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meanie reptile hound pelter rascal earthworm codger cur skunk louse cad shit miser screw a caitiff skinflint piker badass scoundrel runt rogue piece mean low rip average scumbag turd stinkard shabby soul heel shish kebab dogbolt scullion sneak squib means per capita poep stinge cunt tightwad Scrooge slave swine skin bootlick churl bezonian villainous cyberbullying signify cully scrub medium animal rotter nasty stinker cocksucker dickhead meanness slimy they
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louser rat Scrooge, Ebenezer monster lousy cheap pisspot bastard low-downer gombeen meant intend anyone dastardly dirty denote R.I.P. roll in payer arsehole contempt indignant butthole gobshite them scunge snake hog insignificant medial scurvy guide underling little spite Scrooge-like toady bury douchebag it wouldn't hurt serve sb right arse it takes a thief to catch a thief -ee illiberal jade GMT tomorrow spell thank adolescent lam razor-sharp individual spaniel extraction wretch idle threat custom somebody like it or lump it rate yours truly yourself small someone/something/somewhere etc or other asshole if footy belittle dick practical what sb says, goes my foot out of sight, out of mind ornery vile snipe the joke is on sb monger once bitten, twice shy need sugar and spice ask for sb/sth sour grapes jerk God's gift attitude off your rocker diplomatic slug petty drive at sth baseborn mingy scaly mourner another regular meal ticket payback's a bitch adherent parentage childish portend adept incurable rms pettifogging their sloven moralist egghead owe sb a living domineering a rolling stone (gathers no moss) kick in the teeth beer goggles miserable currish deep sucker jewel provocateur settler bearer point man have got something there aggression sarcasm pig wasted on sb turn in your grave paddle your own canoe be the salt of the earth picayunish be no better than (a) sth gem base lowlife Christian bulge be on about blackguard scab isocheim paltry m funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? stricture know/see where sb is coming from unit rascality import saboteur over bloodshed middle florist piteous shoddy grimalkin lowdown casting couch mediocrity scurrilous prestigious piety emigrate vixen barrister disengage beggarly meaning inferior tripe jokester poor immortal cuckoo celebrant old-timer blonde accusation assign temper dunghill enfant terrible dummy exalt disrepute beguile abase character craven paddy mezzo ungenerous wretched ululate bankrupt shame artless escort prepossession tenderfoot mannikin accolade victorian consignment caretaker BOD pounce seem neanderthal snot ugly Tm cullionly hovel designate sorry mangy understand snotty MDT picayune hungry sanctimonious magisterial t.m. peasant unattached snob guarded villain whine wealth psychopath intimidated excitable seduction practice hangdog banana doghole antagonist sponge been purpose needy civility fiend sincere inclement bluff just attempt rascallion shirk taunt cattish affront eyeful isothere cocktail roynish preoccupied frosty lame prey endear clerk legacy perpetuity aimless trifling tight en- notarize insect edifying geek betrayal literacy infidel luxuriously carapace avid payola commit monument redoubtable emphatically arbitrary derogatory ennoble indictment elan thrift standard deviation becoming scabby huckster phantom root mean square residual dog despicable obscure sneaking recreant sanction strait low-down MHW nerd cutting officer fawn identification err pedestal paladin cuss factitious certain rig enjoin stakeholder apple snobbery near subject cheers! defamation incorrigible incorrigibly British Standard Time mucker superciliously cleave churlish ill-natured light year orneriness precipitant assume remonstrate psychopathic annihilate luminary peculiar sanctify streak matriarch adornment endearing invest assess Peter Pan endomorph homely personal boyish prerogative jaded per masochistic men luck interpose mutable person denizen gibbet collaboration odd ignoble keeper morbidity assure ribald close-fisted free cartoon rascally impossible expectation bluster interim great heresy chicanery rotten malinger hacker vocabulary histrionic confidence convinced beady talent offer execution exorcism abdication flier lycanthrope butcher biased repatriate unfit traduce flighty dependency glamour obstacle stalker detailed reminder gentile beefy harmonic mean downtrodden id romance glower muckworm verbal head fretful sordid shock unfriendly doggerel mar penance girth friendly soulless enough blatherskite say disingenuous hugger-mugger crowd edit brute ramble paralyze crush gimp deism ingratiating chap backstage apocope upstart schizophrenia heartache madcap mean deviation appellation junket debt lure variance hide derelict displace learning romantic disposition growl absolute obverse low-key fume bald inhumane proletarian cretin petit poor-spirited blah, blah, blah contemptible Turkey handout poltroon Hunt cullion LMT shanty dust dirt sycophant trenchant statistic aspect ratio stint boiling fellow precipitate tag underhand sea level trickery address big pert affirmative pretty way either fat leer some bad yellow we day egg top brokerly stingy business finish mega snippy grubby apart pallet ragamuffin dogged amount oscillation oscillate have peaking chintzy laconic doggish mock fog rag chary slink goarish arithmetic mean media think menial n half-blooded tightfisted meanish pelting snicker sweet indignation today regress unhandsome shade skew brutal doggery and homonym grant slubberdegullion repˈtilian feeble surly BMEP MLWS mv MLW lifetime birthless snoep m.s.l. MSCP iron-fisted peakish linsey-woolsey scurrility bitch cruel filthy flea-bitten tight-arsed mep not mean a damn crappy true time narrowhearted MHWN that's not to say MFP rookery in coronary so raze pick on threepenny aggressive backhanded supernaculum cowardly per diem talk circular deviation pass well-born to drudge midway piggish behight droil stand for slavish MHCP GMAT MHSCP LMTD MPI MSL poltroonery clam loss beggary discreditable drive at Universal time propose rhyparography connote mind whilst mtl r.m.s. normal coistrel careful tawdry MHT hot air slop undervalue all nithing unnoble eccentric anomaly rampallian skimpy most healthy get at free path cavel snifty MLWN skinny woeful MHWS yellow–dog argufy cal everybody artificial person DP anybody sensible tall darn majesty sleazy minus profit screwy with violent already scabbed cheeseparing refer repel mean midnight shadowy everlasting crazy sensuous many happy returns (of the day) runty also small-minded mean noon mean streak slim selfish sober frightening bemean scroyle underfellow apparent solar time dense polite pers. peep O, o putid weasel narrow bourgeois earth unaccustomed illegitimate measure sculpin one shape subtle wherefore whole narrow-minded shab apparent time catty there's no escaping the fact three betoken common Gorgon there's something to be said for pick nothing a heck of a sth/sb heat lot to the gills me neat be a good nine definitely skinflintily twelve skinflinty back mean-spirited ten coistril outlier peak violently beauty multi- ml brevity wheresoever tele- perfectly skulduggery bedevil trick have got spice witch closeness two ultra- due the categorical beyond five forever jackslave intimate low-witted seven six church a good time was had by all cheese-paring Coordinated Universal Time whensoever there you go there's little to be said for sth imply devilish servility wormy four mile kosher it goes without saying MIP mean time sea day a figure of speech snobbishness community grovel ill nature divert direct juicy latter-day other via media silence is golden from head to toe and all that jazz anything throw time flies wherever sterquilinous meanly meanwhile back-alley triobolary a contradiction in terms gaijin half anything but bath kindly earthly guess wilfully medius mismean fawning abject doggerelizer you bet quatreble pragmatics prick re reference integrate distortion seriously par bimonthly where trans- reputable mean square tyke seize special quisby offensive orra back–alley I’m serious para- fierce except baby forward dig base-minded solar hour speech small wonder so what? negative skewness mean error strike minute luscious impatient hearty small mean fool ill–conditioned dang ex color next to bait highly eloquent any a penny whiningly low-thoughted lousily variation idle/empty threat probably if only despicably cuckoldly anything crore alive ever so/ever such (a) anywhere make no mistake (about it) purchase pure ten-four tidal amplitude there's a lot of it about there's no danger of that! wind world cot intensity whatever vibration probability rain secure shatter weaponize sampling distribution sport behind bold

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Words For "mean person"

As you've probably noticed, words for "mean person" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "mean person" are: meanie, reptile, hound, pelter, and rascal. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to mean person listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "mean person" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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