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sprawl sit seat set sat brood ride outsit incubate straddle perch bench lounge sate slouch squat bestride suspension observance effuse Down up forth gazebo cover away roost chaise longue throne broody sit-down rest hike whist auditorium judge outflow incorporated seating loll logistics sunbathe slump sprawling sun outspread sedentary outcast puffbird exit ec- sitting loneliness ex- expend cave effluent bouffant horse outpour couch bar ef- quagmire hunch reseat
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cabin backside belly exclude arm-wrestling dugout spacey cuddle stand happenstance increment outen distributive plop restore view dinky outgoing outstretch wake sit down take a seat sitten stroller intransitive settee padded prepare hackneyed sit up out upholstery limousine place bum cove chair rear exhale bottom expire bilge biddable Miss bust do run out beat obtrusive ex outmost peal egress disbursement porrect out-of-the-way beaten sit-in os extrude sol extend bathtub ass behind beg go huddle adjudicate box beside promenade concert sit–down auto body get up sit in astraddle hot tub flop hatch sauna stride baby-sit erupt dope spend exclusive excurrent shot kayo unseat floor waiting room buttocks tribunal strike take a pew! take a chair (or seat) curl sink tarmac plop down disgorge sit round project splay bank rear end bask headroom exsert outward outstanding restless sit-down strike fan jut off radiate windless playact ex nihilo overhang debouch hang effusive outwell unbalanced dead bushed strip pelt bold outweary dout Po excide hunker down positive stand up plonk down ridden sit back arse riding curule tush rode butt derriere recline rump full-on thinking-through thought-through outta outermost veg stay-in strike chancel terrace crouch sit bolt upright take a (or the) load off one's feet still thwart spence coach scrunch hunker sit–in dies non fauteuil posterior beer garden ruck press gallery e- grab a seat have/take a seat hip bath tête-à-tête out-and-out lap expand sofa patio grandstand staging cuddle up face curl up deck gondola outcut extuberant outstand outworn assign punch-out enate bale out holler standing room lettiga resit take a load off (one's feet) counter flump overstride take the weight off your feet time out pan dart expel sit still pass park yourself protrude LOL pan out old-fashioned untangle hand sing prove pull fall out into thin air leaflet protensive extant thrust blow pout abroad see spew outburst libation sally stank fried dog-tired whiff elute outshut démodé kill bolk whereout rase eighty-six show issue plot outreach Honour escape spavined moth-eaten chime cavern outthrust debar scrub aside douse make repel spread disproportionate perform fare dish out disorderly whack LIFO miss out GIGO disburse disproportion dispense unpicked out of hand output rouse blown dop strut runaway astir outspring baseborn snort expanse soup elect outbreak exude worm-eaten convex puffed amiable portend bag blind catch/bag some rays straighten lime set down take tight go in for seten sunbake Jackie nestle get behind the wheel lop down brew banc put one's feet up garden erect panel usher vis-à-vis plump take one's seat there load snuggle sit–downer pitch be seated booty wazoo missit base alebench rinkside clucky dining table choir flight deck nave hold yourself settle heinie mantel clock soak bink commentary box seating arrangement/plan standing desk jury box plunk fink out arrant forth of front bench backbench portion tany- inside and out divvy prominent develop other–group burned-out outbox outbursting forworn hard allot germinate evolve out-basket pour force play detrite bulging protuberant sled–length drop overworn decant unbeaten n.o. outburn stressed way–out outflowing push off role–play breakthrough carry through bolstered hokum flat–out eluctate strictly made hollow infuse perch oneself soss circle beanbag buttock stern tail ramage sit-up-and-beg top table tepidarium feet either press box ride on suntrap pull up posture lecture theatre berth hide FROW front room foxhole unqualified roaring out on one's ear downright one stretch cockpit Jacuzzi have ants in your pants carol collapse cheek comfortable pad bar stool snug steep ride the pine (or bench) take one's place high table head table bean gallery ride shotgun take your seat bogie pavilion queen bidet riser sidelines penalty box pillion sit around (somewhere) by can lunchroom head frame quad bike saloon the lotus position stood desk comfortably park oneself Board of county commissioners transfix Alexander Technique tandem hindquarters prat try scorebox pouf put your feet up watch the world go by carriage meditate cross your legs departure lounge double-decker chew the fat get/go into a huddle dos-à-dos presbytery telephone booth time–out keister puff (up) with pride oppress please sot terrasse take a pew summer house right driving seat lean (sth) against/on sth usherette roof terrace sun deck tonneau sunroof standing room preside potty sociable sitting room stoep akathisia car high chair crunch photo booth seating plan back-formation fundament nates parlour house lights backseat durative table niggle dressing table resume living room cuttystool ab bridal party banana boat pose shotgun merry–go–round satrap call shotgun Turkish bath lounger restaurant swing pit sidesaddle wooden horse orchestra ride on someone’s shoulders/back apron stage push peer of the realm Ferris wheel inglenook pew reception room lounge chair the stands cybercafe park booster seat parcourse noon pull up a chair recumbent roundabout magic carpet quietly afterparty cello hostess drum circle drum stool sundeck will extended expiscatory display rove proper outstrike avoid splurt evaginate last blear cast plim thoroughgoing outpace unadulterated divide thereout cry roll string leach outwrest evendown ho exsputory pay kick balls–out mark crim claim cushion space picnic area coarseness plump (sb/sth) down journey-bated desiccate frumpy from halloo intempestive ken forswonk misaligned misbegotten deline deletory aberuncate officiate old-hat outlook outmoded ramfeezled outrun run–down owt parterred prolong plane skeeved sieve vary untouchable quell perdu sweat outtire ascertain come down equip outshine distinguish event exo- DOS fangle drain imminent indicate knacker jettying out–migrant outcurve omission index leg open humor break forth flare set sth forth journey–bated bawl click off knock chew out make out intend chill log dead beat unwarp whacked–out vent beam-ends disjoint watch water askew emerge evert exhaust river farce aloud screen did broach bough hear recrudesce protension tattle defenestrate quest swoosh public ooze dirty background dowdy press prink metagrobolize thorough take the count screw vociferous outflung outjut triplicate outwork outbreathed reject setting–out machine recrudescent widespread spent elaborate emanate find flange flat-out extinct feud fill but blurt recherché bulge frighten crazy deliver discharge sucker thresh out harass hill produce plumb psilosis straight snook outpouring sift learn mix time swig tuck-in outcoming screwy sew unwonted overspend whoosh withdraw outgo passé off key hors de combat invisible gut out howk fleg eminent elongate defrost eradicate fade conclamant disembogue dole shoot-out do someone in cranky club bleary aspread barring archaic block pandiculated outweed outthrow exedent excreation in its/their entirety done in extramission hereout cast out do up distent turn-outs fire-hollowed break give back number bushwhacked array effluence conduct bejade cock-a-hoop defocus dope something out count out considerate discern out box duke signalize FIFO mine protrusion eliminate reverse ramify relieve invert over take the air poke supereffluence step out square tucker under the open sky swell scintillate inapposite NTO outblaze outgush outlaugh outroll outsweep pick out plunk down pop profluvium played out salt out tapman heel get antique ban indicative afloat fleet felicitous exudate in date let malapropos long-drawn worm–eaten effete efflux ejectment knackered emissive displayed disproportionately determine parbreak outblowing denounce outflash outhold wacked–out cut-out insure outroar loud soft threadbare unconventional trill presage pubble scry rinky-dink in its/their totality foreclose o.p. outbound outcry full-frontal outwards bouge egressor oust kinky meith op outblot outring outspent outwear protend ride off punk out spurt speed cardboard sing out clapped–out hang out flesh deletion follow out does dollop done dished dilate

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Words For "sit out"

As you've probably noticed, words for "sit out" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "sit out" are: sprawl, sit, seat, set, and sat. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to sit out listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "sit out" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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