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sharp flat step semitone diminished rosalia minor half stride diminish pace minor scale acciaccatura tread halftone footstep comma chromatic hexachord cent hemisphere degree demi- semicircle hemi- augmented HF semi- Phrygian tetrachord misstep dital chromatic alteration Dorian tetrachord chromatic interval chroma sidestep tone halves mordent trip Lydian tetrachord augment pas halve quarter-tone dubstep riser harmonic minor scale semi half-price half-and-half
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halfpenny halfpace moiety perfect sesqui- doorstep begin glissade genus halfway stepwise accidental strut interpose quickstep limma half-moon split bestride stair halfling dozy semilunar foot one-step skip notch majority trample initiative en footing drowse mode unstep half-length half blood dimidiate semiconscious half-breed semicircular drowsy half-staff alight minim stumble back-step [or] back step overstep snicker multistep counterstep fluke trace stomp downstage double-quick midway chromatic scale mediety tromp side step centaur stepped resolved flaking outstep stage hemicycle h better two-step cocker March walk once semiannual stalk stamp hemistich squireen semester jump goose-step SS scan range slip half-bred side caracole bottom Minotaur hippogriff semiuncial haversine quick time rung chass� [or] chasse step aside pitapat cocktail griffin greece Buffalo fire step Pan semisavage UP echidna slush set paso doble backstep running lope upstage half-track break semioval haverel pink bi- halfendeal fly half top goose step grade first quarter green last quarter strode step-in hemitrope semidiameter stand-off dome Fuller lune half–moon semiped jigger stepping–stone Harpy frit stemple stile progressive shag Irish dance démarche shoe get on mince double time glide hobble high-stepping tiptoe half–blood half-deck minute halvers flow chart dim ree ridgeling programmatic pyramid footpace linear step-down rundle cakewalk stope descent bounce step in half-time medialuna mezzo hooded buskin number semiform underwitted bad half-heartedly titter half-dozen breed move starter rime pivot bearing chasse stepped gauge degree cut stepping drill place lead two–step trap cut curtail half-size interval moon sinciput lunette half-hour gree cushion cut half-pint half-yearly hemialgia demy half-cracked step-by-step remove whipstitch leash cupful barrel vault double semidiurnal chuckle rise biannual half-tester stand aside generation back saltarello summer semiweekly corte pedetentous systematic algorithm semirecondite greeze sen block shot semiflexed partial rhyme sam–sodden semiiannual fiscal first half Hb half-clammed pilot's luff semibarbarous semisubterranean middle-sized half–saved staumrel UH half a dozen half ray half–cracked half close semihoral bass plurality erf semicylyndrical semirespectable outhalf semiterete half–staff fiscal second half quarter tone semiovate minority pottle dichotomize semiopaque platoon conchiform split pea footplate halflings half-year inside half demi–pointe semi-christianized half seas over star-blind half a dollar semiacidified semipagan medio Hercules service line instance shuffle keep scroll step fit hemitropous trine hobblingly stap grice gre truck gradatory recipe sty firing step go quarter–witted drib gradually stepladder key coulé overtread fifty–fifty bucentaur turkey-trot advancement twelve-step ignoramus waltz promenade pas sauté moonwalk overstride demibrigade semopermanent demigroat half–a–crown demiman false title semihistorical half–pint mezzo-relievo wave plate semieffigy semicyclic semipedal toe hardie seminude bekah semicolumn ray slugs half point middle imperfect cadence hp hemispherule que semivif fly title semitransparent semi crustaceous half-uncial half-strained semi circumference semicompact bastard title caste drawknot semibarbarian semiannually half–decker inverted–pyramid indention demidevil hap'penny semiliquid tap leap muggy wicket sprag ss. demisang plod setback sashay goose–step pad foot iron high–step stepper altar step loafer elastic limp onset lively winder banquette clump proceeding paddle–turn shuffle walk shuffling aside feet up- ripresa so marcher mean one–step spring chassé half the battle break rank(s) keep step high–stepping light–footed merman half nephew half niece melange half–sib snakebite half cousin party per pale mulatto halfback hircocervus sea hapa mermaid semidiaphaneity half–mooned hauf south half semidiaphanous hemispheroid tabloid commodore doty first-half end semihexagonal half shell half–roll half-volley halfen halfpipe half bat stand off mezza orchestra sheet 'arf half-brother half price doted semideistical semilune codling half-hitch half-arsed rag brodekin cerebral hemisphere east half half–sole sesquih center half half–cocked half-sister underwit cue sea horse semichoric half-back graduate faith ladder work through something sesunc halucket demirelievo semisquare semiperspicuous semispheroidal lidded centre-half semicalcined cookbook work through sth discursion step–hop dance–walk ice step bridgepot jumping-off point syncopation footfall light-footed multistage novercal photopolymerization hyper chain reaction how-to gas trodden revel alit stamp on reel predella polka mazurka rock withdraw stale squelch synchronous complete joggle sideways shim–sham shimmy advance miter sill trod preparation flyer flier blow-by-blow break step program polka walking step slew semi-dome half disme semierect winter concha dotty bootee half aunt hatch issuant at full/half throttle hemicerebrum semibarbaric parcel uraeum half past semi-independent semidetached level Boston faux pas first base follow-on Irish step dancer Irish step dancing secondary step-parenthood a leap in the dark pas de cheval stairstep stepstone boot stomp on sb/sth tab index tango entail semiformed pye-dog semispherical semicircular dome semitangent astragal di bisect schisma half–mast limb in two conjunct pin slue half-hatched more often than not hemianopia cup semisoun half-mast fourteen step Boston two–step double shuffle fetch grise procedure bench desynchronize forward stomp on scissors step half–holiday nestle unstable dandiprat half-blue nut doze typical bathyal zone half–time semiglobular hemina semilogical bluchers semi-cylinder midterm break often randy deminatured halfness half uncle half relief dough–baked half-century hellicat q black velvet gimlet sagittary missing link pegacorn picayune forequarter turnover satyr renversement Dagon quarter-pipe stand-off half gradual waltz flowchart graduated box-step gradation fox–trot Irish dancing scallop half volley semiamplexicaul semiannular buttery hatch resting-place piper grind semimonthly heart half-round half-sword gill walnut shell semipyramidal absolute majority cafe curtain quarter distance bell half-inch half-note half pay shirt whole–length hemicylindrical heel hemiparesis demibastion half-dollar half-baked semicalcareous half round hemicardia semilenticular hypovalve most semipenniform semiproof thumbnail quartile deviation milking stool murmur prevelar quarter-watch say the best/better/greater part of ninepence interlace semiangle bloat semipellucid brise–bise treble backcourt comb half-rest half-hourly handle jubilee launch jack semibarbarism valve scattered clouds semivitrification semiring poltina pardao stompie smolder southern hemisphere in the majority halfway through half-title stoop playschool cope table pass semicylindrical semihardy semitrailing bunt beading demilune nicker parboil cotta huck pint pastille sixain semi-pelagian prickle half-litre epivalve ha'penny featheredge file half–dollar half–one northern hemisphere halfer semiorbicular semivocal bronco sesquiduplicate half-page sesquialteral three–eighths blood inner table Parker House roll reversement half as big/much/good as penthemimer griffon standoff half sash window quinarius methyl acetone trill flying compromise joint concluding line dégagé saltus probable word rock turn devious bow courante operation flown demonstrate for initial supertonic Stations of the Cross play-by-play dance siren trithemimer dichotomy double-hung window smoulder pye–dog semiprostrate half-bottle frontcourt equal temperament fan half header half–hour glass half–sword hemicentrum mandible in the minority half-moon glasses demivill coomb semivitrified broncobuster demi-decade blink half term eastern hemisphere afterbeat billon babbler bucket fully gibbous kilderkin urn sesquipedalian snipe stanza wade Faroe step stump stool toyi-toyi rosé fly sounding relev� [or] releve pas de bourrée rye waltz footstalk gradino a —— too far blended family take (someone) through high–stepper centesimal ink landing merengue walk-through watch toe Portacipher half-door demi-rilievo sesquialterate nix attentat peg narrow box step

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Words For "half-step"

As you've probably noticed, words for "half-step" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "half-step" are: sharp, flat, step, semitone, and diminished. There are 898 other words that are related to or similar to half-step listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "half-step" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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