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run seedy grungy slum skid row derelict rattletrap tenement sordid shabby heap mangy dive down rattrap fleabag rundown run-down tenement house lave decrepit flophouse inner city fleapit overrun dump Homer ran rundownable bughouse rattish shacky crummy gentrification wrong slummy squalid flyblown swale bombed–out salubrious dirty heel scuttle scamper bobsleigh raddled leg gin mill scrofulous asthenic insalubrious tired greasy spoon trickle race roach motel
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hobohemia tin lizzie up–and–down indicator gallop running rerun sweal flee course trot ground fall downy outrun cata- runtime fell recumbent weft cheetah dropping system basket case jog depress skylark warp downhill turn elope run (sth) down sprint topsy-turvy bolt downhill interior surpassing skedaddle hare decumbent runaway dash scramble over gravity railroad drag parachute Strand round-bend take pulchritudinous creaky step quaint back up hew run at schuss streak deceleration upscale garland forerun adown plumule runner discombobulated fake single dependent scud lower bequeath flight levant beach dreary turn athleticism downright overflow patter topsyturvy procumbent witness invert floor prone lop era speed pendulous decry lose concur lap deep r ren ladder career runny run-on level below tank layoff ab gauntlet stampede lay sth off snivel derail fly runless dinger four-bagger downtrodden bicker gulp gambol racecourse hypo nethermost lay disarm overthrow descend operate chase scarper drop buoyancy longitudinal encumber rain plummet d ranch rill devolution turndown unbowed asperse nether run proof mongolism scutter run-stuffer r. run resistant ordinary horse rush decline render KD anchor utilization pat hightail pneumatic mill-run running off depend long-term idle rout drool break laid depone put cool it seat flatten plumula tranquilize bottommost low descent chillax take to one's heels slaver skirr short-dated make dejection souse stretch hollow couchant repose inverse burden decelerate deposit hit–skip tater fleet–footed ribbie yronne mediocre hook chevy er lope sag standing unexceptionable raze collapse interval go overblown prescriptive knockdown overgo beached pelt under flix back off drop–down trisomy 21 riot dummy run incur escape fleet gain point truck rin clutter rim bleed turn tail block brake back downward downfalling plump lubricate alight climb-down tick over langlauf romp bunk occur pace dart lam cut lysis dn facedown plumb deck dip abject take a seat get perpendicular hail pendent hang rat-tat ginger plotz scribe piliform rat-a-tat ginger erect rosy apple sleet degressive tame grass descendent let deject humble abate scour fleer roll score slur foot fled swat demiss decurved subside downstream laden hand stoop englut hurl slowdown settle keel over deturb downstairs pump bail despiciency dejected tear pitch jotter demerit jot landslide topple poise cool dismantle founder bounce roost slip crumple demolish dance underfoot trim ragged reap lodge bubble execute befoul sessa ace hit–and–run outlook drip submit bobble slam dismount mat loll dressing operation extra-base hit skitter legman shag big fly long pull long ball short-term bombing run run round renne go-in discharger solo home run transverse leg bail skip come running take to your heels cradle plate rail run with hit–run draw strike run off anastomose run–on flush runway tend four–bagger rake spellcheck function through–and–through coal chivy run-flat clout tail efflux shot rantipole grease the wheels (or skids) lit fugitate hit-out sweep dag rabbit run of press frantic getaway make a dash for pour gnash brash rack hr run of publication fleet of foot ern danger run like a hairy goat waste crock decompose pushover rot upsodown pulviplume downing climb down sit-down strike go over de- deponent step aside buckass deliver couch hand on downmost ptil- depression dependant rallentando Down's drier–down downed take a chair (or seat) take a pew! moulder return squinch racing-calendar downbye turn something over legged powder RON ROP amok ROS vamoose roil marker rob scurry oil dry-run run–of–the–mine dry sidetrack spin iterate uprun work rehearse diluviate start bench test pig-run avale write fluffy flossy talk in roulade come out in the wash hotfoot feese racetrack lamp gully railroad enchannel scoot clip double–head after-wort coach make a bolt for it footrace excur bog-standard double nip breakdown double time run for your life caper run out of gas overspeed rune joggle bye split fisk dap cottage industry make off confluxibility broke complete dice run stitch tick ramrace mizzle absquatulate outfoot curry raceway piste track extra–base hit chain bureaucracy go/run/drive etc like the clappers dribble go bush fetch run like hell fugitive rat-runner purple patch show (someone) a clean pair of heels make a run for it runholder break one's duck galumph scoup run for one's life tap out hike hazardous lug jump outgallop rally virtualize wastrel cross-country scuddle dead heat bound blower nippy transcur flash ronnen run for it stranded shoot group practice confluxible steeplechase stream ring short mogul railway ground down get something down depressed turn turtle compose pack perpend drop-down cark thwack RDC unbeaten cower swap load arsy–varsy bowl someone over relax unputdownable drop one's eyes/head tell down dispunge dress pin down–gyved cloit copy cumbent overweight commit cut back downthrown delative groundward grab a seat have/take a seat heavy re- pull-down reduce pull-down menu put down KDCL KDF cubatory cataclasm bowl decommission squash topsyturn dunk bring cry countdown deduct grudge lay-over lout mire pop spat retrench quat topsy–turvy subdue mongoloid command overslaugh overlook soft-pedal downslope dig dominate reseat reach–me–down muffle lay down crack up set take a (or the) load off one's feet reach-me-down lay something down fall away remain/stay seated downcast doon damp downshift deeply plumulaceous defluous get down on one's (hands and) knees sit-in slump scorn tamp log jam flag correct describe fallback eider book droopy bd chill swan's-down forelay source jotting give out drop/fall/sank to one's knees defluent decoct detrited downplay downcry cornpone sit–in sit–down sheer ramshackle propendent traditional sit down defoul cd CKD devex upsyturvy fix be seated decompress swizzle note rone pipe saggy take something down -stasis stay-in strike the dust settles press low–flung lower one's eyes cinch breve grabble accumbent dog-eared descendant overtop down calver downflowing dab condescend kill pensile overbearing slug downline drop one's gaze Down's syndrome dust be (down) in black and white fallen decursive deflow racing calendar sail run-out round-tripper canter run-up station cascade plank boil die precipitate kick-down come detrude hold daunt oppression refrigerate unmowed slap flump disjaskit chow nutant wreck jigger clamp down weigh downpour base berattle keep deflate bear down steatolysis disdain indite loppy plash keel overgrow blink fail affrap deducible stog tralatitious bed unerect reverse pull mash jouk gamp hand-me-down double-down written bate erode flap oppress unruffle cast stram procidentia vertical prescript refuse syllable power pile give kip nick positive procidence quadriplegia scrooch take a load off (one's feet) conk downfall neg wind-blown slouch soothe traik allay banjo documentary crash swansdown shunt tracker throw tumble weight draw to a halt/stop hunker pad despection slipshod temper take down taking pregravate windfallen up-and-down amate slope eiderdown go (or British hunt or run) counter coach dog dress rehearsal racehorse discharge eye sprunt compile hit-and-run housekeeper lubrication have snag nomination make a bolt for husk gossip runlet scribble weep as fast as your legs can carry you ball bank bootleg abscond parochial school slobber do stride govern out paddock troll venture rounder scat spill runnable running stitch run-and-shoot stand lessen rest shutter undercoat preponderate SKD suspend take the weight off your feet frap downless down wool depose kata- inferior mollify phut decubation downbear taken tradition estrich styptic avalanche bung arrest degrade ballast burthen dropside down-low despise destructive contemn rub down wallop wimple slippery squelch still gamut adventure adventure school boot camp at a run frisk county library make a break (for something) green circle gyp joint gurgle

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Words For "run down"

As you've probably noticed, words for "run down" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "run down" are: run, seedy, grungy, slum, and skid row. There are 992 other words that are related to or similar to run down listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "run down" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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