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bear favor assimilate bearskin carry bruin bee orchid bearish teddy bear affinity semblance likeness borne grizzly ursine mask stop bore polar bear fruit similitude grizzly bear sustain like letterwood cherry teddy cub similar bull support comport black bear fructify born parallelism crop picture figurative Berry testify koala parallel hold brook adumbrant bare bring Callisto dissimilitude alike likelihood assonance stomach witness similarity give brown bear ally attest message analogy birth
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endure stringy panda armiger imitative strong yean unlike have bearing overbear homomorphism resemble mimicry burden burdensome millstone pay Kodiak bear produce press quasi fluke scapegoat she-bear imitation port conformity homonym bait capstone wear thole resemblance tread uniformity portraiture protest hang allegory group outbrazen simulation icon symbol insufferable sameness whelp bar hard exercise weigh depose Malayan bear conundrum mimic bitter heavy striking sloth bear remember bellflower rocket grudge delinquency infant cypripedium ursiform anthropomorphous pineapple teem charge garibaldi abear typify simile lift great anteater giant anteater hippocampus owe treat sway seed madder horn lady's-slipper typical semblable counterfeit symbolize adumbrate motherwort aloe tuna pimpernel basidiomycete oca -ly boa gentian nopal saxifrage mummiform cardioid dissemblance umbrage intolerable diallage bide digest revegetate arm superficial bloom overpress waft stand tote tabouret take waterfall bearer architectural assonant metaphor yucca mycelioid remote indirect tax dicotyledon mixed metaphor pseudo- yellowwood verbena cinnamon bear resemblant lively jujube mallow bayberry witch hazel meadow rue syringa correlate camas chess dissimilarity express longanimity unbearable bruang push quarter suffer translate branch lady kindle convergence receive mirror close approach cast sandarac ism stiff ice bear bear-baiting bear squeeze boarfish tardigrade basilisk wombat urchin weather sack soothe lily family bearward mouth signature homogenous exert iconize snail euphoria musquaw white bear oversway hostile monocotyledon sea bear tarot spermatophyte Apollyon cave bear mimosa yarrow analogous agrimony compare -ish Kodiak goosefoot ursoid assimilation camouflage spectacled bear train hardship eyewitness give birth cynarctomachy paw pigeonhole sow toadfish homology defray distant actinia stood pod sagitta remind mortar kitten standing tambour bear in mind histioid closely leaf honey bear tiger moth steak domino lilial monophanous simulate blush behave put unendurable undergo consimility model beer gens bearherd oppressive downbear probation prickly pear tough litter have something against someone undercrest date bearishness Great Bear Lake bladderwort fir bear–hug woubit pup cottonwood leguminous yield throw ephraim stew eat cone withstand fray sleeper sun bear moro catfish sterile superficies -kin pentalpha lug homophone ringer wall kite bhalu feather catkin trefle fetus midas's ear figuratively cobblerfish false lactescence pearl treebeard carrot irresponsible goatee spitting image missemblance mind acquit native homeomorph droid clone dog tent indian-shoe squill cambrasine closeness consider sea heath basinet cheat quicksilver nodosity alder ciceronianism crania identical pomegranate lettuce corbel coralline similarly bryozoa primrose simulated propolis flash wolverine -aster correspondence near reminiscent assemblance truthlikeness Paris garden kid herald slump barnacle dahlia sport bearcat bearbaiting leviable approximate overwhelm bear raider heraldry tangent siliquosa nurse pressure bear hug deport family resemblance accipiter meme bird's nest water-moth gooseberry dree arct- groundsel piper isabelline bear bear caterpillar black scrub oak snow bear blue bear perk vouch otter-shrew California feverbush jungle bear chaetura drab labiate bear hogfish weeny automimicry gumma ornithomimosaur watch turban-shell recipe syncryptic barrow goose gridiron thatness nabla sister azonal paternoster-pump parapsoriasis imbricate deer serial homology ferrugo reality pithecomorphism nearly simian nonresemblance homograph Barren Ground bear fishing bear mountain misery Asiatic black bear sateen toadback Goldilocks grappling ironheads gauntlet cuff traverse yellow woolly bear pavan cricket-bird cornet gamba halophyte mamelon avicula pavement chipper difference linkboy marmot shore Japanese bear frog reproduction mackerel sky symbolic spica swift bear garden broom implicate power play churlish discharge altar-tomb quinine bush frogbit amomum allamanda breast drill carline carpet beetle application weigh in parapophysis silvertip Hymenophyllites real essence harelip glass-snake gallinule shipwright swamphen Guanche chip ride down arborescence vegeto-animal chamois trochophore red bear frog's-bit bull market shoulder pink Amentiferae atlas shady unbacked reverse female be (like) a millstone around your neck identification put forth Melursus migraine Bernard devil's claw tensile strength Syrian bear Yakutat bear working load earwitness buckram crowberry major verso bachelor's buttons doctor frog-face dubb belie analogize Siamese coefficient of racial likeness between hydra fiddlehead mimesis catbird molluscum -kini camelopard tree puberty concern hure patient Thalarctos snakefish incus mouse dog-fox pastel Saint–Catherine's flower mimical ash chondrite Podozamites stand for woolly worm moon bear bred bear's–bush weighty salamander Kadiak bear holding jersey cream tamanoir mock representation similative breeding resent clover washer Himalayan black bear tassel bush Twins bere skunkbush bitterbush barren oak twin pose yellow bear again agreeableness breed American black bear held -oid conch otter shot relish bruise beast glow-worm ice bridge go bugbear bearwalker checkerspot hydrostatic arch tail Abominable Snowman inner tube fortitude import Macrobiotus pea load bumelia hibernate fur pinch koala (bear) interpose knotted wrack moose glacier bear heavily Russian bear Myrmecophaga squamous spindle utricularia Simon charioteer tablet afford reciprocal pronoun Selenarctos sit conscientious objector sacahuiste Myrmecophagidae a turn of the screw carnation brunt springhare uncanny valley musketry infecund disclaim anastrophe smart ammunition gonk modify alioth pseudo marabou lion's tail nebule foot obelus travesty mermaid's-glove smile pregravate tomahawk bridge manganese lyre faint spider loaded circumfer has had bear pit bethink consideration upbear convey ungula hack antbear proliferate fawn spore barren outbring insupportable pig-yoke symbolical beech passenger pigeon walnut water-beech atavism Byblis Maltese mushroom dealfish acorn-shell amphibole styloid prehnitic spur-royal currant-gall parent reget homoplasmy ichthyornis taxidermy rhodes-wood scenario liken poke-milkweed effigiation alikeness homophyly growl zoilism gauziness resemblingly affinitative sense bracket stele gestational carrier hidden eye-bite hug sequencing assessment tussock moth monitor white miller apply nandi bear cornstalk queen mitrewort fyrd mango trick sundew pteridophyta kinkajou charger gold-stick bulk bill narrow cacao fire coral compression molding erythea elephant beetle gaff loosestrife glassy polar report quarterly difficulty thrust bearing avens casuarina triternate excess–loss reinsurance Solomon's seal houseleek-tree arbitrage paper blueberry ash seal rising heart-seed narcissus squaw lettuce saccharine cop sotol deer oak phlox suit breeze block Gastrotricha sandwich board bear dance quartter Dogrib lick Amphicyon magnanimity pacifism assail pastry dove tree blasted grind sprout aswail parturient woolly-bear brave refer pole infer severe brandish murderous flower longanimous subhumerate cruel blow foal bear's grease trying grace fetiparous sand badger horse bear animalcule carrier red panda royalize homomorphy intolerance Ursus tropaeolin basilica suffering variolite taurine quadruped oreodont tolerate Petalostemon embryoid body goose flesh cypress crinoidea fictitious unlikeness quicksilvered columbarium view skid goofy buoy annulet coelenterate direct tax gentry fuzzy savage punch geranium lair knight banneret toothbill relation mauve advene stake cat's-paw Batesian mimicry barrack centipede book overhead camshaft plunge snaffle spinifex mammal encumber turret harvestman Rosa Americana persimmon constellation Scirpus conformation escutcheon analogousness equanimity underbearer rudder-wheel horse-collar zero carpet animal dance stamp cartouche equivalence relation firestone loony ball Boötes tranquilize hickory factual starfish Castilloa on the loose q rattle caprification Anderson nymph deathliness verisimilitude fothergilla gangion monkflower Arctiidae wrench Ursa Minor haemo- pseudaposematic isinglass tame forbearance lotus big pyrography tarweed arrestment myriapod polychaete main wheel root beautyberry Garrya marsh foxtail Plott hound tubicolae suture botrytis peach rosette Steller, Georg Wilhelm isabella moth concentrate forbear hardy siliciclastic intolerant apple hammer stand treat palmarian swallow currant depone stick moderation peise Cross exceed cutover forgetfulness wash

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Words For "bear a resemblance"

As you've probably noticed, words for "bear a resemblance" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "bear a resemblance" are: bear, favor, assimilate, bearskin, and carry. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to bear a resemblance listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "bear a resemblance" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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