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countess count number census tally on county recount cash up miscount declaration enumerate re-count cash cash up (or North American cash out) viscount past headcount blood count herrnhuter behind beside at fan–tan apheresis bangtail muster bust reckon discount house Balance tale reckoning Palatine county palatine counter back palsgrave day length bier account numerate midnight downstage Initial Series ball-strike lap coup counting rear atop enthralled foretop
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landgrave innumerous contract bridge front tell Radetzky down ct cadence numeration frontal knockout Head initial in extremis chez apical askew zero rosary undercount bank earl unreliable countship compute flighty teller tail Pulaski, Casimir coliform bacillus pique blood test KO locking plate Horn upstage count-bishop overcount polling place pommel fingernail riverbank marquis attendance comital repose mathematics specific flank compt comte CBC off unison amen over hamstring blackjack take crown union point toenail matrix batten eye nose death newel numberless counted at the expense of countless Thompson Elector Palatine quantity countdown Moltke reticulocyte level swing now in full swing seaside tom hind upon discumbency return calculate originally Dumas counthood Trim spot meet RBC marginal schooling top quantum valebant rhinegrave last stairhead midships earlobe fetlock biceps hip-huggers kneecap quintain foreshore nurse hip offertory the seabed up care of equatorial coincidence vanguard grinder end canthus drop coma margrave grace cup Bell body count dessert countess palatine keep score palsgravine trocheameter dawn leucopenia Andrássy aim retell bank on full go Oxenstierna zeppelin aet. nolle prosequi renumerate countable noun quantum meruit bead baron myriad crest discount noonstead kip star gauge nick Frederick Henry roaring game fall muggins count out coliform index orange circulation e-voting on-street knock someone out knock not tropical rainforest tot ballot Sforza for a count of cost horizontal meridian bandy Antarctic aloft CARE expense subalpine terminal tawdry full-blown curl contemplation count heads despair count-noun sunken labium incalculable natural number posterior sideline locking-plate tether case count helm skin resistance live floor anus coccyx topical high underlie ring finger for patella every collection short count the seashore Radiguet clock heel during reportative alongside by astern suffix stocktake brink norroy most pubic hair tailbone triceps Paternoster abundancy rebaptization rebaptizing anc headgear score subitize tropical forest passometer the gatekeeper roach headstone nipple alhambra snub ridgepole eaves Pythia landing biowar best man temple harvest home leech windowsill mistress finish line pole position coronet the top flight knock off (sth) headline finishing line low tide maintop Orlov range pot keystone batch in the long run nightcap clifftop without harvest-home adrift Don camber wide backlog bedside dais anterior rearward discretion through outside rudderpost crop single-foot midyear fire basilar preaudience bower taillight midweek adieu foothill dooryard mid obtuse poop tone shipwreck unpolled back door headboard count up leucocytosis suburbanism cid alley countdom earldom both headaching countly article each Babel Angevin pattern-wheel beg order book population tick business start-up lymphocyte minyan afterpart count palatine count out something all Henry VII Nesselrode blood picture Ignatiev human sacrifice wool grade aleukaemic pitch count make thread count counting–out rhyme rugulosity yarn number Basie tally clerk quinze balk cribbage board pseudo-classic parasexuality ear-bending artificialism could count sth on (the fingers of) one hand metonymy pollen count blood-count tide exception share Caribbean English Bernadotte, Folke blue pill seven and a half knowledge industry box score duplicity scoreboard camerata body fluid Basie, Count country life underneath magic number Tilly diff Kennedyism altar plate full count departed (in) care of thermoscope bank teller little corporal fallibility percentage bridge long count altarage pulse backward Rupert above the line voting machine counting scales innumerable beat below the line travel Ave Maria count sheep framing timber receivables several count someone out count noses employment protection grok multitudinous zillionaire graf Ravenscroft roture Russia binding kill ferry craft orangeade mala more adnumber Roman uncial bet collective noun excursion school land roof tile SL and C rime beyond number mass noun tell off year-count without number Rumford shore tote earl palatine beyond/without number rhyme differential white count unnumbered telling told instance swinging atm head cover environment @ turn gasp ground saint-simonian source cap swung on-the-spot inventory cinch physical inventory Scottish Gael pair church land phloxine Stern Gang gas barrel Maurice market mechanism Egmont Hapsburg pleading lowball rouge et noir single transferable vote reasonable doubt retally miscalculate Pico della Mirandola ettle human error presently chemin de fer count down first thing (in the morning) midleg era on the hour Cid, El quintaining midsagittal passion basirhinal invariably industrial property aged [or] aged moravian Turkana, Lake aetatis ringal fragrant Geiger counter pip free verse sepsis grave wit syllabic Umberto indictment bowler early seasonally tops readership at the outside relativistic surface strength flow camp three–cushion billiards vingt-et-un unconscious adawn rook-hawking swiftness unease not in the same league on/upon impact prime postero- periodicity disquiet final perimortem orthotomy take centre stage beyond basal catch in the first place deliver forgiveness house at source at the head of extreme uneasiness usury recess penetrate hurl birthweight logging common introduce adjourn at the instance of peripheral topping ahull sleep–in laughter lines clearance belligerency twenty-one wink the dawn chorus log scarfie slipshod today irrision flourish surmount lightning sale nightly shoot look be in the first flush of movies amort across perennial below stillborn humanitarian waitstaff be running at sth uppermost roof curler basic rural guard supellectile rope class noun altar stair aristocrat toxic waste scrutineer two/a few etc doors down/up/along accountant atte Castiglione credentials module calorie-controlled ad infinitum sexercise table vessel target carryforward carryback Cagliostro bilge strake black vomit trimming dial wheel coursework standing count somebody coinage labia risk trimmer no Albertus Magnus household accounting length limited talus qiblah croupier accountable mensch angry dished surface density with home and away nocturn chute breech-loading primo annumerate untold flightiness infirm footpost caudal geothermal doom remnant breakfast synapsis headpost mercy non-count weigh non-striker scruff caruncle pelagic articular nunnation more than someone can shake a stick at cheilion altogether sound off nooning tripod fly queue Pythian boot-cut the sea bed presentation tibia cock seafloor chelidon whitsun-lord gum grass glottis description Károlyi tabulate thing-word restate dispart ride backload at the top of the hour commensality topotype viceman shaft furnace epilogue hat obverse get situation cheroot cenogonous bregma pt pushpit critically may-term crenel minion sunrise year–end beam supraspinatus chairman sere tisar necking bed bull's-eye emanation front door coffin joint delta broke break clinic windscreen unguirostral tassel protoconid prediction serve root directory stool sanctuary midway molecular biology neckline footrail Greats shut up shop culet mountaintop convergence once umbo procession monogyny lain garden top plate conception chairwoman choke crow's-foot discretional da capo broken topicalize lakeside dual final score heaven-gazing upper arrowhead spearhead ceiling start reaching post knee starting price plantaris taffrail primordially solstice grape hour endnote riverside river bank high tide suspense table fare quill nose wheel valuation transom letterhead nowy omphalodium crater crow’s feet centrefold copestone elevation sill stem sub–Himalayan altar arsehole advent bank-engine capitulum chair chairperson cockcrow creation pleuston relevance stroke torus rise shoe double murder group velocity beefeater foredeck g lunula loose forward blade back row cellar dwellers cream hub harvest moon Capitol concurrence yours discretionary curb churn supper foretruck square shoulder-high pororoca shoulder headwall front row lie maximum advanced neuston sunup parallel cuff roadside tore van president button bearer Torricellian vacuum hambone headland sphenoid sunset may-week period oblateness purpose sext wheelman chime brood drop your aitches ice foot the end of the line awash pit rescheduling adoors lift wall riverbed lantern fiddlehead superfrontal midstream seedy ultimately side loan–sharking stood stand gradient shown breakaway showing height malpresentation eyepiece love handles subnasal wasp-waisted first gallop preaspirated show in the first instance archboard standing toe-in girdle inion epigraph entry–level inaugural sight singing radical tripple dawn chorus beginning rhyme bring up the rear at the buzzer ad fin. ocular neckband lead check through orthogonal return crease pluck omrah grade variance amphiprostyle accede main ambigu high school reunion

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Words For "at the count of"

As you've probably noticed, words for "at the count of" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "at the count of" are: countess, count, number, census, and tally. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to at the count of listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "at the count of" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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