny plant collar pentastichous cord blood briar bract stem–root crewel stitch keyless watch pendant–winding blackthorn commandment villus tree trunk human embryonic stem cell colour twist rosette pseudobulb spine subpedunculate astroite endodermis resinosis manfreda jack-o'-lantern air root consonantal stem heartwood laterifolious root-leaf amplexicaul flower embryonic stem cell flax brake ice beam rudder stop lax gril dock Rhadamanthine cruel embryonic parallel christiania heart of stone tough-minded lateral meristem stanch frigid mooch rachis eye sapwood robinetin cirrus merese stubble valve-head prickle draft mark lecturing polarity heterodromous lacquer inner endodermis pinweed straw pack staunch abaxial husk leaf-bud papyrus monoprion cholla subtend embrace -latry obovoid pendant presentoir spiralism compound divaricate trinodal defoliation lateral ground form chaff skeg inner post take off stem–rooting cauline marcescent union vowel unipotent deltoid blade nationalistic ointment embryoid body pant spectacle frame pavilion shuck adventitious etiolated leader rider matter clover hawse phyllotaxis trounce plank apprest farctate budstick gammon iron polyp-stem head knee tip exodermis afformative cant body stray line bump aftercabin chastisement liaison buoyancy tank bustle Berlin Wall quarter boom cloth house indeterminate growth casket stricture garden balsam dragon's blood hard–featured main-post calamus hESC cauloid caul kale runt wheat sawfly filicauline sling pediatrician oafish crinoidea hard-favoured freezing asper salubrious lollygag marrow kale forestem matte marsh orchid investiture sternness pulpit resistible spur gammon plate adversifoliate gulch receptacle mansion gland wind pear prefix cup Schomburgkia shanking axes primary body beakhead article vowel declension oblanceolate decerebrate lummox harpings homomallous excurrent deliquesce radius-rod sympodial lovage dichotomal horseshoe ongaonga barberry rust hypoptilum squarrose psychological knotweed stern-wheel block phyton lily bleeding disease organoid secondary thickening fluctuation consonant declension stempiece acrogenous turion dualism induviae verbal noun coronal root combine mamaku outrigger ram-line efficacy dowel propagate costly bucket caulome trim tab doofus afterpiece fragility vacuity penal obsolescence steem cladode unstemmed badge jollify miriti palm brainstem jewel pointer snake stempost wheat stem sawfly pusher in the nick of time hypothesize chirp knockabout moleta retrofracted pipe unstalked affiliated perigynium ctenidium decumbent debutton adpressed turban squash barley double-ender kill out -ance sinker bar stem correction breast infinitive gammoning false death cap stern gallery stern boat crackdown docking bridge torvous hanger ice-beam goosegrass climb hapteron rhytidome moss Austrian fieldcress cork cambium spade decussate head-knee lanceolate leafy ironface hard-visaged stern wheel hard-faced peterman stroke puritanical cannabis fold apricot counter timber procumbent dop stick jacitara palm peltated xanthorhoea reticulospinal Virginia stock terminal toadstool slender uniaxial Pilsner broomrape tip layering rhodium wood stitchwort desert rose parasynthesis totipotent allium Australian tree fern hawsepipe transition region leaves pineapple bistort rattan remote Abyssinian banana prolification cashew tuna clipper fall copaiba leaf–drop streak resin bush gladiolus Rhizophora bean blight pallium Malacca cane glass-rope flagellum manna derivation boatheader cauloid theory grass trochlear nerve Entoloma vascular ray stem-cell -stemmed sea whip hyporhachis risp main stem needle-valve keck bine liana reed spear pendant–set runt stemwards orthostichy long–stemmed prow stemhead plica Indian cane halm cutwater hop bine entrochite xanthopous black stem rust dudeen suprafoliaceous infix southern blight blow ant strong lymphatic system pipe–stapple subshrub hopbind one-sided rush stem rust scapiform vinestock sarment becoming loco terminal cutting acaulescent caulicle an- connate-perfoliate die -en sigmatic catboat music lyre rye straw dasylirion colony-stimulating factor vetchling hypocotyl arch grab shipmast locust pneumatocyst high mallow Phoma aspen Indian pipe potter bee wire stem annulate capitulate bloodwort frostweed loggerhead out canopy quarter pieces peak brown stem rot Cato, Marcus Porcius cactus stoma Madagascar jasmine amyotrophic lateral sclerosis innovation thematic vowel immunosurgery ironwort broom corn savvy quarter piece tail shaft stern light wing transom skiff chase gun trimmer snow scald moschatel comatula welwitschia base plastochron western daisy crow garlic kohlrabi percolator histogen theory broomcorn erythropoietin myrmecophyte articulation lazaretto aplustre midship stern frame stern wave snakepiece double–ender taskmaster boat-tail sterned pooping cog boattail medullary bundle face cabbage chibouk non-u black spleenwort Chinese kale hoary plantain spleenwort planesman dory laconical sheet stern board bateau coble roundhouse trimming browbeating browed rock-faced no-nonsense brace steering oar stern walk stern–wheeler dead-water tern Solti xebec unhinge turn off derive from something shake scum void unfetter wipe off the map get up freshen dry–gulch deozonize dewater descale dissociate disinvest decolorize defat defluorinate degas spare infer lice make of lose occasionally ground detenebrate discloud loco- against Burr awaken between de-emphasize crumb blin cantle dust endlong disoblige dry depart depollute decongest louse rid unpaint refrain throughout surfeit worm momently disprejudice disrank unmanacle arouse disembitter bust out boot

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Words For "from stem to stern"

As you've probably noticed, words for "from stem to stern" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "from stem to stern" are: strake, stem, broadside, keel, and stemmed. There are 992 other words that are related to or similar to from stem to stern listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "from stem to stern" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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