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face eye glare around gape glower facial ogle ocular optic cheek blush goggle stare ophthalmic countenance front eyeball mask outstare pupil gawk look aspect feature gawp confront prostrate visage rubberneck facedown ciliary phiz orbit eyepiece eyeful mug supraorbital optical eyed orb chatoyant strabismus eyehole subocular turn bold eyebrow leader od prone sight face time amblyopia vis-a-vis outface furrow profile suborbital supine flush plucky entoptic manifest
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leer preocular grimace double indemnity vitreous cast batter procumbent affront lore afront wink fortitude one-up walleye as orbital tear visor cheer drawn stick to one's guns powder glass steely eyesore stand pearl flushed oculist dial scowl monocle blank miosis frontal glassy line peeper cataract cheekbone before pluck patch smiley counter retreat tic lineament meet moon-eye direction twinkle brow envisage squint sightless bandeau glow facer ophthalmologist Perseus courage traverse deface amaurosis keep lift gutsy plain pan map iridic film -opia sneer icy crystalline lens color shave blubber surface unattractive domino nubecula eyewash sun synechia bird's-eye bull's-eye suspensory ligament dismay contradance mydriasis chase wall-eye muffle round socket blink bald-faced spirit gum frown accommodation crystallin crease leucoma register photoelectric cell kern opacity masked bad eye toggle washcloth landscape razor gaze fair cyclops eyewink peekaboo clock rhabdom beard dilation zygomatic bone ophthalmia herpes simplex refract retinal fallacy wagonette appearance lens light cowardice aegilops conspicuous midfacial kisser bloodshed temple give someone the hairy eyeball good looks freckle mouse commissure f2f struggle soft pretty orientate corner nuzzle coloboma facies feather smash in comely ophthalmo- grovel philosophical puss face-to-face beautiful stand one's ground vision pearl-eyed colour whistler prospect glad eye eyestrain gimlet eye pickerel header die confrontation bezel inocular facing bend eye lens gena on -scope becket smother epiphora ametropia crow's-foot perspective eyeshot expression sessile display postorbital beholder sightly goggles myopia morale superciliary craniofacial glaucoma black someone's eye counttenance phase cosmetic barrel maxillofacial stare sb in the face in give bull's eye visible glop overlook faceup affronter reverse squinch wry rouge fascinate regard gaw retina quitter base staredown gawker nose single asquint eyestalk choroid tapetum Iris macroscopic eyeglass puncheon photophobia speculation punch/put someone’s lights out canthus eyelet cross-eyed right-eyed cycloplegia astigmatism quizzing-glass footstalk ophthalmoscope marsupium optometry oculus tarsal gudgeon famous sidelong sweet nyctalopia blind side against head-butt acne bully in the flesh tooth handsome freeze staring glom gazement eyeball to eyeball gowk encounter grandstander embrace right between the eyes orbicularis ocularist anteorbital casting contredanse lovely namaskar flatter be in sb's face water bitch-slap bloom cajole spin (sb) around disfigure spartan back down roll -faced full face forbear facework prim back ruddy bore fishy in your mind’s eye bully pulpit crystal-gaze take pupilla vis-à-vis outgaze hale eye-speck eye scope fix (someone) with wary fovea malevolent malocchio one conspicuously prong key pin iris scanner eye-pit visual magnitude chide eye drop comb photosensory manifestly postocular piercing clinch bowline cringle attractive rough ocularly becoming supraocular wick picturesque arrest statuesque frontispiece reduced eye forward quadratus heddle-eye negotiator gloat provocation bear up semblant ocellus staringly brave fatality bear cop beet red land salaam neb mush intimidation public eye coupon header brick oculiform human face c'est la vie unflinching fly eye-pedicel gove the evil eye ophthalmalgia ocellocular present tan mouth twirl half-moon centerfold frog prosopic hide grit mulish last-ditch port worry center draw liveliness crack hardy egilopical mugger limbus lotus eye rugged face–harden standing face-symbol succumb (as) tough as nails uphold life mask eyewards astonishment canthus rostralis facade corrugate underneath convexo-concave synchysis single–eyed Mace eyemark beginner face up frontage breast concavo-convex eye test coat defend redden undaunted coward stiff upper lip lather spectacled plate lock face-line bat diglyph spear palsy stood unruffled formation globe brace gut hold masquerade caution withdrawal whiteness brazen four veil pursuit preorbital sleepy gum epicanthic mail appalled swivel jaundiced facekini corella naked ring auger dulcet thread dull winkingly straight face eye-apple accordance eye probe whall enlarge cornea dictum spin left lucent pupillary eyereach druse repicture stud poker sweep persevere golden–eyed faser aghast uniocular spectacularly eyen homonymous wattled plover discernible viewy apparentness end on picture eye vein orthoptics scenography eye-point duplicitous combattant exclude retinal detachment accusatory whiteside ophthalmitis rattlewings black eye glowering eye-blink side face refraction pierce red-eye unseeable apparent eye-tracker eye-lamp peck disparage monocular white–faced retrochoir under conduplicate visibility garrot whistlewing solid vacant eyesalve eyeward unsightly whiffler pop eyewinker strale os distinct eye shield tear duct collyrium seem optico- invisible eyepopper black light clear stemma redeye noli-me-tangere ommatophore skull turnaround mouthy faint of heart shelter haw eye case hang presence go/turn crimson lazy eye rack loyalist cranny a high colour chap discouragement tsubo eye slit face airing tooled finish hook-nosed wince face-bedded scrub whiteface mockery portrait face play all-defiant stoic bury your face/head in something waterboarding cave handkerchief foreign you should have seen his face worried texture sub specie mortis looking in someone's/something's stead to eyelight defect into I-spy snout obtrude temporofacial coolness can-do face about turn about about depressor have-a-go shamefaced nap face mask oversail battler purple in-your-face toward silver grain private life grip venture undistinguished go red caruncle roadheading cold hands face joint quelea agroof eye music receptor washstand conserve talk to the hand mooey face down caruncula screw one's face/eyes up face down (or downwards) pot-eye nictitating membrane oeil-de-boeuf veronica outside screw up one's face/eyes type twist informant tete-a-tete distract dilate aldebaran perv overture informer station wreathe drink deposition elective scuncheon leathery denomination blubbery rimrock orofacial shine prominent perturb staring contest refractive error frowzy eye-skip transient ischaemic attack unstable pedagogue around the clock marksman yellow spot cluster headache blankly upstare pecten drop kick missionary position chin vizard superficies orient unmeaning paste poll spellbind bowline face up (or upwards) bewhiskered surfle mold wonderful precipice wash heavy crude break bepatched wherret barefaced transfix hangdog nauplius biometrics Romberg's sign admonish sodden eyesight neomycin bloodshot face wind scrunch visual communication view hilum staff face–first off–face astrolabe level dugout reversal mizrach trump on behalf of someone spectacles scleroprotein albuminoid esurient encauma clockwise eyesome jettatura blench chat macroscopical moulage poke in the public eye baby maskette showy monoculus acrocyanosis daunt hand specimen latent undraped pseudopupil repeat stupefy pull-iron ugly specious visual goggled bonny make/pull a face een eyebeam nice-looking -omma swarthy benignant ophthalmography eye–catcher da see megascopic well-favoured tub diplegia facet cat's-eye micropsia fluorophotometry artificial eye floater conjunctivitis best gold almond eye eyeshine encouragement lived-in electro-oculography back end of a bus sinus basilisk aristocratic mainstreamer agate eye drop pin-joint catchlight iritis pterygium bone severity physiognomist envy center circle contradict spread biserial witch ostracism shape up or ship out pale orthognathous blaze pinhole pupil eyedness dichromacy meeting thrall hollow-eyed (as) white as a sheet cataractous cross–eye field lens eye cap shadow eye hospital corneule plumb diplostomulum near point blepharospasm eye-case crow's–foot grandstand twinkling spud undine met eyetooth iridology eye candy face-guard web jack condition replace cherubic headmark oblique obvious breech mug shot runway puckerer leash skintle composed eye training surround o'clock visualize phobic deathbed bent bends declare crown wheel heliotropism eyecup display ad stipes perimetrical blind clarity stele turn one's back ghastly white vitrectomy eyebright dead-man's float dudgeon intrusive hyaline refractionist bird's-eye maple oculonasal right-eyedness week pupillometer irido- accommodational superposition eye neuroanatomy cleansing tissue basin step panoramagram -esque consensual longan visibly motor–minded illusionism weather eye cryptoclastic sock trace sustenance qua towards inside hawt eyeline in the twinkling of an eye rod diapsid orthoscopic lagophthalmos Great Nebula

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Words For "stare someone in the eye (or face)"

As you've probably noticed, words for "stare someone in the eye (or face)" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "stare someone in the eye (or face)" are: face, eye, glare, around, and gape. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to stare someone in the eye (or face) listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "stare someone in the eye (or face)" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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