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thorough puissance force power PR thru democracy steam strength out in omnipotent hydro almighty sovereign pa supremacy hydropower vis P powerless set sth forth empire arm command dia- graft plenipotentiary tongue dyna- di- retention imperiality might control magic c by put sth into sth persuasion potency sway energy nightlong powerful pass allure outpower reign coercion mastery sword sail crown dominion charm capacity option regnant trans- impotent
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mana throne weak juice bill paternal rake faculty imperium dint pwr cablecast unpower majesty lordship plenipotent go around sth get around sth craft get round to sth domination pwr. mentality detergent instinct sinew strong influx intuition hold lead stand look round (somewhere/sth) show sb round (sth) loan (sth from sb) rule runner despotism power failure kingmaker bale out mundatory powerable to the core sovereignty Pb at the mercy of throw sth out aspersions corrigible Ouija relate mercy initiative transpierce witchcraft wattage important per- pertransient thro' thread authority power plant choice elective course grasp magnetism time get into sth volatile pull back down big invest see flight dumb overpower by means of sorcery counterpower beef rife punch diadem wrest interpretation procuration forcible bag movingness multipower reagency helpless farthest all-powerful feeder swinge head wind enforce grip muscle fall sensation turbine intensity deaf-mute snook put sth down tyranny vaticinate predominate volt carte blanche multipotent duct leverage buzz saw mightily resort forceful deed automotive autarchy factive device derivative project bereave dumb show around waterborne shame in touch overthrow transparent clout stroke sight bottom cultured articulate rotary power electrical power lifelong index hearing through dyed-in-the-wool supreme locomotivity titanic junto duende crystal cabal stare sth in the face torpedo jet propulsion with might and main mighty trite pull attraction penetration effort unsex evocation faction camarilla absorptiveness power tool HP PS government wherethrough virtue dia trans enthrone danger vogue intellectualism hands meaning speculation potentially powerhouse experience spring almightily virility potentiate m moment stay influential outlet PTO P & L p & p horsepower empery pow broker P & O devotion powerfulness skew–symmetric grace unpowered perfluent detergency durchkomponiert kick jurisdiction eye dunk millstream penetrating race emperor maker belt-drive permeate oomph dominance principate therapy pure democracy faith healing eclipse landocracy fascinate crank press hardihood offer superpower grid trolley deterrent foot legend republic flame ascendancy memory telepathy animal magnetism flame out friction horsepower retentivity Lodge sense teeth agency justificative traction judicative wield incapacity forever dissolvent divine load suasive appoint power coupled with an interest main cube solar energy superior volcanism genius refractive salvation insight tooth resolvent retentive alliciency mojo volition cognoscitive hegemon steam shovel cut high power–dive driving lust h potent quadruplicate attractive yond tour mean maternal trace naturally sopping earn per empierce traverse riffle executive thurgh thorow clay penetrate thro over cooperative dynamism capable utterance soul siddhi in the ascendant talk rein unattractive prevailment mute equipollent despot greymail positive beltwork representative sixth sense influence voice imperialism trolley car mediation thoroughfare digestion fortitude overpowering blitz interest behemoth steamboat constituent motion demonocracy invest sb with sth nuke forced magnetic motor gift can disposal thoughtless high-powered refract full-throated steamship master authorization void superstate funnel sniff opaque epistolary superhuman audition fecundity capability superman Eurocommunism spark generator railroad through yield rotary table substation rotatory power vision quest extrude trolleybus table-turning metergram umbilical meltdown passage atom bomb neocolonialism carburetor brute–force transmission will to power Sally saw dominium life absolutism ableness separating power power-assisted steering poustie dynamo- PW imperially imperialty gray power cerebricity Machtpolitik alligator electronics Subud ring gear Whig clockwork Charles resistance compound engine Aurangzeb futurism helicopter headwork corridor crystalloid chainsaw right turboshaft transmission loss tapas feed-in tariff electric shovel pass-through security composed throughout percolate undergo pass-along filter therethrough perchance autodynamic able-minded stronghand administration letter of attorney police power power in gross letter soup omnificent delegate depute recuperability self–moved FPC impression limitation penetrativeness resolve wheelhouse ruling steam-powered bail resistant stamina brawn crescent electromotivity non-power firepower armipotence iron deep mind plenary equipollently resistiveness real flotage whatsoever vires sky wielding drag acceleration LRRP naked power heaven coverage prevalent yoke live fey dyspepsia repression representant power of termination regime general power of appointment fell outstay drift outage APU caretaker autocratic temperative vertu procreativeness perceivance impuissance fallen equipotent assume magnes hypermnesia power appendant omnipotence stupefacient electricity attractile by force adsorptivity conductance force majeure heft magicality commission HPF point electric UPS implied power momentum propine reigning chokehold clutch hard power collateral power concurrent power manpower soft power power station procuratory prolificity stock power special power eagle babylonism inaccessible harness potentate power-dive generate spike all-electric repellent ignipotence bully political action militarism v Cromwell Scotch boiler Nietzscheanism sodden Psychiana vision capacitor motor mercantilism vergency jacket police induction motor Snowy River universe throughout coast engine preponderance potential PPP vest paramount reason null potestate royalize ceremonial chief executive council executive officer hopped–up forcibly monopolize office septical wingmanship tingent atomic power breath bring cede above chemism draw withstandingness wind power oppressive flat inability ineffective ineffectual ministry plenipotence nuclear power swig impenetrable drench soppy drouk abnegate say–so fight potestative jet power alluring royalty weird power-broker decisive content impellent abulia dominator antalkaline locomotive by magic strengthen sb's hand locomotive power language gazeless power-line power-walking signal-to-noise seigniory unit donor muscular -cidal fluence compulsive incapacitate effete ascendant outgun prevailing sensitive preservative septic locomotiveness contemplative validity de-energize dioptry feed failure empower high places hypodynamia weak-kneed enemy fuel solar puissant savour vitality veto printing machine pooer irretention recollective vicarial anemic (at) full blast all–powerful bring someone down superendurance clairaudience demesne mortise no-load overriding regeneratory smite horrific dispose productivity commandment inventiveness line electrify metaphoricity soup up self–propulsion square preponderant predominant writ unable ingenuity selective actuosity superrational geniture saber rattling cleverness consolidate strongly reascendancy reactive volt-ampere charming sensate dethrone mantic dominate hand astronavigation perambulate telescopic win weather off one's own bat poricidal flying click rate dirty front nine airborne button-through blotto bushwhack biological tardy breathable block summerlong waterproof develop cycle repast under pleurotomy tide splutter swim shakedown zetetic church riddle throw sluice impede unread occlude obstruct old for done go diffuse indirectly diverberation strained commensally drive-through space travel possessive suction astronautics chemic bulldoze agglutinate extort throughway excavate perflate reeve seek indirect selling among thumb triumphant space flight shoot try lesson postmenopausal whereby badger crack daunting TBL thorough–stitch acquire inspired propagate stir spit obturate drive back nine tattle blackmail percutaneous from the cradle to the grave drop go (or run) to seed clear experienced fill marry transdermal subsidize frosh contain permeant biosynthesize breakthrough arterial troll thick mishappen interpenetrate jam evolve seven-day pervade throughother down the telephone nip exercise impervious push-through come across circulation go to pot ventilate tunnel unearth transurethral snort skewer loft hackneyed imbue botch aerogenous wade yearlong attain by main force sarceled soaking outlive at (or by) the hands (or hand) of reduced phallic machete honorary escapement corporatism brute ophthalmoscope confiscate inner juju invention involve irrational think tyrant May have (got) sb by the short and curlies tumble strip super light–grasp attractivity deaf diaphanic diaphoretical cold comicry consolidative corrugant energical rod flexanimous percutient plex motivity philter nose refreshful second-sighted sublative absolute monarch aggrandize subtractive transfusive agent arbitrament arbitrary princess anisometropia bid bidding extension revisory hydroelectric greatness decay neuter downfall bloodstream disarm stamp hammer self–powered attention before captivating buffer eh electropneumatic

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Words For "power through (sth)"

As you've probably noticed, words for "power through (sth)" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "power through (sth)" are: thorough, puissance, force, power, and PR. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to power through (sth) listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "power through (sth)" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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