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out of the running misère tank lose carry romp won nobody sweep nothing gain Np overcome none triumph nope take win defeat conquer beat rank outsider pocket loss bottomless dead extinct dark horse Land out of contention for chalk nd score make court runoff loveless winning competition wrongheaded consolation medal seduce spaceless gone nullo duck logjam stalemate nowhere disused voiceless dateless plurality cakewalk never Norwegian whist preliminary
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walk away with walk off with no one pot na run in the running nay deceased waterless nix nonpareil disarm pothunter winless sweep the board bingo hit the jackpot win-win noes wan competitive sweeping only viewless gather over conciliate bid NG upset NF three-peat nae eventual nah negative carry off prevail wheedle zilch bye case valueless scoop result run away with took contest favourite nose taken taking lawless toothless restless trackless whatever Sweet void abranchiate aneroid tuneless matchless stateless boundless silent hairless noiseless vacant sexless stalking horse shameless inoperative headless for nothing pull swept game bank squeak loser House bear checkmate squeeze rhythm capot break outflank letter sop winner subjugate principle straw man concealed advisor decision speculation lost away overwin walk for free broke unparented win hands down dispute uninterested n deuce under no circumstances nothing doing worthless bodiless afebrile odourless obsolete no tasteless spineless lifeless secular unfathered fat chance rootless skint soulless pitiless edentate homeless innominate protectorless Ne so far so good spiritless fat-free effortless however dry planless scoreless unleaded inodorous sleeveless seamless passless inoffensive null and void numberless sleepless apetalous nameless hopeless substanceless otiose fast apyretic incomparable eyeless inconsequential skunk long wrangle outsider bag nobble made underdog fawning ace killer instinct judge inveigle front-runner sycophantic attempt making aggressive prohibitive n.d. fly come up favorite vole shoo-in fight trophy match point dice not all the same noon business ribless pouchless nowise cellarless circumstance forkless faithless inexpressive prospectless priceless vain rewin exstipulate frictionless outright legless back badgeless motherless know no bounds extinction white lone unwritten nowhither no other neutral pledgeless achromic painless cultureless stop unbranched goalless responseless unpaged unoperative mastless whichever tongueless spurless polled meaningless Sound NC disappear floorless unmeaning whoever open-ended go friendless passé naked acarpous anhydrous cold still maneless companionless toneless bare faceless hedgeless straight zero exact topless unbacked printless correct colorless fruitless unprecedented NMI helpless stainless out unfiltered NPV dogs portionless mateless merciless lapsed CAT depthless square ixnay quiescent unbounded ruffleless uh-uh stipendless peerless desolate jobless spoutless handless romp home/in breeze in heads I win, tails you lose obtain steal someone's heart the ayes have it come from behind walk off with sth winnings breast the tape reap possess carry something off deserve jackpot make a conquest of hands down acquire harvest take out favored please cruise gammon make a run for potted tug–of–war achieve sway cover persuade upend walk it go nap match notch up campaign hold on odds are in (someone's) favor make a run at re-win hold come out on top too close to call clinch snatch compete recapture outwin raffle off something sell give sb a run for his/her/their money tilt also–ran capture a title have it seek redeem run sth off pick up win (sth) hands down get a result mop up going for the gold clean (sth) up capture carry/win the day prizefighter sure thing contend fancied be in the money breeze salute the judge soap shoo–in odds–on horse comfortable gee-gee NV zero tillage namo nm nothing else in the negative hardly any whether no-tillage blind misbefitting nome nr little if any no–till NT hakuna mathata nb not one person soul no fixed abode non tip regain nap have sth in your pocket prizewinning retire ace out backgammon losing make a dead set at fish mainstreeting cultivate poker curry sure sacrifice run away with sth initiative go over war effort scramble home promerit go all the way nail give/hand sth to sb on a plate make an unsuccessful run for come off second best gonna will winder steal shark trick obsequious obsessive pin pique unholy sweep to victory aggression deliver cert evenly full house reconcile lift pursue make up to scrape home kick butt scramble storm lurch statesman romp ahead clean clean up bring down be gunning for sth spoils gamble fancy grab prizefight collect swing running strike gold endear ingratiating heart conciliatory bake-off clock sth up default concede advantage walk away with sth run the table claptrap cog co-opt landslide walk away with (something) broken scoop the pool shade notch pitch gun for something grapple highly commended game show prize drop hold off flatter contention trounce down-and-out use for no purpose/for no good purpose hummel means gainless amateurish straight-faced account aceramic stressless idealess windowless unpitying nohow unpained precise sweat beliefless sportless die the dogs the Grand National treble chance game point bridge force streamless strengthless stemless tradeless unneighbored unpinioned waifs and strays uncaused undeclined unlanded pass into history willing wardless stale screenless handily immarginate gluten-free inerrant scripless sealess spouseless leakproof love skeletonless motorless mu nitrosyl unequivocal nucleus null SNLR out-of-sight palpless outworn unillustrated gasless wandering weightless unscented unblushing bankrupt unhelpful unlicensed shapeless strapless supine rudderless stopped splitsville wireless kaput lunchless pointless lightless dog eyebrowless disjointed fancy-free dead dog smart feverless monumentless taihoa have all day for no good reason full-fat in no case indefectible nondistinctive grouseless guerdonless gymnostomatous nos interminable hookless husbandless NRAD fearless intrepid invertebrate free of charge inoperculate LTNS NVR nerveless humourless riskless no ifs and buts not the faintest interest outmoded paid–up plankless beneficeless pleasureless acapsular acarpellous dedolent cubless peaceless foundationless hatless glebeless inergetical poultryless extremeless pastorless numero precedentless steerless scentless shell-less pierless pulseless wartless windless supportless pitless be not worth a crumpet anonymous passive boracic aneurilemmic past amanous priestless asplanchnic empty asiphonate hollow countryless CATS berryless princeless disbelieve acaroid achromatic resistless resounding edentulous propless enucleate fatherless stopping teethless by default set point memberless no–confidence vote no man no–par murmurless nullipennate never in someone's life no future lungless orchestraless prayerless loverless licenseless pewless respiteless sinkerless shaftless stickless languageless soleless wonderless waistless webless yea or nay virgin erratic kinless unlabeled comfortless futile well sailorless saintless undressed the sky's the limit unendorsed unextenuated unleisured unpillared unbearded unbefriended unbeginning strictly unrelated uncompanioned unstuck doubt trainless unavailing acranial airless alcohol-free inexistent landless inviscid planetary unrivalled sociable milkless Rafferty's rules rubbishy through time-worn treeless unaccommodating napoo nil non-smoking obvious no ifs, ands, or buts not a chance positive leafless gutless unpossessing unresisting unrhythmic unwaisted nationless awless coffinless in the open compassless fringeless gateless goodless nightless ssociable isleless stalkless successless nem con airtight barehanded be not worth a cracker agonic air anorchous Buckley's chance definite iron–free error-free cheekless fluff flying contrary escutellate inflectionless eciliate fodderless foeless for the sake of it futureless defunct inessential hingeless courtesy grown growthless NFD pumpless esiphonal fleeceless incorporeal ineffective faint estranged certain helter–skelter hapless groundless embarrassed foggy illoricate incaliculate incomeless indeclinable luckless insolvable fuck all zero interest flyer flat cloudless not have a bean flown Rafferty rules rafterless orphan forlorn guiltless chapless there is no knowing get (or go) nowhere unexpressive dingo's breakfast closed ledgeless luggageless limeless lockless mudless massless mistrustless moneyless all in the past no–goodnik not–go gage NPNA asleep NCV no quarrel with no such animal nothing else for it not one red cent nailless oreless pocketless petalless phaseless faultless pupilless purchaseless rewardless au naturel regretless shoreless sauceless sheepless sabbathless sagless sailless take off the air unpalped undowered vestless bland ductless dated Aïr nonsensical summerless signless siphonless soundless smearless stone–faced wingless acaudate achlorophyllous wharfless wheatless imaginative immaculate thrall-less unsceptred tramless aglossal cashless brainless good unportuous aikona unmossed unregretting unrestricted unroofed unspotted subjectless stringless stingless nonresistant invertebrated jointureless genderless footless foamless imageless dinnerless dewless come to nothing ecostate effete go commando cost-free impunity go nowhere glideless iron-free grateless illaudable dumb hostless in no (fit) state doubtless incenseless innocuous clerkless tartrazine stony-faced odorless out of nos. penniless lean powerless sit on one's hands unmerciful under bare poles unidea'd nonpolluting kittenless

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Words For "no-win"

As you've probably noticed, words for "no-win" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "no-win" are: out of the running, misère, tank, lose, and carry. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to no-win listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "no-win" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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