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shoot gun fusillade fell down overshoot undershoot grass shot pot pop sprout snipe prang bulldoze taw fire layer shoot down something/someone sprig pick off land blast spear dart discharge take down plug downy Space Invaders bag cata- fall recumbent pistol pinball glance bolt depress scion reshoot ratoon blaze spire spray outshoot bird decumbent spurt jet downhill topsy-turvy layering twig plink over plumule loose tiller chit bequeath chute take spout sucker
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hew graft machine gun grouse layoff rollway lay sth off shanghai adown downright skeptic seedy squib prone dependent flight gleam offshoot pout sprit level sporting shoot shooting silo put imp topsyturvy procumbent Bull slip floor lop invert lay spring pendulous descend firing squad rain drop deep below rove leaf knuckle project downtrodden fly skyrocket bird shot nethermost hypo disarm eagle low spindle engraft let d encumber plummet runner rod turndown devolution unbowed expel innovation kneecap mongolism prescriptive nether pump upshoot machine-gun squirt glare pea–shoot catapult decline KD render cap porthole stool switch depend grassroots paintball laid descent seat tranquilize plumula bottommost cool it depone flatten chillax break flagellum leader ray protrude lance decelerate dejection overthrow descendent tame hollow repose burden inverse couchant dip stretch souse humble abate deposit fork coleoptile standing lower sag fallen raddled hand burgeon wicker shotgun marksmanship longbow spitter cast strike ramify raze collapse overblown knockdown crumple underfoot demolish overgo step dismantle topple ack-ack target rover turion drop–down trisomy 21 back off under bogey flix shell zap sublateral birdie shotten BB gun breeze fang spur push retake range back downward shete downfalling plump set climb-down alight cut shooter gunfight potted slam-dunk throw rosy apple erect degressive sleet take a seat abject get deject hang rat-tat ginger perpendicular hail pendent rat-a-tat ginger piliform Scribe plotz plumb facedown deck dn lysis offset settle deturb keel over scorn decoct despiciency dejected CKD dive dump englut grungy cry heavy slowdown hurl downstairs stoop laden decurved subside downstream demiss shoot-out bore branch lag backsight lens lalo crossbow artillery stang hold one's fire butt draw malleolus HIP pickoff sourt sobole European pine shoot moth roll shooting gallery trigger-happy cunny–thumb tear jot pitch go ragged trim bobble slam loll mat dressing dismount windfallen procidence come arrest dance submit outlook drip bounce cool founder Roost lodge reap vertical reverse flump landslide poise jotter demerit jut firefight bud exchange fire rook-drive thall- shute toot ice bean sprout quit magnum lot flash run up hang/hold fire let fly shoot up strain return fire chute-the-chute rabbit turkey-shoot return someone's fire turio emit mark fire at will shoot-'em-up tommy–gun anti-aircraft apex tase flack flak flew potshot pellet germen scope flying ding firepower yard fowl vimen artillery pieces stump sucker shoot through skeet intershoot shoot on sight plunk flown rocket flyer gun down blow away surcle growing point step aside deliver deponent buckass downmost dependant depression couch ptil- hand on rallentando take a chair (or seat) Down's moulder drier–down return take a pew! squinch downed climb down de- go over pulviplume sit-down strike downing pushover crock rot decompose upsodown downbye gribble blast away quail head squeeze lateral gun down someone renewal shoot rake wand shot false blind gat marksman hook volley take aim pump bullets into someone gutshoot run-and-shoot shove air rifle water bough gunman vegetative cone side shoot ingraft loader scud bombard pump/fill someone full of lead pip deerdrive unleash needle film fizz tendron forereach throw something out spurtle shoot–out bamboo shoot air gun arm trigger finger willow shoot ear fire off bury nutation shoot sb down shoot to kill wrist overshot fluffy truck pat talk in flossy write avale decrepit topsy–turvy overlook defluous command plumulaceous soft-pedal subdue deeply downshift damp downslope dig doon dominate downcast reseat reach–me–down muffle lay down crack up remain/stay seated take a (or the) load off one's feet reach-me-down lay something down overslaugh fall away mongoloid forelay get down on one's (hands and) knees jotting give out drop/fall/sank to one's knees defluent detrited downplay downcry cornpone sit–in sit–down sheer ramshackle propendent chill swan's-down droopy book eider fallback sit down derelict describe sit-in correct flag traditional jam log tamp slump source bd drop one's gaze note rone pipe saggy take something down -stasis stay-in strike the dust settles press low–flung lower one's eyes cinch breve grabble fleabag accumbent Down's syndrome cd dog-eared descendant overtop swizzle dust dab condescend kill fix pensile decursive overbearing slug deflow defoul be (down) in black and white down calver devex upsyturvy bail be seated decompress downflowing downline bring bowl quat cumbent cubatory KDF KDCL put down retrench pull-down menu reduce pull-down re- spat overweight mire decommission have/take a seat squash grab a seat lout groundward delative topsyturn downthrown cut back lay-over commit cataclasm dunk grudge deduct countdown cark compose perpend pin thwack tell down swap relax copy unputdownable RDC bowl someone over arsy–varsy cower pack drop-down depressed get something down ground down cloit down–gyved dress dispunge drop one's eyes/head turn turtle load unbeaten slide shoot it out eradiate savin top sniper sitting duck souchong pick off someone/something nock gun dog germinate shawfowl stuff spindling sight springing twang roe drive ray blight apical dominance lift rough-shooting shooting box trigger mortar overlock deferred shoot feather oelet adventitious aim arbalest rain gun hired gun bracket banquette sword sucker stool shoot wildfowl game-tenant stick plant-cane stolon pump-fake sharpshooter blow away someone gunreach fulmine talon acropetal cage battlement trigger–happy wood bud sheet shot clock poignant rapid–fire orange pekoe leaf bud spiry hair trigger automatic brachyblast cover length one-time upspear propagulum hit acrospire microgreen pick hammer frond undershot take a pot shot at deerstalker root sucker head-reach eye bourgeon dartle drib soboles zero streak stele prophyll crack ejaculate gobby watershoot pistol shot misfire budling geyser butter basipetal cutting precipitate kick-down detrude hold heel daunt die plank boil cascade soothe traik allay banjo conk pad crash pregravate shunt tracker tumble weight shabby swansdown slipshod temper taking wind-blown documentary up-and-down draw to a halt/stop slope kip nick positive despection quadriplegia scrooch take a load off (one's feet) eiderdown hunker downfall neg amate slouch inferior taken decubation downbear kata- depose estrich ground down wool avalanche bung bughouse downless degrade ballast burthen dropside down-low despise destructive contemn lessen lave frap take the weight off your feet wallop wimple suspend slippery squelch still rundownable tradition styptic rest rub down mollify shutter undercoat preponderate phut SKD labile downweigh backdown cath- crap crummy set down spatter took trace transmit sericeous crouch rosinante soft–pedal stated suppress gnaw misgive serricated lighten destroy upsy–down unbuild jounce snub shacky grind prostration recline rundown delapse upend down-market forjesket guard coast droop procidentia stram unruffle unerect flap erode bate creaky double-down hand-me-down gamp give jouk mash oppress pile written pull turn power syllable refuse prescript indite tralatitious blink bear down berattle clamp down chow disjaskit fail keep mangy nutant heap slap steatolysis stog wreck jigger weigh downpour base deflate disdain bed loppy plash keel overgrow oppression rattish refrigerate unmowed affrap deducible sit-down gun sb down Asteroxylon decoy bazooka apical meristem assault rifle shootout simple bud phloem candle indeterminate clout

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Words For "shoot down"

As you've probably noticed, words for "shoot down" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "shoot down" are: shoot, gun, fusillade, fell, and down. There are 959 other words that are related to or similar to shoot down listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "shoot down" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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