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light bad badly best negatively ill illumination fusil stink canard eye-strain Airy sprinkle drizzle abuse doze ratty firelight crank crosspatch grouch brush lightish vice villain peck malodorous tumbledown tip fault grumpy sconce scherzando egregious horribly tonga pale worse air get up on the wrong side of the bed c in hot water low screech bulb cranky cloud in a bind crab baddie negative curmudgeon mismatch cacoethes gallant disreputable searchlight out of sorts -escent
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shot dark break flashlight mormal woebegone desperate ON act up flash flick carbine leak apologist unhealthy sailplane collation miff phototropism grace screwup [or] screw-up ill-natured high glaring neutrality far gone wreck knock unfortunate misconception strop petrol wretch tantrum pack stream dreary dys- leman moonsail farcical ultraviolet prismatic on the spot nimbly sacred have seen better days at least secure sulky shine stench breeze fawn foil skim unsound shabby chasseur infamous gleam glimmer overlight skylight machine pistol kiss tinkle glim straw color pearl biscuit globe lamplight caf� au lait [or] cafe au lait sour duster cariole in dire straits twinkle skiff bite snack phosphorescence migraine awfully hemeralopia demerit worst flare black-hearted come to grief unfavorable in lightly designer javelin asterism silver iodide scotoscope roe arrant serious SHAPE put-up frank free night blindness disrepair critique proud arc lamp weather challis Pilsener incandescent lamp banger in a bad way get into harpy cat smelly straw repair misplay ill-tempered wrong unspeakable misuse deplorable dilapidated hovel ropy chiaroscuro honk froth brightly tatty beat up egg heavy on the skids get out of bed on the wrong side pilot be like a bear with a sore head worth corrupt twitter parsimony expensive kite commitment guerdon ill-famed baggage shocker mockery rotter grump Mal rough misrule mala fide exquisite way resentment harden sorry disgruntle slum craft disport flit Madras lunch humour ropeable facility crayon phototaxis flesh caper excellent covetous behind the eight ball Junker hardy shelter throw your toys out of the pram cross in a tight corner terrible double fault wicked minus beam lightning Cerenkov radiation mischance dimly grimalkin skunk infamy name and shame stinking plight pity austerity grandiose blame game sweatshop perfect storm slump lighting salmon fair cinnamon catnap stoplight azure glare orchid Scone bone drowse crepe café au lait cockleshell giggle chink cot nosh hazel puff pastry view vengeance jacklight spin odor jade shaft imperfection mood dilemma catchlight shadow devil jar jig filter penny mis- taint shrew defect Pigs abet misshapen unchancy any port in a storm dismally in deep doo-doo resent skulk doing terribly revenge in the wrong place at the wrong time to crown it all nimble implicate bold owly charpoy ray confederate champagne Lt jinx alexandrite burley stealth romantic comedy fruit cocktail in the soup have a strop on off battle-scarred massacre narky petulant on the rack up against a/the wall at a low ebb back/paint oneself into a corner ill-used naughty over a barrel ropable hurt nasty descend to severely in good/bad with pump murky degenerate leggiero rockaway discolor spot cheesy parnel lower accomplice grouchy beating add insult to injury shortcoming fall into something drubbing baddy badly off in bad nick execrable tangled dodgy in tatters sick weak spotty tangled up in something bat atrocious crap spoil in a pinch bad off omnishambles heap in/into the tank at a pinch grumble fiendish spit (out) the dummy silver lining let up mishit flat be up to no good there is a God! buy naught bought (just) one of those days miserably act thumping surly errant bitchy out of harm’s way dumper in an unfavorable light be in a bad way ramshackle overshoe edgy misery stick/stand out like a sore thumb histrionic enslave crotchety look on the bright side misbehave flivver critically ham mitigation queer laughable sadly discoloration overhead courtesy light brilliant funboard track harness effleurage lantern airily gaily snivel pulwar account dim view error of judgment down a pretty pass donkey splitting headache predicament buster catastrophe swine fish varmint CATS combat babalaas churl maladjustment niff spleen shellacking whiffy ill effect badder misdeed rue-bargain outrageous imminent shrewd cac- shank run-down beat-up baroque sordid in/out of shape in good, bad, etc. repair flyblown thick crabbed at risk fleabitten in good/bad repair seedy moth-eaten dumpy magnesium honky-tonk favela reflect come back descent flicker light-horseman noise poorly aperture light-footed shining fill–in light pong languor poeticule ingle doxy in danger in the doghouse double whammy run the risk (of something) be in sb's shoes chip run cronk be in/get into a (real) state trade-off practice teetering on the brink/edge (of something) pretty blatant setting misfeature misarrangement bad lot louse no–good brew rogue bate bum steer vagrancy battle set phase conniption chemotaxic make the fur fly fall into the trap of doing something come under sth waffle indisposition waste of time waste of money awful scene clanger burn up repute bind churlish pho currish mal-effect schoolmarm blunder fit bad break fire-barrow misadventure incident ray silhouette douchey card impinge on/upon pothole turnover balance court vulture deadlight wilful misconduct rolling tackle react wind up grasping at straws inveterate consequence rash barefaced overactive sorehead malaise a disaster waiting to happen paint/draw/present a grim picture perpetrate truculent propensity blissfully miserable go wrong photoresist battledore bed book photon fast luminosity tempo scillin supper phototonus lase photogen excuse mischievous interlucation bateau float Moselle luminaire laugh saucy fly rod dome light fire shuttlecock friar rose–colored tulle faint electroluminescence whall quinotannic acid scull sandal tiffin key light hussar frolic chota hazri down-at-the-heels adviser clean-up derogatory fall down get your hooks into someone morose omen slip into the big bad wolf seriously be/fall prey to condemn checkered past go into beyond description malapportionment fixer-upper false memory syndrome insinuation leave your/its mark on sb/sth mark mercy slip into sth enabler turn sth upside down the specter of (something) trade sth off antonym loser half-light shallop reinterpret volante polythene superluminally scintillate argon circle shade winkle darkly girasol green tea skippingly bezel delicately thumri throw bagatelle semitranslucent cantilena the dark phycobilisome trass sunray zone banter contingency criminal clean up abnormal defy description epidemic fuck over fucked up fall to bits/pieces get out of the right/wrong side of bed done for pull round puppy farm of biblical proportions prey separate the wheat from the chaff cacology gay bicker God/heaven forbid requite face up to snarky down-at-heel let someone down gently drip, drip(, drip) hard–pressed fixer–upper bad ball Godesberg unworthy between the devil and the deep blue sea appalling blessing alarmist have someone to thank (for something) mardie misery guts broken–down with/without distinction conspire bad mind knock on wood in the clear hate misconduct portend leonine scare shambles on the ropes threat supreme cri de coeur stoke touch wood provide against sth snarl relieve shockingly like a lamb to the slaughter plunge into sneak sign augur salvation feel sorry for (someone) fall back on/upon mal élevé horror story get out of bed (on) the wrong side breeding ground bad-tempered clampdown forlorn have a lot/too much to lose have had your chips notoriety out with a critical eye separate the sheep from the goats storm-jib warning grossly black mark pip reduce sb to sth condemned conflict of interest(s) reflect on sb/sth humanitarian crack down grandiloquence infamously snitch come to a bad end make the best of a bad job catch up with cardinal sin face take misdemeanour tub miscast sullen sad the (Great) Depression bilious ventilator hardened hump repay get out of bed on the wrong side (or US get up on the wrong side of the bed) misform be sunk smoky obscure featherweight lightweight for good and for ill black–and–white photodecomposition murk counterchange flashgun dominant wavelength antique brass rubrene nightlight flash photography cameo blue on its last legs indecent photograph well/badly brave the elements cartridge uplighter riding-light black hat photophore particularly fettle devilish for fear of (doing) something in good/excellent/bad etc nick rudely screwed gulag timeworn bum dissipated wretched back is to/against the wall tort cook jalopy broken-down ruin dicky tacky abysmally abysmal through thick and thin severe frothy halo moon out of the frying pan (and) into the fire walk a tightrope dioptric land on one's feet tarty setup crackdown fall on one's feet bleach spit underexpose gray wedge peltast idioretinal light flyweight turn robot notebook computer lilac canadol nockerl calypso luminescent beige blaze U.S. Army buff kit tick topcoat comedietta carriole citrine barouchet light up put notebook red light bob puff bengola sevres blue tripping carbon light bit shell bitten candlelight spoof glow refection ashy fluorescent vitry jasmine red light camp chair flurry plash skit touch strobe stroke bottine tan snag roll on satinet put something out green shimmer zephyr dab blond wheat turquoise green alabaster bop camis exposure meter falconet glimpse light middleweight dove grey light (sth) up tank waft scamper runabout snooze lightness ulsterette shell pink galliot gale laurel green sendal jade green light welterweight flutter flesh colour caramel cutter cruiserweight biting bob apple green stand tap turn something out nimbus stop light manila opaline green jiggle gray ultramarine ash longcloth balsa carryall clap Boston rod calcium cleg primrose voile pit euphemize pull pliable unregenerate redevelopment chronic halitosis budmash bummer

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Words For "in a bad light"

As you've probably noticed, words for "in a bad light" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "in a bad light" are: light, bad, badly, best, and negatively. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to in a bad light listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "in a bad light" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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