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unsay rugged moreover saying unsaid eat one's words ditto aforesaid repeated unsayable deliberate point quoth joke repeat in reply cavort blessing grace heavy sayable so warp say slink parting go delicate paternoster boo jest mute turn according to achlamydate OR rise terse withdraw sound emphatic throwaway lamellicorn nonetheless nitid extemporaneous proceeding above tup powerful on the contrary response retractation privacy sad fact feather quod horse agrarian
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mantle multicuspid believe careless saw reportedly sain ipse dixit vindictive caned subjunctive fleet barren ribbed benedicite soft-spoken jape impulsive dative nevertheless pinch put words in one's mouth neutral monocephalous baccate indigested extreme tread mill drift echo come subduplicate thank you style subtriplicate achromatic respectant bawdy dead snap interpret implication counter water-laid farrow transcript ride fertile quote knot pouch hello stale minute that shoot having said that self-proclaimed sour flat steer unwilling hand gesundheit prompt wild mammaliferous mannish hoarse deep word-for-word repeatable repent idea large tenuous clit reptant soften thereby bear fat drive strength outspoken rightful sayee reclaim entire frill all the same careful arrive qualify fell express introductory jocular sharp slip bland prime surprise, surprise follow browse nip eat swallow suede extempore amen adlib empty biocellate hexavalent bunyip marginicidal apologetic hummel superannuate oviposit sue hearken ophiophagous tremble mouthful trap measly free-swimming you can say that again rough-legged proteranthous pink-sterned gag rosulate even repand curry stint lean-to fungivorous nectariferous q backhand adnate cover vice versa stuffy embonpoint sublime grison void antiphon demerit impromptu conjugate lively wane confess goggle ecostate emblazon considerable triatomic point-blank discrete perfect sprung congress handy drown prick-eared intercurrent three-quarter abuse raptorial spent engine cry flagitious conformable hobble orthotropic panidiomorphic aneroid tribute glassy scalene explicit murmur mind indeed succinct retract you said it thin solitude atrip moan swan song would rather crack I tell a lie rank infelicitous parrot rejoin misquote opodeldoc summation false elaborate again reported speech pardon grand hatch double groggy correction multispiral word expletive muley fair ask done differential dextral same again hexastyle flea-bitten supra-auricular bequeath milch like I said offertory more renter mate ripe steeve pipe internuncial convolute civil mind (you) aweigh adscript buffer retort unspoken utterance flighted straight out precise professed glib quarrel oi ovoid er break it up! spoken ejaculation dormant that said nones table prayer aye account too right hardbound ear sthenic main hastive the story goes dame bound necked many happy returns (of the day) monotonous at the same time take something ill sloth see you (later) come off it sick red-eye manege game true number how's life (treating you)? excuse inantherate time is of the essence those whom the gods love die young at/on someone's suggestion breath spitted kink scrag myrmotherine crammer arboricole repetition on everyone's/everybody's lips privately tacit blaspheme bespoke earthen quit eminent pulverulent performative whisper told you (so) snort worrisome trigastric quotha further circuitous faith speak go to! self-professed pooh proof put words into someone's mouth story stringy pluperfect tuck roll onward ghoul woe is me there's little to be said for sth thanks slip out fame eld building overdone briefless a good time was had by all quadripennate enneaspermous in sb's words if you ask me it's a free country cutting you could have knocked me down/over with a feather greasy corrugent ligniperdous besides ta-da rapid-fire run along stuff it on the lips of reiterate plain racemose sally rotgut rogation sure cirrous withal depositary disfigure short foxed mock there's something to be said for take brave bud green-salted blench bisulcate cuppy cone humour on dit misfire attenuate nigged anthophagous wany (that's) a likely story! blissom jug-eared hydrophilous twin-screw quack loose ad lib semilogical furthermore get away get a slip of the tongue regardless misstayed never say die pardon (me) calcicole retrousse airborne tell that/it to the Marines! carve charm boil endue just the same rough the long and the short of it take care understood storied mention here we go (again) here we are consistent the last word go on devastating toot corroborative by your own account trip strepsorhine avail monothalmic fard supine acuteness barry radiant salty warm size all right uh-huh the fat is in the fire what's the magic word? only joking! poky hear, hear! my arse! whoop-de-doo actually that's a matter of opinion cross my heart (and hope to die) that's the stuff amen to that I know my point exactly artificial for good measure affiliate speak (or talk) of the devil say cheese vacuity chambered clement combustible rosary right run along! formality flush scat hail morrowmass change one's story garrulous lib mad rousing speak/talk out of turn silence is golden obstinate statement come from pick peacocky prickle grudging go back on one's promise stupefy barded game over drivel spacious enhydrous epanthous round-bend yeti coelodont deoperculate recapitulate erucifrom in the bargain tacky sweeten fairyland frowey here today, gone tomorrow surface serve isopogonous kilted larviparous exscutellate farfow perichaetous curt noncondensible orthodoxy I should be so lucky! metagnathous I stand corrected let's face it smoke screen Rood mass rectinerved solanoid shallow-bodied underhand uppricked whally off the record interfretted catch flattened come along (and) no messing representation strain that will never do! welcome not all it's cracked up to be you live and learn wig genuine flibbertigibbet excavate dot whole-length closereefed too river dragon on the tip of your tongue oops-a-daisy quiet soft see someone damned first subject slack shoo repeat oneself go to the devil! April fool quinquefoliolate prove uncomprehending ruffle eavesdrop rubbish lead balloon down the hatch! therewith get the message eat your words knock sth down in all honesty/seriousness/truthfulness many a true word is spoken in jest mutter my lips are sealed camoys daedalous easter edgeshot holostomatous inflation theme inoperculate kick abracadabra topless unicornous verdoy sovereign teatish transfluent balls ambrosia alleged copy down polled corroboration come to that (or if it comes to that) matins vespertine pardon me you have no idea acidophilic acute adulterous bolivia bandy unicameral baldness bearing wait cheese canter take sth back pharyngognathous suggestion sum and substance nervate notary ten-four there's a lot of it about mononucleated there's no danger of that! you're telling me! your monogastric mistrust derivative cordial cushy flirt fluky must need I say more? there someone goes again sticks and stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me) indirect speech I don't mind if I do mesokurtic say what apposite apprehension airworthy action bilabial blithe conterminous -logy hard-boiled sway staminate male sulk thank-you yellow kid hi fornicate expanse spontaneous sit dinky you know something? what you see is what you get rasping quadrifoliolate polygonate platykurtic pink not that Lady Mass take back lie no/not enough room to swing a cat remain obsequies one man's meat is another man's poison minutes goddamn outrange impetuous I bet expand on/upon something Lorelei how's that? couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery cracked up to be can't be serious very much so recant brace yourself bless you bet the farm on it giddy-up case but like in the affirmative keep fulfil contradict yourself at someone’s insistence asphodel thelytokous untressed tubulidentate septiferous sigillated spitchcocked natatorious inhabile hautein flanched exarticulate enepidermic encephalous dipterygian diatomous countersunk counterpassant barruly leptokurtic benignant baroque aggro however feathered foggy loppy someone tells me (that) adieu that's (about) it abortifacient opaque make good on sth well, I never (did)! what are you like? what's sth in aid of? wounded culpable comply it stands to reason astarboard bell-faced plurifoliolate precocious simmer singular snuff shut thought proper prior prosecute quadripolar aesthesodic rot sterility worth yard cancelier whoa curvative endecaphyllous holmium huswife incognita gilt-edged finchbacked fretted jessant hear nippitate nonplane plateresque lithogenous break one's promise startish undermasted fairy hillock bless you! come again? don't mention it! in camera in sum for all sb cares/knows of the kind sting God's truth sb couldn't act, argue, fight, etc. their way out of a paper bag like so hats off to sb quote someone on speak for yourself repentant take sth down there is a God! tune true to one's word take it personally candlenut chant brisk brace busy grave ganglionless mortify all-seeing bend fool amphiblastic get sth down let me see (I) beg your pardon long live sb/sth! make good on something placebo merry Christmas! gesture point taken recap second hand right you are! keep/fulfill one's promise sb should be shot notwithstanding inauthentic yeah, right! entertain if you will baggage base blind coin choke contemptuous convene cipher compound gam furnished summary there's no such thing as a free lunch withdrawal what's done is done creep cosmopolitan the plot thickens that's life! anteverted all-devouring haggard hearing hit lea introrse poor puke skew sleepy slither southpaw magnesia pakalolo do you want to bet? rising toss tack thanksgiving tag mouth what do you mean? voice yabber basal-nerved I wouldn't bet on it amphicoelous apheliotropic apogeotropic true to your word/promise verbal exalbuminous exaltate faldstool ill-timed fossorious latisternal phaneroglossal limbous lindiform poecilitic to top it all (off) for effect parentation direct cut tulip-eared undersparred allow me vertebrated therf also cackle apologize hey presto how do you mean? make good (on) a promise/threat/debt etc denial pre-emptive circular surprise that is (to say) categorical lightly brief (how much) do you want to bet? same here foliate cottised big deal! same difference twang you must be joking attribution

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Words For "said"

As you've probably noticed, words for "said" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "said" are: unsay, rugged, moreover, saying, and unsaid. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to said listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "said" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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