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light disadvantage ill airy disapprove around flicker polariscope bad pale unfriendly disadvantageous polarimeter window chiaroscuro adverse dawn photophobia reflection inauspicious negative pilot lamp lightish up highlight flare twinkle phototaxis dark animadversion drizzle black mark illumination implicate halo contrary dimmer prejudice arc lamp nimble disaster dim foul photometer criticism aperture discharge tube white wrong notorious brickbat inimical leak
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worse filament searchlight sconce firelight ray Black photoelectric cell pumice luminary glare unsuccessful badly notoriety mirror strike light bulb report reflex tropism ill fame diffuse hunker studdingsail patronize nyctalopia untoward penumbra discountenance worst otheoscope shade lantern shadow flashlight black hole Pan Tonga scherzando partisan illuminate limelight brush c strand find scotoscope xerography cross led aureole halftone mercury-vapor lamp astigmatism sailplane fruit cocktail adversity clerestory condenser opalescent ominous fair lighten inhospitable chatoyant candle scintillation sentence tanning bed sunroof silhouette submicroscopic screw over luminous flash -escent field artillery foreboding lighting condemn diaphragm conservative hurricane lamp persist halation unflattering hemeralopia face shaft augur spectacle sinister phototropism hag lightly scotopia twilit Fresnel mirrors wall-eye disfavorable chlorosis lightness influx tolerance downside apprehensive supper moor fly-cast port cut lite box lunch white cedar undesirable brow refraction mirage imponderable bright optic brilliant candlepower infortune progress shine pump inactive spectrometer lightning laser deflection stream lithium violet ray disport checkered nimbly air farcical misfortune prismatic night vision beacon unprepossessing unpropitious ultraviolet kinesis dilemma poor moonsail unpresentable umbra nimbus divertimento bulb hickey opaque chasseur lamp liable real persistence censure lens kaboom mezzotint floodlight glory persistency beryllium indispose disadvantaged photogenic lt corona apprehension twilight wick nouvelle cuisine pejorative critic photophilous flasher Chinese cabbage directional will-o'-the-wisp reflecting telescope overexposure quantum dulcimer phosphoroscope actinograph spectrophotometer obscure arc light incompatible birefringence luminescence insurance doom windbound wart photokinesis gleam scan glow victoria squint photocopy holophote Belisha beacon licht sodium-vapour lamp casework pastel polychromatic malpractice phosphorescence abat-jour zonk spectroheliograph retinoscope probability wigwag touch fame decussate throw gammy malign subdued thwart impropitious unhappy favorless reflector trachyte blue-blindness kettledrum countershading wave theory Scone rose-coloured rainbow orange hostile bole rusk pilot light contrarious blond brightly glitter froth krypton xeroradiography landing light transilluminate turbidimeter radiant aura impressionism skylight spectrum table banter magnesium courtesy light color photophore kite eclipse eriometer aspersion pantograph afterglow thick photography phenacetin caper duck daylight madras tamp fusil skim lunch green tea flit daybreak firefly crayon exitus foil twinkling plight involve lyric occluder luminiferous cant Cerenkov radiation siderite spit line albedo Blue liquid crystal dome light spectroscope ethereal slant veery girasol humorize rod cell unfortunate the short end of the stick averse diffraction headlight spotlight awkward fate unwholesome fifty-fifty aberration rotten derogatory low sour unkindly carbon-light photophone refracting telescope incandescence tachyon business park chopper globe astrometer folly moonglade photocell friar's lantern actinometer deficit circular dichroism chat spore toss-up nightlight uplighter consume star shell featherweight lightweight pessimistic smoky fawn unpromising strange hyperspace idle giveback balloon sail enlighten aurora amusette blaze l blackmail off-putting quick–lunch light meter Reeperbahn SPAD lit strip light mass arc sunstroke rhabdom lights marker bomb pyrrhic low wattage struthiomimus klieg light atrium safari suit etalon heliostat insinuation chemiluminescence skeleton Brouilly ether cast girasole lunette illuminator rigadoon iceblink wedge spectrograph pupil photophobe photopile disease cement smart sensitivity camera photovoltaic romantic semidormancy secondary dormancy social polyscope brush block despotism light-coloured light-toned lumen image starry–eyed mesopic discommendable sweep luminoscope stauroscope fifty–fifty disfavor shoe hardy backhand latent ambiguity Daventry blocky tint favorable burley photoplethysmograph luminous moss luck lumin- sensual luci- phos- ruby laser gloom photo- lgt luciform leggiero left-hand wicked gleamy dyslogistic uncongenial insalutary luminarist extravaganza photoallergy torchlight backlight metro koro dark current retinal detachment walking crane petticoat pointing Hellas passing light flush paleleaf false dawn catadioptric blackout deuteranopia falconet diffuser shading Drummond autokinesis scotophilic sun lamp taxis broad increase daltonism direct–vision spectroscope putt kernite rutaecarpine galanterie double refraction collimator polarization belles lettres cruiserweight systrophe phenothiazine bathe irradiance safety blue jet moonbow ray diagram photorespiration tirailleur protanopia latent image interferometer Elysium green-blindness red-blindness chemical ray fluorescence microscope strobe lighting light valve opening empress tree exposure meter gas arc gamma ray trace rim lighting counterintuitive death light stillstand tragedy electric torch electronic flash translucent occulter mutagen droplight allegretto medium snivel pulwar ultralight presentment now pilot funboard catch the light be (as) light as a feather showerproof overhead safe lamp white wine camera lucida light-like lightsome thin slight against gaily wheatish shadow line flying spot colure supernova spirituel twitter effleurage fair-haired airily track harness integrating sphere colour diapause middle article stria helixometer catchlight primary minimum summer time D'Oyly Carte Balaklava Swan, Sir Joseph Wilson Majorana effect Doppler effect stipple red reflex sunrise annulus crease photofabrication tropophilous sunset spot lens stratification nicotine Balaclava left-handed hitch Anglepoise illness embarrassment malignant insalubrious iodopsin hue blow toile de Jouy radiosity nastic movement print nephelometer chromium accolade light well flash-lamp virtual image superposition eye four–way switch almond willow mutarotation Florida water electro–optics rosemary seraph electric eye mask lateral thinking calcium fan absence eyeshine grating photogram rhodopsin refractive error morgan Airy disk detect Photronic cold cathode tenebrescence tallow automatic neon dilation shelving pyronaphtha ca tritanopia symphonette photorefractive iris phenylbutazone dieldrin scintilloscope educational sociology Bren gun rack electronography thermal diffusion miosis kedge corposant special pleading attack dash light luncheon light guide eye ambay astrophotometer absorbance photonosus quirk lucimeter light speed fusilier dogsleep glowworm motor scooter tremor foregleam phototachometer photoallergic puff projector popover spar deck heliotropism spill palouser etamine fluorescent electric light fire striker easy white opal light-horseman optics shining fill–in light phasm photoconvert night-light pickup light-footed resonance fluorescence marker effective aperture refractive system persienne burn carbon arc mercury arc frequency day blindness Chinese fire drill feng-shui phase baffle talkative infrared photography retardance static marks incandescent light bulb pyrophotometer ice axe parachute light box white mulberry auroral tachyscope butternut minimax ignis fatuus lightbulb southern-tinted trass sunray zone skippingly bezel delicately thumri bagatelle russet peck aflame cantilena silvery trip the dark coruscate jacklight semitranslucent pallid phycobilisome wane saucy wan fly rod fire-barrow tulle laugh luminaire Moselle float revise puff pastry radiation view fire night blindness photosensory rose–colored interlucation photometrician bateau breeze shuttlecock friar persiflate sprinkle luminosity photoresist pastry sick tone scillin lightproof straw-colored waffle lace fast geodesic lase historical criticism mango showers patter interlucate light-heeled phototonus self-luminous battledore bed book photogen photon spar small-talking panchromatic outblaze tempo roadster seeing act argon winkle scintillate superluminally owly-eyed polythene volante reinterpret dimly shallop half-light darkly first light dermatopsy circle Labyrinthici pleochroism retinoscopy photodecomposition quinotannic acid scull sandal tiffin incident ray key light hussar fluffy dress up frolic chota hazri dilute iridescent whall faint dawning erythrism photophilic electroluminescence black–and–white Entomophthoraceae overall stigmatism Newtonian telescope racket magnitude normal dispersion space reddening loophole Gregorian telescope tenebrism optical microscope re-examination perilla oil heavyweight moonshine day length hand spectroscope dominant wavelength Hanukkah early ambulation albuminometer come free run inflection deodar Lippmann process Vega fringe Young's experiment enlightened hardihood lamplighter photopathy interdotting reflecter signal pluteus pellicle Polaroid actinometry electric frothy flashgun halo moon working sail dioptric filter rubrene counterchange drop cord riding-light cartridge idioretinal peltast underexpose flash photography contrast gray wedge bleach focus lamp elves galaxy hang-glider vision tibourbou intervention sled absorptance Saint Elmo's fire photomultiplier romp phenomenon blazar concurrence tungsten infinity whip telescope bar solonchak young Geissler tube radiophotograph roof prism reverse spelling barn door gastroscope focus planet

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Words For "in an unfavorable light"

As you've probably noticed, words for "in an unfavorable light" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "in an unfavorable light" are: light, disadvantage, ill, airy, and disapprove. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to in an unfavorable light listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "in an unfavorable light" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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