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EE electrical Fleming engineer swan Armstrong sparky bush Kroemer me Ce Kettering Kilby engineering Steinmetz tesla Hammond electrotechnician pierce Fleming, Sir John Ambrose electrical engineering Gabor Armstrong, Edwin Howard Gabor, Dennis green-striper De Forest, Lee siemens Kennelly Hewlett, William R. Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de Marconi, Guglielmo Kennelly, Arthur Edwin electrician ground c em Tesla, Nikola Heaviside, Oliver m left-hand rule inductive charge
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wire reengineer IE wattage atmospherics engr static generator fuller Leonardo da Vinci overengineer capacitance vacuum cleaner sapper amperage ohmmeter Spark highball watt human factors engineer electronics engineer application engineer Stephenson lead communications engineer Ne gengineer jack kilowatt unit electroconductivity electricalness outlet blackout earth ohm fuse cab electric electricity impulse shunt conduit schematic baker mete toaster plug element overload eng. engr. vibrator h load jumper arc rheostat switch elect voltage oscillograph open circuit kilowatt-hour nonelectrical driver cord flight deck de-energize capacity alternator cable engineership Fulton resistance locomotive engineer unplug power photoconductivity TENS electrodermal polyethylene induction grid rectifier shock electropositive r anode immittance electric resistance rectify Seabee winding buzzer energize pyroelectricity electric recording duct cathode loudspeaker component short James Watt resistive muscovite cooper transformer positive output hydropower connect amplify console acoustic Brunel disconnect inductor corona d outage contact suppressor Alfred Nobel electrode management engineer railroad engineer nave Ch.E. Rennie mare IndE Smith mine engin AC conduction push button wattmeter alternating current milliampere hickey brownout proton closed circuit tension lossy photoelectric electrometer Trevithick spark gap ammeter conductance footboard elec circuitry receptacle bee mate neutral Field diesel age cere locomotiveman engineered Lilienthal circuit Taylor toroid mixer linesman break mho electrograph brainwave lossless pyrometer discharge volt electroencephalograph Bell negative self-induced dynamo signal powerhouse IEE ESB Nervi superconductivity board surge hydrophone on Benz electrogenic eng make pulse mining short-circuit torpedo pe pre- supply cordless civil engineer bullhorn connector telpher Shute Nobile zap ohmage electromotive force REME converter electroshock therapy hairdryer switchboard magnetoresistance synchronous circuit board copula kw [or] kW spaghetti anion photoconductive fuse box electrophysiology short circuit footplate hookup socket neon electric ray ion blow-dry diode white goods breadboard rubber troubleshooter attenuator television field engineer CEng t electromagnetic unit resonate resistor phototransistor broken IEEE joule broke derate active wiretap faradaic reverse-engineering Vauban rotor point amp patch polarity electro-vital electrics EEG input q trip electroretinograph comb subcircuit electropolar power point push-button elec. resistivity skin potential condenser megawatt amplifier line juice lightning Goethals Todt Bessemer Eiffel leak Sanmicheli gramme button Mills Blériot illuminating engineer Škoda Eads chief plane-tabler Farnsworth brown goods loop gang neutron burnout electroneutrality channel glow discharge electrocardiograph dielectric noise atmosphere triboelectricity razor pipe corposant contactor attenuate mike junction box isolate fan heater zapper blow capacitor loading officer impedance seizure dead relay power station Congreve mining engineer Ericsson experimental engineer jansky Froude railway engineer Latrobe highway engineer galvanize rheometer off Vitruvius Cartwright, Edmund sanitary engineer Roebling sortal hoghead engine driver electroencephalogram transmitter megohm electrify series circuit constantan encephalogram ramp photocell led electropyrometer blender telephone electrotechnology influence galvanic pylon inductance hardware dynamoelectric juicer resonator surge protector transmission utility pole filter plug-in synapse neutrino camera magnetocardiography pin transmit electro- fused bypass docking station trunking electroactivity distorted weber response knob potential electrocortical amplification magneto-electric T winding boost electronics busbar electronic platinoid page telegraph horn suppression bridge HT apolar insulator Sikorsky Braun locomotive runner lake De Seversky Stokes technologist L'Enfant Zworykin greaser adaptor analogue grounding bond hiss flex rheometry electromagnetic earth connection electrothermy cable engineer mechanical Nasmyth Cockerell bell book control engineer reservoir engineer tellograph Mitchell Anthemius Parsons surveyor Gaillard Cockerell, Sir Christopher Austin railroad hat Putnam whittle recording engineer engine bell Evans contrive hogger reliability engineer obfuscator sales engineer boffin suppresser corded blow out coffeemaker electroneutral pyroconductivity receiver eh BSEE line-in starter motor stray put on supercurrent conductive electromotivity electric mixer suppress electromagnetism biopower ampere push line out homopolar electrosomatic superpower piezoresistance multiconductor electric organ electrotonus superionic electromotion pendant connection underpowered under load flat unplugged unpowered combiner switch something off (or on) superconduction flick coulomb sleeving myoelectricity Goethals, George Washington train order Savery signalman millwright electroactive Berners-Lee, Sir Tim thirty–one order construction efficiency expert chartered Telford engineman fieldless resistively plug in hydro hostler Boulton Eckert marine engineer coal-viewer artificial line electrosurgery high voltage igniter induce break-circuit electrophone intercom interrupter electro-vitalism prod feed back tumbler oscilloscope storage battery radio heterojunction electrohydraulics mica cushion close choke unipotential freezer cation surface resistance dynamo-electric accessory pathway Y point milliammeter varistor disturbance wiper system solar power star 69 ohmic resistance ratio arm quantum electrodynamics circuit diagram floor box cell electrical transcription electric fence in-phase direct current peak load electrotherapy elextrometry booster E cut out electroconvulsive brain wave earth lead earth spring bolometer cylinder underfrequency relay resistance box electrogenesis raceway switchgear faradic inverter microphone thermal noise attenuation secondary aperiodic appliance scope bioelectric comparator thermoelectricity magneto nuclear power kicksorter light brush discharge electric socket coffee machine electrogastrogram electrophrenic electric motor whizz disjunctor high-frequency resistance electric storm electro-massage make-break earth wire motor plus electrogram rack-mountable resistanceless crowbar lineman feed thunder flip transform return skin resistance rheomotor hard-wired AEEU circular saw ball lightning fire dishwasher electricals delta electrolier electric fish reactor electric power low-loading pulse width copper loss Strimmer positively ripple box charged turbogenerator rocker switch shed static discharge megohmmeter bot wirephoto vacuum moˈdality electrofusion electronystagmogram interference weather contact potentiometry plug sth in plug sth into sth panel plunger Boulton, Matthew bankers' ramp Daimler Locke, Joseph Piccard Brassey, Thomas Ellet, Charles Cayley Ericsson, John ward nineteen order Bessemer, Sir Henry Carnot flight crew Gresley, Sir Nigel Messerschmitt product engineer counter crew crapper Stanier, Sir William Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave Guericke, Otto von Savery, Thomas Tsiolkovski Stirling, Robert chaser Dalén Benz, Karl Friedrich macadamization artificer Brunel, Isambard Kingdom metallurgical logic diaphragm electrotropism atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia jack plug plug (sth) in/plug (sth) into sth electroantennogram trickle charger radio engineering wipe break reluctance cartridge photoelectric cell fried steam iron terminal voltage thermistor recorder-reproducer seaman parallel circuit instrument hydroxide germanium insulating varnish embedded system lighter socket domestic appliance heating element DC j coil standard cell electrical interlock electrophotography close–coupled feeder auditory nerve carbon microphone cable television cut in electrodesiccation electrochemistry electroballistic electrical storm engine immobilizer controller binding post cool-touch couple banana plug beat blow a fuse accumulator analog inductometer T connector toaster oven antenna immunoelectrophoresis polyvinyl chloride grass splice neural pathway photoconduction thunderstorm tap nanovolt monopole plug into sth Diesel, Rudolf Churchward, George Jackson Beeching, Richard Flipper, Henry Ossian Fresnel, Augustin Jean Sinclair, Sir Clive Telford, Thomas von Braun Trevithick, Richard moss-box baton Goldmark, Peter Carl engine–room telegraph Hollerith, Herman Renault, Louis Rennie, John eugenics dimmer beaten delay clock radio positron break jaw electric action electricity meter electrification electroantennography electromatic electrostimulation annunciator aerial electromyogram excitation admittance microampere inductrical device cut power cut platiniridium irritation microswitch permeance potentiodynamic potentiometer integrated circuit twang nerve impulse thermoelectric security semiconductor rate substation restrike transcribe trembler recorder leading electron isoelectric Arsem furnace sheathe unstable lateral pacemaker plug switch patch cord primary cell in parallel resist reclosure beam floor plug former eureka insulating tape expulsion fuse fuse clip electronervous magic eye electric field intensity jitter flick sth on/off home product faradmeter dead short circuit plasma torch piezoelectric repulsion recharger printed circuit (board) sing reed recharge test rig triplex atrioventricular open pathometer pantograph overcurrent speaker silicon cableman crocodile clip electropneumatic hot shoe electroencephalography neuristor wiring diagram acierage insulation key lug microelectrode modality electroceramic terawatt Tesla coil attenuated bus electro-acoustic stator transponder dope wiring listening device hook-up convector analogue recording alarm air conditioner action current heat sink hollow atom gyromagnetic interface balun low tension mainsborne hook into falter tape recorder pulse amplifier systoflex turn something down loading coil neutral conductor multimeter parallel resonance static (electricity) amperometer electro-kinetics gymnonoti microcoulomb megafarad afterdischarge adapter electrodynamics battery terminal animal electricity assist circuit breaker bioelectricity beating beryllium air conditioning clamp craftsman liquidizer colour code dopant distort electromagnetic units electroreceptive encephalography electric atmosphere electrobiology cable vault switch box thermal cutout

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Words For "electrical engineer"

As you've probably noticed, words for "electrical engineer" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "electrical engineer" are: EE, electrical, Fleming, engineer, and swan. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to electrical engineer listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "electrical engineer" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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