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charm magic conjure spell invocation incantation paternoster necromancy magician formulary conjuration magical sorcery formulate mojo mantra glamour enchantment Ali Baba enchantress wizard wizardry rune bewitch theurgy black art formula enchant witchcraft black magic formularize superstition presto witch trick sciopticon abracadabra diablerie fairy thaumaturgy exorcism voodoo curse theorem prestidigitation magically sleight of hand warlock stereopticon sortilege form formulize
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wand legerdemain conjurer hey presto Genie deviltry demonomagy witch doctor magick formulation enchanted sorcerer juju formule Malay tricks magical circle magical square hybrid tee baby milk express potion metamorphosis Credo structure formula prayer hoodoo index gramarye FORTRAN ligature magic wand structural formula illusionist occult magical realism trade secret molecular formula magian talisman magical realist wise grimoire recipe terpene binomial theorem infant formula baby formula fantasy alkane bottle shaman lantern doxology invoke shroom conjury makutu moly zombie lantern slide enchanter fairy tale the black arts derivation pentagram thaumaturge devilry creed philter open sesame formulaic medicine Aladdin superstitious k mnemonic cantrip conjuror stardust multiplication pishogue alkyl topos white magic alchemy phantasmagoria cursed conjure up cast homeopathic magic warlockry mush sympathetic magic divine hocus-pocus alcohol amen empirical formula hex formulas prescription Berzelian formula graphic formula fructose routine chromite glucose constitutional formula formulae space formula octane stereo formula spellbind Nibelung turn into isomer recursion naphthene the occult charmed acetylcholine sincerely ether diterpene open chain azine nigromancy apotropaism mandrake fairy godmother alakazam powwow under a spell sacred mushroom art liberty cap cookie mystic fakir magnesiochromite heptane Hermes Trismegistus F1 the witching hour aldoxime US trioxide hexachlorophene cresol f residual rule law hiccius doccius alkene neurine by magic spellworking lib charmful Indian sign onyx alkyne tantra crystal ball sigil acyl potassium permanganate charming sesquiterpene stoichiometric secret triazine medicine man rational sucrose hill cortisone silane phosphane asymptotic naphthol natron Grand Prix propene h2o like break the spell elf hellbroth cultural anthropology azurite Palmer kainite chalcopyrite magic word paraffin levitate screen benzene hackwork acridine obeah rune-staff necromancer supernatural presto chango wonderland farse toluic acid almandine philosopher magic-wand disenchant canny johnson rainstone Excalibur fascination love mercaptan legalism pixie jadeite spellwork toxaphene symmetrical butyric acid decision problem happen legalistic formulistic cycloalkene phthalic acid state thiol tantalite Agate gadolinite acetylene preparation fluoxetine adiabatic aldoketene universal carbanion starch dualistic formula projection formula ethylene terpineol pyrimidine myth magic-lanternist cabalistic cunning pentane dolomite chrysoberyl opal toluidine slide diabolism cast a spell on/over someone brujo synecdochism prophesy rainmaker chalice pass mirror doctor hellcat white witch prestigiation spellbinding spelt methylprednisolone cycloparaffin meprobamate mescaline propidium corticosterone unformulable phosphinate quinamicine hexane ring formula szomolnokite trust term organometal adiponitrile cementite androsterone please polymethylene sugar carotene Flint quinolizine generalize selenite flavone carboxyl carbonyl ester formularizable mix phosphorous acid spelling thymine urethane aspartame canonical oath spiropentane decidability hydrogen bromide alum blend olivenite reduce perspective formula imitative magic charmed life under someone's spell reconjure stir the supernatural whammy palm black mass gnome muti arouse broomstick book sorceress Elkesaite transmogrify magic spell baloi romance raise unwitch soothsayer evoke golem Kekulé formula wish call up chromatrope exorcise exist ritual magic wile suffumigation moloi poof ley line leprechaun fetish goety divination wuxia witch-doctor wise man spellbound prophecy philtre demonry distributive principle telluride cut–and–dried segmental okenite tabun prefactor species pentahydrite mucilage neptunite meyerhofferite metformin mirabilite glorification aluminite disulphide dioxide puromycin chlorous acid atrazine irreducible formulization so saccharin primaquine quadrihydrate propanedioic acid piperonal melamine methadone integration by parts iterate thebaine evaluate monoxide pancuronium phosphoenolpyruvate phenylephrine prenex propoxur propanone aegirine decane ubi sunt recursive amide thorium dioxide sodium chlorate barbituric acid pyrethrin asymptotic formula cytosine methaqualone dotriacontane ethanediol diethylstilbestrol quinamine Hero's formula just lead chromate nitric oxide mestranol methanol permanganic acid pethidine phosphoric acid rock crystal adjunction sulphonmethane amethyst arohanui arsenic acid barium oxide chromium dioxide bifluoride understand universal quantifier metameric mefloquine lurry natrolite thiosulphuric acid nitrogen monohydrocalcite nonane hydroquinone phenelzine phorate incline polyvinylidene tetrachloroethylene schematize purine L-dopa isobar here dimethylformamide guanine docosane fluorene diethylene glycol dichloromethane dichloride benzocaine alkoxyl abietinic acid malic acid necessary pentobarbital sodium mifepristone hysteresis coefficient propane propanoic acid Rochelle salt sulfadiazine tetrafluoroethene salutation triolein tetroxide neotocite quadratic formula datolite nagyagite isoniazid titanate andradite belief chloroquine haloform quinacridone nembutsu sillimanite Stirling's formula tetryl thimerosal urea valid nitrene rate basis scheelite quinacrine magnolite tetraethyl lead mackayite Gloria heroin fiat maleic acid thiopental sodium methyl chloride ad majorem Dei gloriam acriflavine cacodyl dicyanide cyanic acid cyclohexanone pyrone sard sprite epidiascope adeptist doctress charisma orenda wish for tell someone’s fortune rain doctor mere witch cake variety exorcist elixir dwarf lycanthropy fly act abatagati Borgesian arcanum arcanorum Carter nepenthes black witch zemi projector voilà petalite actinolite hypersthene CS gas goodbye regular Ecclestone hymn lead acetate orthoferrite nitrobenzene chrysotile sulphanilamide quadroxalate sardonyx uric acid uvarovite recurrence formula after you chromic acid acetal arsenic trioxide naphthyl flavin acrylic acid stereo-chemical lactose mercuric chloride nitrous acid nitrous oxide mustard gas phenothiazine phylloquinone potassium chlorate propylene glycol psilocybin stearic acid sodium hydroxide tribromoethanol conylene calomel diazepam cetane smaltite spessartine mesomerism phlogopite extrapolate Black-Scholes pyran pentlandite octadecane nominy podium cocaine chlortetracycline chloric acid alkanoic acid ammonium sulphate aniline pyrocarbonate oxytetracycline parathion methyl acetate morphine indene ibuprofen hypophosphorous acid hypophosphoric acid flavine tag question tetrodotoxin phenolphthalein chlorpromazine cobaltinitrite eosin cyanogen silver bromide decision rule amyl nitrite confessionalism quinidine silver iodide sodamide uracil Kol Nidre Regnault's formula picromerite pinakiolite phenylene pray pseudoephedrine decipia indomethacin piperidine triolefin analcime carnallite picric acid churn spade potassium hydroxide trope potassium cyanide potassium carbonate isatin Hill, Damon pentanoic acid potassium hydrogen tartrate ergosterol proprietary tolbutamide result trimethadione spinel phosphine oxide aragonite guaiacol gaylussite ethylene series dexamethasone diopside one clonidine imine isoprene marcasite para-aminobenzoic acid aminobutyric acid propranolol acrolein diethylenetriamine chalcedony coumarin wacky fairy wand Frazer gastromancy smoke and mirrors Thoth fountain of youth change into Circe rehearsal force appear taoist megascope amulet hermetic juggle potent witch-hunt sleight harlequin conjuring trick Brunhild Halloween magic circle calcium phosphate chloral hydrate Beaufort cipher deˈcidable cyanite cyanocobalamin stibonic acid glaucophane olefin pinacol propylene protagon water dimethylsulphoxide nephrite niccolite nicotinamide dimenhydrinate orcinol piperine pitchblende phenacetin polysaccharide possible stibine sulphurous acid sodium benzoate dithionous acid Stewart, Sir Jackie pyruvic acid aluminium oxide acetaldehyde ammonium hydroxide amygdalin ascorbic acid borax butyl alcohol ethyl acetate clopidogrel hexose kyanite lead monoxide maltose menthol methane Hill, Graham oxalic acid palmitic acid potassium bromide procaine progesterone ribose santonin salicin quinine stannite stearin titanium dioxide tetracycline thalidomide pyrroline Schumacher, Michael vitamin A terpenoid Propliopithecus pseudosalt stibinic acid general formula fandango ketone carnotite hydrogen ion chrysocolla hydrogen chloride polyoxyethylene physostigmine oxime 's syrup tremolite hypochlorous acid ambrosian form of address galena ferrocene existential erythromycin chert chloramphenicol butadiene benzoic acid Benedictine aspirin axiom aldimine arabinose ammonium chloride acetic acid islam isomerism prestigious succinic acid hyoscyamine hydrogen iodide hydrogen sulphide peroxide phenylethylamine phosphine acetone theophylline Bode's law aldehyde hydrate thiouracil caffeine calcium carbonate calcium chloride calcium hydroxide calcium oxide ammonium nitrate chloroform ethene eugenol faithfully diazonium imprimatur pyridinium ureide vanadinite triptane rhodochrosite pyrope sapphire silver chloride silver nitrate vinyl acetate uranium hexafluoride monograph psalm tone carbonite formic acid figure gallic acid indole antimony potassium tartrate hydrazidine hydrogarnet lithium carbonate Mansell, Nigel magnesium oxide Malathion mepacrine neomycin nicotine nicotinic acid nitroglycerine nitromethane naphthalene molybdenite phenetidine phenobarbital pentyl acetate pantothenic acid papaverine paraldehyde pyrogallol quantum theory scopolamine streptomycin structural TNT hydrogen fluoride pyrazoline pyromorphite hydrazine olein ethyne inulin misoprostol ferrite trippkeite estradiol consociation dhikr structure wolframite Brabham, Sir Jack adenosine ammonia barytes litany biotin cryolite fuchsin dodecane iodoform orpiment calcium carbide acetanilide alizarin amyl alcohol Button, Jenson barite barium hydroxide Balmer butanone carbon tetrachloride carbonic acid oestradiol cassiterite benzaldoxime chlordane closed chain stibnite stilbene rotenone red lead schiller Schumacher rational formula theobromine vinyl chloride structural isomer triterpene seleninic acid childrenite chloritoid citral carmine androstenedione bilirubin ketene

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Words For "magic formula"

As you've probably noticed, words for "magic formula" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "magic formula" are: charm, magic, conjure, spell, and invocation. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to magic formula listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "magic formula" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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