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pixel image resolution camera coma focus picture ophthalmometer reflect imagine represent mirage scan projection vision microscope ghost shadow reflection gegenschein hologram negative imagination book–match fine-grain phantasm slide idol aberration diastereoisomer definition foreshorten memory-cell image tube mirror imago stereopticon makeover meme crown magnification lithography optogram mosaic screen refractor fancy Priapus veronica zoom lens laryngoscope Arcadia disc micrometer
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phallus zoom pincushion distortion decal exemplar developer grain god bambino typify photo-engraving holographic halftone perverse resolving power prefigure radiograph chromakey icon latent image astigmatism joystick positive visualize barrel distortion zoom out pile zoom in plate imagery representation schema idea detail enantiomer boss screen texel tamagotchi infinity Rayleigh limit reproduce reflex camera screenshot icono- impress xerography refraction rebrand lens diffraction etch secluded autostereogram author memory twin-lens conception halation public relations holography fade-in morph conceit simulacrum eye unassuming tiki parhelion make joss reimage self-conscious ophthalmoscope edge counterimage eyepiece micrometer obsession overhead projector CAT scan eyepiece contrast flare princess frame signal reproduction rights blue screen instill revamp real fade Twibbon micrograph focus group B-scan video miser species Kirlian photography anamorphosis play infallibility facsimile montage thumbnail self-image iconoclastic effigy after-image perseveration gust retina fade-out sire ghosting talking head self–concept raster hyperlink crusado phosphene tracing futile tone salad days matte depth of field gamma intensify paraselene grimace fog seam sculpture chivalry erector inflate decant ultrasound belong spectrum aspect ratio graphic arts collotype bitmap impression orthoscopic likeness iconize wallpaper phantom photomicrograph autocue iconoclasm photolithography iconoclast pachinko evocation George visual connote camera lucida low-resolution mirror image pan omnipresence oasis imaging toner PR underlie electron microscope cause outlaw plage concrete poetry figurative onto cella doublet phase-contrast microscope encephalogram buddha magnifying glass camera obscura echocardiogram figure emblem pseudocolouring reducing glass rubbing head think sphinx augmented reality foreground fantasy photography depth of focus faceplate acutance chiral exit pupil image processing come from tabernacle mercurial etching stereoscope steganography model fidelity chimera shade superimpose bane agalma print throttle line crucifix keep up appearances real image flash obverse microgram image intensifier graphic scintigram erect highlight flank please blinding compose forerun echoencephalograph pseudoscopic envisage false colour freeze-frame resolve spit type distortion reposition internegative fluorography morphing entrance pupil development reflexion tarnish ray trace shadowgraph pickup imaginal calligram puppet bokeh overhead imaged handedness goddess baby soft–focus flicker photomosaic thaumatrope remember dpi photocopy statue see spectroheliograph mask Madonna repro narcissus density santo niño image-making Newtonian telescope sonogram condensation ideation image acquisition spitting image lithograph synesthesia phase–contrast microscope myopia mandala diastereomer refresh evoke project burn pentimento photoengraving scanning electron microscope father daguerreotype photism fall come construct local reduction screen saver virtual image top telephoto lens projector paranthelion persona microphotograph imagy mother bound fisheye pseudocolour delineation imagic low definition photofluoroscopy lingam objective subpixel high-resolution photogene avatar focused view digital back-projection mammogram king diffusion life flashback graven totem medal concur living manscape echoencephalogram body image superreflection lives silhouette rock painting self-concept tone poem microprojector semblance draw strobing paste-up feather resemblance iconic shrine gestate such rut meet write undergo give make up prompt go fuzz rip typ retinotopic super face palladium eidolon ego FPS vernicle saint trace Debot effect photogelatin reversal process back focus luminance exact achiral fade-up letterpress nous raster screen occlusion star ghost television tif dissymmetry very transposition bleach acutance developer colour separation tails pointillism solarize reflectograph fixation refracting telescope divisionism reflex card dispersion camera tube tenebrism representative clarity texturing acoustic microscope milky dip keystoned stitch resize ideate ideal scapular demagnify cross-posting like wireframe thoughtography shawfowl still stain phonoscope sauce densitometer theomorphic slick motivation homochromatic Pygmalionism texture airbrush crawl colour reversal siderostat spectrohelioscope comfit remaster reflecting telescope JPEG object rath yatra photogravure sigil suit subadditive object space retinal image magnetoencephalogram conjure third eye archetype grainy mirrored photoengrave Christ teraph baby figure interpret colour contrast fluoroscope exit-pupil graphically unanimated dupe poppet visual field collimator fringing mosaic image visualization fade–in angiogram spherical aberration seeing artogravure videocracy sound printer raised printing ambigram image consulting fade–out photovisual brand awareness one-to-one profile overscan starburst pincushioning re-imaging concept keyboard hotspot pattern focal plane projection print high fidelity covering power crop molten magnify black level aesthetic labour homonymous xeroprinting epidiascope larungoscope alignment viewer euthoscopic camera shake teraphim honour killing cross sudarium physical poetry Sacred Heart darshan map strain flatten macro lens wilding contrast medium GIF repicture radiography reflector recept xoanon santo rendering double vision transmission electron microscope bloom pitchfork fail whale re-engraving image consultant desktop falconet immersive heighten pax she-devil impasto signum pantheum chyron drag and drop unsharp mask linear transformation ciliary muscle ratioing colour emphasis theomorphism induction period apprehension tremor disk angelot suppression man electro-selective pattern center-weighted metering jib angle of view computerized axial tomography ramp aliasing dipyramid field stop emoticon crystoleum salute precede succeed fall on (or upon) follow perversion superior field electrograph lethal summon up looking-glass image fravashi Mackie line reckon spearhead locus circle of confusion fluorescence microscope mandylion greenwash ionogram pyelography dye toning hog money thermal imaging video frequency photo-offset snow slide show stereomonoscope call forth arthrogram Instagram unfocused mirror writing squeaky-clean fringe high definition animated depiction self-reflexive pixelated spectre holograph isophote godling tail BMP sensitivity center sketchmaster powerful in 3-D coupler chauvinism teleconverter pseudoscope scintillation image capture PET scan parity symbolize reproduction ratio macro-image apparition arteriogram spectrogram constellation pornograph Old Father Time box colour correction bitmapped reflection twin horopter scarab bulto throw electronography autoradiogram illuminagraphic graffiti ecorche packaging pigment-printing f–number synthespian accent flutter word cloud Herschel effect thermograph megascope angel grey level sonography reversing eyepiece field emission microscope masquerade widget reversal facsimile transmission butsudan shock rock rectilinear overexpose overexposure joypad test card display close-up backboard strip camera mirror–image relationship focusing glass pseudofovea incongruent frame grab ultrasonography envoûtement Galilean telescope green man photograph veridical hallucination digital watermarking digital watermark dot bracket diffusion disk stereotype restrike mutton Uncle Sam consultant body schema bromoil transfer pigment process transparency false color corporate identity field curvature plasma screen halo optical gage Claude glass dither stepper thin jitter drawing diskless offset lithography role-playing sadhana watermark zoom in/out viral image orthicon diffusion–transfer process self–picture eid- idolo- Dove prism be the spit (or the dead spit) of similitude mark Fresson process enlarger interpositive optical printer cherub anaglyph intaglio Schmidt telescope theophagy lifestyle internal object pseudostereoscopic diploidal chromatic aberration retrofocus gaudy burning glass beget spell interest allow concern hurt occupy personify beggar smart fall under be the most ache create partner mastermind iconometer color developer come in worry single-lens reflex entrance-pupil electron telescope trail Penny Black colour balance micrometer eyepiece vertical blanking interval angular magnification John of Damascus, St stop colour cast Esquipulas rasterize reflecting galvanometer viewfinder microprism quasi-stellar body scan computed tomography convergence apposition eye Rorschach test noctovision dye–bleach process angiography roof prism solar tower mosaic screen fisheye lens autozoom stereolithography orthochromatic iconoscope chromatoscope injective platinotype image dissector trade dress retransfer cellular logic Purkinje's figure embed atomic force microscope Braque, Georges twin-lens reflex printing–out develop rehalogenize Farmer's reducer Herschelian telescope chromogenic intertitle megapixel effective aperture wheat penny distort defame carbon process physionotrace autocollimation wordle Jagannatha roller slide orthicon silver–print drawing refresh rate luma telephoto inversion spectrum Teleran MRI scan screen plate terrestrial letter box harvest doll guiding telescope field ion microscope computer graphic telescope sight bite hei-tiki amount reproducing tube taking lens rival deal with sth draft posterize hypertext wash–off relief beau ideal swipe right (or left) loom parallel deal with something laurel three–dimensional presentative ichthus power lo-res priapic osiride wraith hi-res townscape dove latensification ferrotype geoglyph genuflect paint overstrike iconography conformist pyrograph reflectionless tattoo aiglet SLR camera flying spot swipe eye-box radiophotograph unidentified idolize carbro understand antique clip snooperscope closed statuette engrave twitter tracking façade suggestion screamer posture transsexual closeup stereoscopic terrestrial telescope borderline link pictograph range finder vapography hallucination electron micrograph marquee Hathoric lolcat bearing

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Words For "be the image of"

As you've probably noticed, words for "be the image of" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "be the image of" are: pixel, image, resolution, camera, and coma. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to be the image of listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "be the image of" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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