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cod play jape April fool prank fiddle joke practical joke hoax gag jest fool trick ruse pipe spoof crack harp trump flute kid dor rag Fife leg-pull flimflam overtrump dodge humbug trap stage artifice hocus fun game pull rib chicanery pun pull a fast one trick or treat lead finesse hocus-pocus one-liner drum serenade josh fake deceit strum ruff act gull shanghai bamboozle quiz paronomasia Dido gaff dupe serve fetch skit funny trumpet cantrip slur
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tee jig witticism lute wile crowd bite playlet misplay punch line caper plant con bilk shaggy dog story in-joke rig staging beguile curve hoodwink dirty tricks catch jockey ploy seesaw decoy device job imposition fob mousetrap fox chord take sell pull/yank someone's chain gittern bugle squeeze juggle shuffle trifle rib-tickler fastie skite moon trickery underplot pull the wool over someone's eyes galanty show booby trap yuk fall for outwit field scrape cog cast wind-up gammon outsmart cover have on perform teleplay toilet joke best cully booby prize comp crack a joke traverse foist stratagem oldie abracadabra dig snooker sucker playmate wheeze badinage thigh-slapper can take a joke bow ride legerdemain wisecrack waggery put-up job knack fraud make facetious whoopee cushion pliskie nifty howler antic blench shift history duck wordplay beard packing triumph reviewer tee off at someone's expense entrap Joe Miller pull someone's leg do fleece rags con trick throw miracle cheat ragged conundrum guile tell shtick surprise harlequin drama quip gimmick palmistry prelude deceive photoplay portray thrum joker revie dedicate shortlist producer jokey beach ball shaggy-dog story bunco wind up touch spring a trap one–liner corn flat tired be lost on sb quibble stymie streaker playable first night breakaway deception bluff gyp rocker confidence trick snare chouse broad explode roast tabor duplicity gaud skirl represent defraud presto crook catch sb out skulduggery rope-trick lolz flash amusement arcade stale in all seriousness in fun put-on force tour replay supernumerary runaway ring position runaway knock star apple-pie bed sound playground shenanigan slip false debag opposite line retell blue in–joke one gleek topper stage play appear develop quick trick ground rule bandstand bang out review accompany property sham virginal tape player rerun grip hand spin skateboarder pavie put one over on sb dud court string chip interlude representation paw prat trick out of set-up scam try-out lark run midfield take the piss (out of) sb or sth slide tootle playfellow pretend fast mystery play mango tree trick star turn haze tongue in cheek pick unblock good jokesmith jokelet killer tax tag line horseplay jocose backstager personate draft fait accompli better disc jockey [or] disk jockey monologue book grind that’s a good one trump card sight gag in jest ha-ha poke fun at chorus on droll block have sb on make fun of have a lend of someone have someone on Head scrimmage interpreter the one about adventure playground shocker mime fya pull someone’s leg ribbing hose take in someone cozen diddle fingerpick wind sb up convulsion audition pull sb's leg have boo at someone’s expense safety play seafarer hatchet job damaging rancher collaborate streak alongside the joke is on sb knock-knock joke go the round (or rounds) honour someone with your presence bumper sticker positively firk brogue coup blink tagline double-cross concoct flanker figgum trepan item dogtrick guilery swifty braid illusion yock entrapment give the game away magic word sleight rort tregetry conjuration titter shakedown put sb on catfish crank call trick into bluff one's way hoax call underhanded costume equivoque present radio play tibicinate clench to what do we owe this honour/the honour of your presence? (there’s) many a true word spoken in jest beat no shit! punnily duplicitous befool take someone for a ride overruff wise rounce canard Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty play end play connivance flipper revoke tweak persona trickster hype part character personage snow countercast ring game wow scream jocular iambic lumbering a new one story tomfoolery rope trick hum shaft begunk skin game shabby contrivance sold barbed giggle knee–slapper riot throw off penetrate someone’s disguise sitting duck blague boardslide leader down throwaway sideline high jinks wink home hilarious misrepresent extra recess keyboard follow-on jeu de mots hocus–pocus callback polypose photobomb blow put over finagle flourish Easter egg wire retire hammer pawn off as thump out session musician tweedle layback lobster shift pintable direct enact cancan take in funny business hammer something out crank rush wolfish lull sb into sth fake out make a fool of wiles double-bluff play up echo allude nullo subtility crackerjack cautel dogged curlicue hocuspocus creek tatch gin lol gum sally overseas mow gab curlycue racket lousy miserable shopshift wrinkle jocularity land throne practice groaner have you heard (the one) about?/did you hear about? take a joke deadpan facetiousness bashing whopping quad manufacture fuck with boff dirty cheap pointless banter star 69 put sick sickie trick-or-treater study cue count call someone up call professional put someone on switcheroo call up just/only fooling tongue rib-tickling barker call-up actor costumier stage manager cavort play hooky April Fools' Day go down (or North American over) like a lead balloon spicy salty punster boom boom point sit in natation flout center sleight of hand cramped odds take sb in set up someone result impostor rope remind agnostic LP premiere plisky joking joked herbivorous trick-or-treat fourth hand playful tryout prestidigitation back up miracle play hand off payroller playgame kill scene-shifter unscripted turntable prince expulsion pageant saloon extra time serial swing set make up pluck scrub gullible hop traps raillery force-out smash credit coquettishly night leather role–play carillon fake-out fall guy subterfuge deceptive misinform play possum a fast talker take (someone) for a ride endplay false card adventure game putt dreidel conference try pastorale few utility mah–jongg tape recorder April Fool's Day farce clan monkey bars pantomime by-play Credo play belt out Wii meritot click gallant board joggling board lurk threw appearance PlayStation stretcher weekender prepossess travelling companion pressure double date lobotomize deal see off someone skin test took fob off foolery meet nick bruise drop locoman pensioner give someone a bloody nose tape deck duo–pianist first string sled string quartet videocassette recorder DJ submariner Facebook proud short list phone telephone ask islander empanel quotation get the better of ensnare fast-talking (there are) no flies on someone out of whole cloth docu- videocassette prop geddit diaper long list take someone to the cleaners mike clutches passenger fraudulent swindle sucker into safety touch mystery thrown misinformation see someone coming (a mile off) conman outfox pound out loser making gum game shine sell a pup pull the wool over someone’s eyes seduce impersonation pull a trick/stunt walk-on miscast sportsmanship dresser footsie aggravated assault tattletale flight attendant made double feat title role supporter con game fairy tale taking vice hey presto sting claptrap liripoop undercraft nasty taken vise bezique audience art director drummer overtrick blag gudgeon jokester conversation piece berth defend ring-in derogatory splog magadize get reach laugh custard pie mock running blanketing bribe mooning in stitches ponderous illude coggery train confidence game tricked tricking plink discard gleeful dry caption yuck go/get beyond a joke chicane take something in good part joking apart no laughing matter clean Halloween wedgie blanket rub boffola serious an old chestnut private joke matter dream pratfall slot machine secure commotion perpetrate patsy greet casting couch scratch prosecco socialist short-sheet theatrical ship-to-shore trick-or-treating try out for playscript comment bench stink bomb itching powder naughty cap excerpt field general close to (or near) the bone hoary inside joke fall flat ridiculosity incongruous sustain try out l gamble rueful sport impose love play derision foothold knee-slapper shelve miniseries gaming table gig private old chestnut death dad joke running joke/gag coupler jersey sweep hastilude pitch two-hander make-believe dogwatch dance falsecard slog-sweep playbill time-out workshop angel crescendo inbounds inbound front court trail revenge curtain-raiser bemuse treacherous inning hook playing boast auto dandle romp stack system double-stop Broadway titilla VCR adnomination merriment laik fum shoot central defender sordino tiki-taka approach cassette bill lowball orchestra line of scrimmage platoon Tyumen' feature screw catenaccio prologue pair oboe deus ex machina call back participant raffish advocate frame-up rent-racker team kill off judge emissary spoonerism compact disk benchwarmer dink podcast offense percussion copyright play on piano ambush gibbet text alley–oop greenkeeper player BABIP ticktack beamish witch embolden netball glamour bewitch jinx rob gleefully amusement park understudy

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Words For "play a joke/trick on someone"

As you've probably noticed, words for "play a joke/trick on someone" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "play a joke/trick on someone" are: cod, play, jape, April fool, and prank. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to play a joke/trick on someone listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "play a joke/trick on someone" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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