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scorpion sting tail dock stung bite caudal swallowtail have a sting in the/its tail horsehair hoop snake oxtail brush foxtail nettle comet tailed aculeus rattle swim fishtail telson fluke ermine scorpioid pavonine subcaudal Lion wasp fan tadpole rattlesnake bobtail cow killer hornet tag scut pintail flag queue pigtail stingless mermaid cauda redstart piercer stern grenadier three-point landing stinger heterocercal aculeate quill nip fire ant ocellus aft stang uropygium bush ring-tailed smart ictus homocercal
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freehold squirrel supracaudal fantail ray stingy nick uro- manatee ponytail stingray tailing pique yellow jacket rat-tail eyespot head fox hippocampus bob flight feather vesper sparrow stoat unsting prick coward dugong nematocyst coati diphycercal mare's-tail covert tang biting merman bug bite martin forktail tail covert empennage spinetail rectrix rat-tailed rosy finch cue quetzal rump caudate opossum whipparee train pygostyle Mexican hairless vane muskrat lobster tail caudad capercaillie thornback kern tailspin urticate bang bobcat bangtail rhamphorhynchus tailpiece floccus fud posterior genet ape tailplane keeshond palomino lyrebird sea snake Mace sea horse swallow reed-mace cercaria pin-tailed stingaree merlin coccyx lynx beaver compunction curtail kinkajou Triton uropygial gland harpoon gnu tailless Ur crupper piculet fuselage donee red-tailed scarlet tanager coonskin leptocercal profusion urochord plover start hollow tail flight stem lyrate rabbit lemur batfish tayra raccoon cottontail eye guenon Pembroke platypus fish bat ringtail chameleon soma chimera glass-snake venomous gerbil wagtail sylph thresher feather breve swallow-tailed coat cocktail switch stinging tongue racket-tailed caudal fin wire-tailed burn tiger pitta pregenital lash ratfish emu-wren pine siskin Labrador retriever polliwog monkey yellow-shafted flicker stimulus bee retroserrate sting bladder gold-finch camel's-hair brush woodchat shaft pentail washerwoman rudder mousetail io moth nuthatch holy aftermost tip-up graduate retinaculum knot topping patagium rabbitfish unicorn wivern simple puncture marmot stub camel hair bullfinch single pitch Gila monster squaretail red deer bitten bit manticore dovetail quokka anurous jerboa huia horsetail bald eagle turtle black grouse sickle feather Peacock whale fee main-rope precaudal entail urostege quill-tail spine-tailed black-tailed thorax heir of entail profonde press freetail motherwort Head, Edith devil loin tailwheel tail skid coda ion tail rampant diplodocus crop-tailed whiptail tectrices accipiter apostrophe crissum crinite amphisbaena free-tailed salamander frog body tail fin kite dog boom fin strut tocororo kingbird surgeonfish buzzard point rat's tail hair rat's tail cactus rat-tail rasp anura Tasmanian devil horned lizard faun catkin autotomy wheatear satyr marsupial rat chestnut wrytail sciuroid shama overtone lemming cockatrice flapper dag–tailed capuchin mud dauber bun wolverine Lizard decaudate anomuran palette hypural giant hornet tern formedon stabilizer stingless bee rectrices tail set take the sting out of sth pseudoscorpiones pulley-box tegmen tear gas oopod amplexicaudate red-vented long blow spermatozoid cat's-tail giant armadillo magot scissor-tailed bunny splittail screw tail atter draggle-tail disentailment pseudopodium Lagurus liripipe hutia fire-tailed capitate fireflaire urochordal band-tail inflammatory bunchy comet tail tail surface oestrus stingtail alioth rack tail tail-fin false scorpion infix uropygial box trichocyst case tailhead thrash -tailed waygate caudiform cercal homocercy undertail plica jay water torch Portuguese man-of-war anaphylaxis right heir peduncle pin–tailed heir dichotomous red crossbill reed-pheasant crissal thrasher rocker lower covert cow–nosed ray field vole -ura drum Echinocaris tail comb exasperate Bethylidae paradoxurine imp pungently ollie guppy lyre bird Redford, Robert heterocercy Redford flea-bite Newman curtail dog trunk swordtail fork length jacobin sephen lyretail spear gilded flicker urodele Allen's rule nowed gopher postabdomen three–point landing acrid wreath disarm barn swallow words of procreation envelop nighthawk marine tail end chamar Hymenoptera beesting paradise flycatcher Gymnarchus dead-nettle discontinuor double–queued button vomer duck's arse peacock pheasant long-tailed duck remigial stiff-tailed wildebeest estate tail wyvern blue ant heel spur epural knout heads or tails sun squirrel anal fin redhorse ass cactus wren yellowtail flounder linsang emerald Callisaurus tally board catbird chape sprigtail hare's-tail band–tailed kowari agama dibatag quail Conopophagidae rooster-tail apiculture forficate pungent dag-tailed pigtailed fire medusa brontosaurus tail sheet marmoset spider monkey white–tailed jackrabbit western kingbird shetland pony gibbon intermediae tailskid rockered firebird horizontal stabilizer bugbite donkey drill brambling duckbill sea krait pack rat jungle cat iguanid donkey party scissortail sliver macrurous crissal red squirrel particular estate reitbok leatherjacket toad Himalayan hare pungitive keen spermist gas tail wag kick acumen shingle–back breastweed common particular meter end fly tail unit sleeping lizard donkey's tail tail group mark marks sleepy lizard adulate depot versus caudati cerc- rime couée swum swam snapping turtle even chelonia fifth quarter woodpecker header lizard's tail tail-back headstock zibeth pelican fish mackerel archaeornis abdomen manis mitosome headband rasbora scorpionfish Rhinobatidae hyrax yellow–shafted flicker pig–tailed ape frank-marriage nose–heavy nucleus golden oriole chimaera peak requiem shark ant anterior remex curculio cone karakul ruddy sheldrake nuclei tailhook black rat grebe cuckoo vanjas scorpion fly snipefish vee tail reedling tandem hitch gadfly redemise graduation wiggle spermatozoon stretcher butter red–shafted flicker free–tailed bat weasel black wheatear fee simple conditional bar-tailed godwit shake ocellated argus protocercal Loddigesia great spotted woodpecker bushbaby black ape wryneck Bahama duck Cubalaya inanga tail up Hamlisch, Marvin tuko-tuko glass snake king vulture fieldfare Compsilura pheasant-tailed helmet mackerel-gull seahorse Saururus shrew opossum American Eskimo dog anuran whydah Certhia main-and-tail long–tailed weasel cornetfish mamo elaeodochon uropatagium transom Salientia triffid scaletail swallow-tailed stegosaurus rostro-caudal head–and–tail–light European nightjar tail coverts middling lyrated ara saddle maguari free-tailed bat ring–tailed dhole sapphire red kite tarpan cuckoo dove sage grouse pointer mongoose silverfish sauropod mouse–tailed bat starling rock grenadier Rhizota glow-worm envenomization shark regardant virga langur fieldmouse Arab brindled gnu archaeopteryx Sirenia ruddy duck herring hamster diabolic Canaan dog fork–tailed petrel Chinese mountain cat tree kangaroo barwing bobfly clipper sable rattler scorpioidal ruby-tailed ring-tailed cat macaque stump–tail cat-o'-nine-tails cacomistle argus shell bought eristalis nereid fish-tail parson’s nose cauda equina exhaust nozzle quarter blanket taildragger prickly brantail ichthyodorulite dormouse sea wasp tail-walk parson's nose white–tailed deer puppet fork-tailed undercovert semispan bucktail aigrette haircloth pinion prehensile roundtail long–tailed pangolin sickle tail buffeting coendoo barrigudo rear light red-tailed hawk flicker apatosaurus docker tail twisting Madagascar cat astern abaft tomtit white-tailed thornback ray macrourid hornworm shangan erne water-pheasant stabilator Capricornus pen fan-tailed rogue's badge sakabula auxiliary rotor waggle white–tailed mongoose filament drag rhopalocercous haurient middle-piece vari whitetip Uropygi firefly mordacious butterfly ray anteroposterior outrigger whitehead touch tenancy key-pin Serpens turboramjet engine backstroke pin-bone Tasmanian wolf race swamp lily hare's–tail tail-light pennon redtail lion–tailed witches' milk goldseed eventually dock–tailed lyre–tailed caud- rabbit–tail grass band-tailed pigeon gephyrocercal spread spermatocyte midpiece mosasaur thrust augmentation brevicaudate nudicaudate acaudate trichocercous kangaroo tailed rhyme dragon's blood dragon's head bristletail Vespertilionidae tails lizardtail anury rat's tail file angle of incidence tail rotor fork–tailed nyala area rule timothy grass pygal canary bird chipmunk iguanodon praise bangtail muster sea lion scaly-tailed squirrel marabou mockingbird roe ibis Anoüs cuckoo-roller loris hamadryad timothy vas deferens ticking pinworm heir in tail talapoin urodela Chaetura washdish graduated racket-tail nose to tail kultarr solenodon lyre–tailed nightjar Oriental roller opinicus koala guinea pig dragon mountain beaver wood ibis gadwall thorntail whence ankylosaurus fruit bat arrest sealpoint ostrich-plume silenus tail-feather redheaded woodpecker snake eel rumper merwoman pheasant-cuckoo Emballonuridae club-rush rat–tailed larva eastern kingbird torpedo pope's nose sharp–tailed grouse Cebidae basilisk Lagomorpha mordant coelacanth junco plume suricate emu wren pheasant-duck macaw sickle-feather magpie skimmington base fee serval hooded crow eurhipidurous harvest mouse scyphophori goose rump swift fox vespertilionid Zyzomys rudder duck black–tailed jackrabbit plesiosaur longfin pompano two–headed snake alligator-turtle feathertail glider howler Pomeranian red tag copepod mango chaffinch fat–tailed sheep Saluki Pacific gull palaka white–tailed hawk mako phalanger hog-nosed bat dun girdled lizard Sauropoda tail rope porcupine Lacertilia whidah bird pterodactyl sibia scalyfoot pomarine jaeger bobtailed phleum sheartail Berkshire dassie black–tailed prairie dog ankylosaur basenji spine uakari fairy wren makara mouse ginglymodi alligator chestnut–breasted finch Pycnodontidae horse sable antelope flying boom spin short–tailed shrew tropic bird marker antpitta wing skunk Cape robin cynosure gull Reeve's pheasant

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Words For "sting in the tail"

As you've probably noticed, words for "sting in the tail" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "sting in the tail" are: scorpion, sting, tail, dock, and stung. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to sting in the tail listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "sting in the tail" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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