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light good best well illumination doze fusil reputable Airy drizzle sprinkle fit firelight up searchlight cheery peck aluminum tip brush lightish trim manichee air dark better scherzando rally tonga pale skylight betimes sound lampoon c joking virtue maintain bulb fawn ill flare upkeep asterism luckily reasonably -escent stream load bona fide well-preserved timely arrant neutrality flashlight shine fine illegitimate In flash carbine skim sailplane gleam kiss collation cariole
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twinkle phototropism snack lighting jacklight reward wassail polysulfide rubber fizzle respectable touch sulky goodly night blindness illustrate vol-au-vent right binary hale well-liking sitting pretty banter spar unhealthy moonsail farcical ultraviolet prismatic nimbly covetous judiciously bon voyage Bristol fashion twitter kite honest stead breeze charity foil flit dimly goody chasseur regulate within reason glimmer overlight glossy machine pistol satisfactory tinkle well–off pearl glim straw color biscuit globe duster lamplight caf� au lait [or] cafe au lait skiff g put phosphorescence repute rightly handsome flicker fair hemeralopia glare stoplight waggish chink tiffin optimist lightly enjoy javelin good graces up to snuff feel oneself good faith at least tune-up settle feel like oneself silver iodide well-off welloff effeminate resentment on one's mettle renovation scotoscope roe sport ray arc lamp weather scalpel beacon sunlamp challis Pilsener fruit cocktail incandescent lamp worth positively spoof dense chiaroscuro froth brightly agree time specialty fond pilot roast in the pink in trim middling flesh tastefully adios overburden progress proud revenge critique excel spalpeen disport Madras lunch phototaxis crayon caper keep bonanza bobbish sensibly swim well-meaning inspiration picture ball jol lightning Cerenkov radiation chaff advantage moron cream puff heroine illuminate aperture throw pert last jolly silhouette character cinnamon salmon result azure bite catnap Scone hot orchid cockleshell drowse café au lait crepe bone giggle amity nosh cot hazel egg puff pastry battledore view gd girasol repair trass keep up shaft grandiose merit catchlight guerdon jig a clean bill of health filter buddy catch bluff pure exquisite seaworthy strong the Ivy League nimble harden minion hearty charpoy beam camaraderie blaze puff be laughing benefit snooze bob dab blond durable positive clap balsa be sitting pretty benignant pay josh covet resent copybook thrift make conviviality champagne conversationalist sharpshooter abet deficiency lt rod alexandrite burley pavilion floodlight photo- low romantic comedy spotlight droll checker spectrophotometer nuncheon i tone shooting star brat sidelight divertimento buggy jeu d'esprit fogbow lamp pea green glimmering pilot lamp jingle sponge rubber persiflage (sitting) in the catbird seat healthy chipper well–liking pump wrong part leggiero stand out from the crowd gruntle reliably bankrupt off fabulously be cooking with gas on one's feet strike (it) lucky grace cheerful in good/bad with wisely upstanding lekker set-fair to good/great/fine/outstanding effect mercifully calligrapher good-humoured chirpy ethically moist overhead courtesy light brilliant funboard gaily effleurage airily track harness lantern pulwar snivel award word tasteful snuffer snuff match-fit work ethic competitive swum clean swam magnesium speciality in good/excellent/bad etc nick caller well-kept trig fitted early trimmer fiddle crummy fair-conditioned healthily bought tired rupture to good purpose to no good purpose fortunately hunky exceptional good-natured balanced cead mile failte sit pretty light-horseman fair-faced nick raggedy taut glad in good nick high-class fitting trimming beneficent quartful all is well hold up tolerably commendation glorify have much to commend it the rub of the green twit silver lining well–grounded too good to be true all-around unfortunately light-footed all right buy gloomy reputation there is a God! when the chips are down ornery high-maintenance adiaphorous story superb aloha A-OK ripe for something land on your feet kia ora fill–in light shining fitter feet pukka functional (as) fit as a fiddle (as) fit as a flea high-grade phat tickety-boo sturdy necessity well-placed transform look on the bright side lean have it made storybook den land on one's feet black fall on one's feet virtuous circle office waffle festive fire-barrow jocose incident ray mediocrity account gradely phototonus fast photoresist lase photogen scillin bed book photon luminosity tempo supper fly rod dome light bateau fire Moselle shuttlecock rose–colored float friar luminaire laugh saucy tulle interlucation argon polythene volante reinterpret shallop half-light green tea darkly superluminally winkle shade scintillate circle electroluminescence whall chota hazri frolic hussar key light sandal faint scull quinotannic acid delicately bagatelle thumri semitranslucent cantilena the dark phycobilisome skippingly sunray zone bezel smoky obscure featherweight lightweight drink hail law of demand high road black–and–white incentive wage photodecomposition in with a shout well–thought–of billy tune bounce aikane gloss showy solid family name strength favourable leather hit mensch fun that's a thought an offer someone can’t refuse big time smart move nice idea unexplained ripper fair name good name eudaemon samaritan counterchange flashgun dominant wavelength antique brass rubrene nightlight cameo blue riding-light cartridge uplighter flash photography photophore tort frothy halo moon healthy-looking thick dioptric worst in good, bad, etc. repair silly shipshape terrifically quart in one's prime in/out of shape O.K. peart sprightly chronic square dodgy just idioretinal peltast gray wedge bleach underexpose spit in good/bad repair chirk sorted wealthy timeous favor turn lilac notebook computer beige tick light flyweight robot U.S. Army buff calypso notebook kit topcoat light up nockerl barouchet citrine canadol carriole sconce luminescent comedietta well-conditioned union card superintendent candlelight glow bitten bit carbon light flurry fluorescent tripping sevres blue bengola ashy snag vitry light bob stroke shell roll on refection red tan jasmine bottine red light strobe camp chair flick skit plash poorly descent four-in-hand goodo galliot apple green biting cruiserweight cutter caramel flesh colour flutter light welterweight jade green stand shell pink ulsterette lightness runabout scamper gale sendal waft laurel green light (sth) up light middleweight falconet exposure meter camis bop green dove grey glimpse satinet shimmer zephyr wheat turquoise green alabaster put something out longcloth tap carryall turn something out Boston rod calcium cleg manila primrose voile stop light nimbus opaline green jade jiggle gray ultramarine ash decent gooding heavy neat gd. kapai god G & S gode lack meet your match look stylistic ground have the wind at your back happy accomplished trade-off excellent pedigreed sin goer Churchillian speed laster setting balloon sail set prosperous weak–minded cake shot law pocket piece make a favourable impression (on someone) eking light-toned light-coloured lutein train-road field-gun approval mesopic photogenic shiny play damned if you do, and damned if you don’t good-living gastronome blush cheap be well in with bloom good-length first lieutenant hard good-humoredly country gentleman land/fall on your feet shark Pollyanna flush lagniappe have it made in the shade hold together puerile simpleton white cabriolet project in (or out of) contention win-win imprecate actionable character witness heart-throb bring sth to the party red packet judgmatically well-disposed leggieramente reverberation profile carbon box spinmeister breeding all very well to have had a good innings guid in luck incompetent apropos just as well uneducated savor return workmanlike soldierly high–grade a good egg rage penetrating flavor belter fluke well–wish commonweal unskilled tenacious fortunate unwarranted brick cheerio beneficial humour well–bred quids in skol get on dear plight flying start condenser motherly familiar recommend do-naught (it's) just as well (that) well educated saint quiverful brainwave companionable chin-chin gourmand opportunity memorious justify solecism grip a place in the sun commend cause good-tempered good-day senseless lumin- value livable bankruptcy hero crisis of confidence buff barefaced kindly well–placed yarak show dreamer propense phenomenal originality soundly leonine therapeutic pay dividends know your stuff seamed bright-eyed (and bushy-tailed) efficiency expense get one's life together tidy break a leg cross–fertilize with/without distinction sure-footed bet be on the right track sleek silver-tongued morsel color integrity golden celebrate colonic irrigation ex facie palette grim gentlewoman bonhomie fit for a king good neighbourly righteous have a nice day peridinin urge gawsie for old times' sake goodwill literate nothing ventured, nothing gained people skills ragamuffinly be well/ideally positioned roadworthy pleasing rattletrap service stable syrupy idealism sugary trade sth off proficient pleasantry splendid outstanding shaky pallid on top of the world omen be well in there behave bind straight-to-video cloying fill rebuild unsaleable antonym be thankful/grateful for small mercies thrive connoisseur comedown clean bill of lading wasted discharge gang separate the wheat from the chaff structural analysis respect trusty style harrumph copy incapable jabroni have someone to thank (for something) get out of the right/wrong side of bed luck illogical wear well what’s not to like? commodity standard

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Words For "in a good light"

As you've probably noticed, words for "in a good light" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "in a good light" are: light, good, best, well, and illumination. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to in a good light listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "in a good light" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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