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lay eye superimpose apply impose set upend ground around foot found flatfish laid put overlay spread deep-set ignite repose inflammable inflame hand flammable parget charge sloe-eyed enkindle fire visor table mount mizzen disarm stargazer rest perch blinder interlay gaffer shore deposit plank touch esteem bed stress fasten broody tine depone lie relay cap convergence superpose foresail pig-eyed binocular store mine plant oculate Land depose belay
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file embark ledge staysail wager press pile hammerhead premise lap look establish peal price saucer devastate cradle stare embargo couch goggle attach nonflammable fix story tormentor catch owl victual wage royal linotype tariff blow surcharge glass kindle heap havoc spectacle prescribe siege green-eyed eyeless prostrate peeper laicize appraise pedestal onset slat institute burn desolate blue-eyed stool stalk-eyed oviposit block flag horse seize Bug line bug-eyed right whale dossier ceremonial automatic pilot keyboard topgallant close-set substrate underlay varnish enter allay wide-set sod incense attack potty devaluate lookdown daylight ley topsail excise digger wasp thick wicket key hound baby blue beleaguer spawn expose lodge pillow case law hyperopia layman place uncover furlough hay deplume shelve tax chart sick ceiling bent sally start tailgate edge closed eyer almond-eyed ox-eyed switch bare unclose agate grass pig–eyed feast pink-eyed outlay play incentive profess step firmware catboat string hey head appreciate ewe-neck main-topsail ruff tabulate dormer Storey doom cat rig mark hoard crab platform tender-eyed videodisc main yard present save constitute dial console re-lay prehend throne forestaysail tread engineer parole assessment pogo stick rap thunder expound eyewear change underpin ingrain strip dovecote nail heart position eyeglass fore-topsail make card denude base slumber palette expend love Cross contain approach railway pyromania fixate take cheek lewd contact lens get accent latch eyed hit paper misplace music draw the line kajal reader worldly challenge nightjar unlock besiege mislay baby blues bright-eyed black-eyed hollow-eyed ply optic wink load eyghen plat red octonocular moist staff binoculate eghen eyen finger clap forwaste bridge Podophthalmia disclose pave frown blindfold pop-eyed misty–eyed downcast popeyed Alar cannon fireproof jib dandy function key property conflagrate underestimate riser stigmatize studdingsail buffet bleary-eyed rate ran beset theory reseat cock carillon goggle-eyed enfire screen frame reburden hack domain shock halcyon trout hent door extent emphasize level apart burden sidelong slater ballast course end stand beady barn concrete mat gastrolith explicate resolve secular registration number rack battery place setting notepad teary mist butt self hot chisel collocate ideology Leif Ericsson go to sea appoint equity decretal par hit the road (or North American trail) caster time-limit stir podophthalmous trip fall on/upon sth Argus lig relayer ophthalmologist legge laying regular lay local impaste bank conjuration stock spreadsheet whip darning reel ship objectivism lay race sole cat shark knock ravage ataunto burn alive rubber light brand iron accend filmset relight intend start off stalder anneal key grip pole trap artemon begrudge strikeout valuate tail envy maintopsail extol start out rekindle solitaire pitch take out taxidermist pinnacle Seth prick forehead off cheekbone bloodshot dwell eyeshade clerk settle Ross seal flathead affix arrogate fence inshore fall on eyes out on stalks glue fruit fly autogeny Soka Gakkai road oil blame turnip sawfly paint faro eyecup glazier stalk–eyed settle on temple sinistral unfocused glimmer face easy arrest sessile-eyed ogle cuatro–ojos shiner the windows of the soul beaux yeux cavernous jangle take off quinquagene lea demand lye conversus bet invest shuttle race denudate do fang hand-laying returf uplay forelay lay in pretend lay-over rail catamaran calibration take to the road (or take the road) tend stigmatic riff atilt goad flame blogosphere grip holocaust raise the ante jibstay stave tarre take ship tag cruet Stedman customer base tourist class up the ante disposition inflamed whatnot fore–topsail picture well-order balance beam haplotype tind morrow elastic sides translate commentary six-pack skew devalue depart shoot cast up ophthalmology blinker stalk–eyed fly barred owl beholder autoptic wrinkle eye socket vergence goggle-eye lobster Kawasaki disease shrew trochlear eyelash heredity sheephook how-to encroach grapple goatsucker sting sight transmission rope off-bearer reflect bluebottle turtle hatch denounce congruent reel barge flour beetle flatbed scanner declare plan race-board soft lay mosquito dung beetle a bad workman always blames his tools banket tangible sermon torsel eyebrow left right order American plaice fly-by-night skin tag eye gaze generate marching orders cupola discretionary predicate frogging mannequin lay by lay something up put by substruct iceboat chaser stone funnel photofit (picture) private eye inflict encradle unroll unclothe insist underground scarify unclasp blueprint unclad pipelay depredate plaster machinate tallage cast about doff lamp Redding blinkingly ocular fire-eyed brimful nictate dove–eyed blinking alipata blink senocular octophthalmous MEGO squeeze one's eyes shut (or closed) pinky postocular poison tree agoggled open-eyed exoculate cross-eyed small-eyed slit–eyed supraocular ardent yellow-eyed grey-eyed fire–eyed interocular milky mangrove accentuate impel have one's heart set on (something) island undertake plot scaffold big-eyed clear-eyed oculated polyommatous googly blinding tree cross-eye gangwa sloe–eyed moon-eyed blue–eyed shine be riveted on/to someone/something forecastle black–and–tan bull's–eye rot stealth bomber heck gecko dreamy head-up display right-eyed flounder rest on sb/sth rex sole ray all eyes are on sb/sth Turkish Van dewy-eyed tetramorph tear gas Bothidae blood clam saccade Siamese cat bull's-eye fruit bat come to rest heterosomati haggard arrowtooth flounder telescope fly Malacostraca ring-tailed lemur kewpie io fasten on fix on Pipunculidae make-up pince-nez elegiac horopter kiss curl obstetrician spit curl sweatband cicada choir waterboard rotor spritsail comprehension space fiction church work spin storm mizzen buckle handset reship variate prop jewel running range record roost run ignition skysail Dungeons and Dragons broadside gofer tablet crest flat radome flush ceremony gradin expansion ideological gondola aesthetic code of practice tare be anchored in something chain saw capstone index card diagonal club drop corbie-step donnée density rule dower house first-day cover hut-keep hut-keeper gel bon voyage encyclopedia [or] encyclopaedia netiquette ratting match spider pensile spiritually–minded bait brig collective cassette flip shogi printout truck unilateral map reference tooth reeding reset margin release idgah ring watch Rollerblade water butt diamondwork crossjack blocking cycle grid reference coaxial bass drill press steady fire-raft band bucksaw initiate instigate lander pole-trap ledger line valuation duplex ring fore and aft square sail imprint spike flat key slate ransom mainsail album bunch copestone protocol ear syndrome epigraph cult flying jib way station cannon stove card index first gear feet layout rink rocking chair reservationist race-day traps run-and-gun role expectation road reserve shifter situational linkage group high rollaway slipcase se-tenant integrated circuit script sool reed organ style sheet flats flatter formularism vector religion rationale home page formula investing gradation scratchpad panel ambigu insoul spiritual-minded booby trap frame of reference condition apartment debt ceiling booby-trap sic cheval-de-frise visible speech turn over to sett burying beetle ophion enjoin fan-tan veer chanter skid Asoka Chakra ridge tiling cast hopscotch index Franciscan frankalmoign exigent besayle nest frost Pilatus bodhisattva lash Scolia marching camp chest of drawers reveal flatten devour detect salt away rule put something out enucleate blew inescate harry ware ophthalmic squint-eyed scheme trave pull-to streak squat sess draw measure put someone down bond beat crock medium lay dispend unplight shift pipeline layer put down rest area demolish unbreast agaze wandering ocularist gaze algebra slit-eyed cross–eye misty seen skive dimmy seeing glint tear lidded beady-eyed see sermonize quell shotgun laity laic impropriate chine claim countermine destroy prefer conjure garner inlay parquet refresh waste keypad bottom knuckle joint open–eyed gazelle–eyed ophthalmo- focus buck-eyed

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Words For "lay/set eyes on"

As you've probably noticed, words for "lay/set eyes on" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "lay/set eyes on" are: lay, eye, superimpose, apply, and impose. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to lay/set eyes on listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "lay/set eyes on" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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