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eye gladden ocular optic eyebrow eyeball glad supraorbital ophthalmic macroscopic iris blink suborbital cheekbone orbit ophthalmology pupil eyeful black eye iritis ciliary peeper fain subocular visible gladsome cheek orb brow eyed cornea please fair wink eyewink gospel ophthalmoscope aspect cast shiner hearten joy eyehole antimony miosis choroid eyesight lens ophthalmia strabismus optical domino happy lid ophthalmo- exhilaration look cataract ringbolt conspicuous
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give canthus joyful od manifest view vitreous eyeshot glad eye postorbital glad-hand mydriasis bold light thread joyous tear retinoscopy conjunctivitis monocular entoptic collyrium prospect sightly greet see twinkle eyedness uvea sclera mouse crystalline lens leucoma moon-eye walleye pupillometer crow's-foot ommatidium Guide eyepiece eyesore sight eyespot pearl opacity eyelid ophthalmologist aqueous humor amblyopia sclerotic white refraction bonny microscopic happiness eyewash cycloplegia rake preocular orbital refract gouge oculus optometry red-eye glaucoma blank lief specious sightless macroscopical amaurosis accommodation squint asquint iridology illusionism scleritis viewless twinkling plain invisible epiphora Cyclops unhappy whistler cockeye blind spot iridic right-eyed evangel unattractive REM overlook -opia megascopic walleyed sweeten goggle ocellus thankful sidelong eye lens iridectomy blithe retinal bird's-eye perspective oculist unsightly bosom sun delight speculation superciliary crystallin retina ophthalmoplegia ugly keynote rectus lunette eye-server blench comely facet macula lutea stemma dilation synonym astigmatism knight lore hyaloid membrane conceive advisory appearance keratitis pin fallacy monocle film rhabdom blind contact lens cone uranometry supercilium displayed melanoma pigsney gladful pretty glad–hand listen sphenoid uveitis cheer eyeglass pupillary sweet visual single superorbital welcome oeillade soft rose-a-ruby teardrop hang round with sb lenticular loan (sth from sb) frontispiece nubecula bull's-eye discern attractive knock sb off their pedestal irid eye-pit oculo- eyestrain pickerel announce stibium eyelight gladding unglad oculonasal ringle eye visibility glim nagyagite hyaline ee eye-wig eye speck inocular orthoptics eyestalk eyeline gladded biomicroscopy chatoyant eye-apple moon blindness eye-slip eye-fly seem pierce ye saccade microfauna Draize test name shadow fulcrum retinal detachment bully pulpit pupillometry wane outer gudgeon visualize enfranchise ring postocular optometer aspersions bigeye permit ringed wage sound post rung rang meet map aegilops abducent footstalk utter vision abducens dry eye update animate Perm tarsal after-image pearl-eyed fovea occult eye-lens blindfold marsupium ophthalmitis whiteside famous rattlewings cerastes eyestripe eyetooth garrot megafauna gross macrophyte vitreous humour retinoscope whistlewing solid glamour pulchritude animalcule bloodshed pterygium eyesalve eyeward whiffler mascara retinula navel tunic stereo game near point blind side strale os Guy rod shoe devil flat blissful overglad gladder r fawe gled monophthalmic sharing ophthalm- snook yghe eyespotted water eyesome jettatura flatter goggled een nice-looking eyebeam da eye–catcher well-favoured ophthalmography eyebright eye-speck jocund gladly number infraorbital tail of the eye macular supraorbitar jump at retinitis ophthalmoscopy stian rolling muscle eye-mindedness piercing corner chamber macrofossil well-favored bent pupilla term bull oculomotor big daisy tail dog-blow conspectuity the tail of one's eye malocchio ocularly rivet becoming frog-eyed supraocular wick loa eye–beam picturesque scintillation mydriatic bend glad rags lighten blessing relieved one–eyed eyewater periophthalmic entitle keep apple ocellocular litotes sociable single–eyed oculiform lazy eyemark precorneal eye end caruncle eyebone tune eyewards sclerotal embrace eyereach myosis perilenticular epicanthic askance invisibility lovely synizesis pursuit cross-eyed cock symbol orbital arch ophthalmalgia dulcet ametropia maculopathy sleepy orbicularis fix discernible viewy eyestring preorbital apparentness station point lachrymal eye-lamp eye-sweet eye-tracker golden–eyed apparent sprig anteorbital winkingly becket unseeable cheat eye trick zee dominoes eye-drops distinct macroetch casting fishy clash eye-straining display eye shield macroflora resplendent macrovegetation eye probe gie tear duct gum testimony black someone's eye red maythe dextral droop eye case eyeable optico- enlarge whall pouch eyewinker white-eye eye slit put someone in the way of lazy eye nazar applause eyepopper macroform red Morocco glint redeye eye-memory eye-drop clear microphthalmia overglance sleepless scintillescent black light stump up rack eye-blink silvereye myopia commend lap cordially happy for bear rejoice spy sight rhyme silver-eye ocul- aramayoite enough triumph eying / eyeing eye-rim pleasurable congruence eyestone ommateum bad eye eye–server unco aldebaran pineal eye tuber indexing keratoconus wolfachite geocronite eye relief pointillism gladness see the back of merry kobellite artificial eye baby eyecup visual magnitude pin-joint basilisk yellow spot eyeshine almond eye bouge consensual dynamic refraction iris scanner vitreous humor suprachoroidal surround ophthalmometer eye training hyaloid encauma stirrup periphacitis static refraction vitrectomy ciliary body dip ethmoidal deposition in the public eye humor commanding verify sense reflect misproportion apply miscue gule call hand wary electro-oculography fluorophotometry light reaction accommodational image irido- eyelash wall-eye snap breech color ocular sclerite background comb grandstander autoscope iridian eye scope interpose photosensory coloboma neuroepithelium obvious eye-bite bull's eye malar adaptation pupillography pericorneal laugh line perimetrical eye-point pinhole pupil compass unlovely retiform panophthalmitis clinch meeting dilator eye-sucker dichromacy dim orthoscope palpebral right-eyedness smallmouth winking muscle tunica week help ghost answer bronze abandon appear elbow brush source eye-splice outline lose transpire miaul monetize shit match flipper applaud dilapidate shat ladyfy allow largemouth neuroanatomy temple best gold periorbital crow's–foot diplostomulum harsh scleroprotein plumb flash eye hospital peritomy bowline cringle eye-tipped hippus homonymous dismal one corneule hygrophthalmic clarity bridge eye-case spoor blepharospasm glance trochlear nerve morillon arachnoid cataractous bright chemosis couch campimetry myotic eye muscle eye cap field lens cross–eye coarse macrography micropsia refractionist outside bird's-eye maple black–browed albatross candle eye trap eyebath presbyopia manifestly reduced eye retinitis pigmentosa draw cat's-eye imperceptible palpebra superposition eye scheteligite review visibly veil redwing sweep spot sock eye candy feather eyepatch motor–minded evil-eyed cockeyed the naked eye microalgae colouring weather eye cryptoclastic deform forward handsome longan pheasant-eyed infrequent albuminoid spud phorometer occluder micromanipulation grandstand conspicuously undine eyeliner eye-saint met line laughter line homatropine stalk-eyed iris scanning catch banquet eye-panel eye-wattle macrobenthos eye drop eye make-up shell red-morocco scar version eye-beam eye-biter eye-gouging abase eyeservice oculary catchlight rove quadratus orthopanchromatic phanerite sleep eye-shadowed eye observation in the twinkling of an eye phac- photophobia rough dolerite drum diapsid needle-threader accommodate eye-end orthoscopic twenty–twenty test type drawing awl twitch tropicamide disparate lagophthalmos doucker arc eye compound eye eye ring brille Great Nebula illusionist make clip refraction error main chancer right-eye trace macroorganism red–eyed heddle-eye zosterops argus crow's foot indistinct cringle sinistral biocellate naked geddit heliotrope legible socket watch vertiginous leader gentoo celestial telescope latent fingerprint eye-cast eye wattle rabbit test increasing fundus list eye ground coffin conjunctiva lighting retinopathy energize limbus manifestation species lights marguerite fossa lit entrance pupil heartsome praise be good riddance eyne mice camera-eyed tiger's-eye arresting squint-eye bloodshot a sight for sore eyes exhilarate frontal bone ethmoid pay scotomy global progressive supranuclear palsy third eye electroretinogram globe injection instant jiffy simple eye lamp blood eye autumn Adonis crusty electron–ray tube browridge perioptic line of vision optic vesicle aqueous humour hyperopia mustache liveliness pinguecula tear-duct electrooculogram

Popular Searches

Words For "give sb the glad eye"

As you've probably noticed, words for "give sb the glad eye" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "give sb the glad eye" are: eye, gladden, ocular, optic, and eyebrow. There are 921 other words that are related to or similar to give sb the glad eye listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "give sb the glad eye" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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