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susceptible feeling insensitive sensitize ticklish hypersensitive sensitive sensitivity tender desensitize upset psychic quick vulnerable sensible photosensitive acute dissolve delicate irritable supersensitive sore erogenous thin-skinned disturbed panchromatic affected untouched prostrate touchy together radiosensitive oversensitive alive unquiet emulsion callous susceptive touched exquisite withdrawn affecting stabbing undone frazzle keen touch dermis orthochromatic eyespot clinical
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unmoved nerve nonsensitive devastated inflame dry-eyed heat barbed hurt sensitive plant iceberg baroreceptor cling sick rod mind-boggling stir mature hot-button mimosa equable frigid unsensitive retina cold clitoris ultrasensitive sensitively tentacle affect raw bolometer centered immature excited optical nervous electric diplomatic susceptibility heart-warming tickle at arm's length saturnine break film agitate fuck up fiery aloof neurotic overstrung high–strung torrid inebriate deaden unstable cathartic cold-blooded fastidious passible taut overwhelm sweep sustain soft get messed up erotogenic feel jolt tact cone icicle delicacy photography irritate radiomicrometer brittle plate pulp attack well–balanced hung psychodrama tender-hearted involved skin hard-boiled worked up sentient photodiode for comptible environment-conscious pit viper discombobulate commitment unstrung self-conscious rhodopsin hoity-toity sensuous temperamental uninvolved geophone emo gravimeter camera fine pressure point conscious strike chilly reborn restraint assailant sensitization radiograph uplift dead Sharp attached agitated case-sensitive high-strung tune drain immovable infrared shook excitement entreat blind spot ear crisis eye obtuse gross develop sentiment contact print hothouse distressed remote cut haywire maturation ablaze high-pitched disengaged gut-wrenching lacerate karate CARE defensive indurate unaffected elastic radiosensitize milliammeter alienate labile cryptochrome unimpressionable quicken have a thin skin photograph Venus's-flytrap maturity psych touch-me-not withdraw sugar brake partridge pea dwarf cassia detachment thick-skinned antenna sensitive rose coy gentleman prairie senna heavy honeycup dwarf senna shame vine orthicon shattered bonded ready unoppressed crack up ill at ease affective shocking incendiary softhearted riley unbalanced distempered temperate wholesome excruciate rack self-sufficient torture swept tough detached phish carotid body clean room sting sweeping infuse adult vibrate break up grow torment consciousness-raising euglena sensibility elegant the quick artistic chemosensitive hotbed vidicon phishing sympathetic microswitch chaotic assail bewilder bemuse insensibility gooey joyride hyped up fuck someone up oriented hack photosensitize sensitive shrub tune into eco wedge micrometer destroy burnout assault affectionate turn on wallop hyper hardened skinned humble plant apprehensive maladroit daguerreotype mosaic cradle chaos allergic caring huggy opsin inward film badge clinging shatter shake fiercely connect mixed-up in bits fuck marma curly indigo light-sensitive irritation lamina close plumber compound eye polyvalent leak vehicle diplomacy touchpad diplomat stylus devastate microanalysis feeler photographic paper insensible fulfilling burden ill-adjusted intoxicating red-hot subject microdensitometer tactful clingy invest collected twisted sensitive soul composed affectively disturbance apart emotionalism colour-sensitive sensive zipper psyche life-affirming tense maudlin disturb overcome stirring close/dear/near to one's heart yeasty precious cold–blooded tetchy thermal printer hot burn iron wigged–out unmoving screwed-up mind–boggling rock shock temperament Pacinian corpuscle toughen laminitis morbid sensor diplomatically ESA dainty exquisitely nasute nervousness tenderhearted divulge impressible perceptive pachydermatous thermal paper dirty dipstick red-sensitive blue-sensitive indelicacy intenerate high-spirited mechanosensitive tremulous dentine [or] dentin prude home nucleometer finely censor gush fog actressy sorted pink unsettle distant excitation consternate stolid sympathetically motherish compunctive boniform earth-conscious sizzle child guidance centred tough cookie hysteric cleave dramatize grounded cheer distance have got it bad (or badly) untogether tender-minded twist lobotomize bruised inflammation numb fervour support stony frantic experience content unruffled schlemiel geek one-man one-woman high-maintenance colour sensitivity unencumbered screw clung fancy-free unstring berserk screw someone up ennuye maladjusted heart-whole drug-sensitive ampulla of Lorenzini statoscope silver protein Cavendish experiment spy have a feel for gentlewoman thick–skinned pitch–perfect touchpoint touch (or hit) a nerve (or a raw nerve) delicately millivoltmeter dead mouth photodynamic hyperpanchromatic coarsen photoresist microhmmeter be tuned in conscience responsive microphotograph muscle spindle phototransistor rod cell arˈtistic indelicate hair hygrometer hardmouthed discerning have a thick skin thin–skinned wild sensitive plant galvanometer photomultiplier aerophobic namby-pamby reactor resensitize tackle tetrachromatic hyposensitize isochronous ladylike pressure-point color–sensitize heterosexuality move on grow apart coming of age stand spare someone's feelings invulnerable hard–boiled denial come bonding stability attachment bolshie poignant red comfort food move explode mental cruelty recoil dedication unstick keep one's distance tower of strength mental allegiance loyalty security heartsome agitable amove get down mixed–up stand back transsexual mouth off cripple wasteland fulfil hot button be made of sterner/tougher stuff drug sensitivity pain-spot find it in oneself comprehend puer aeternus ordeal removed take it out of (someone) stomach child development philanderer superficial masochism sense organ light–struck ocular spot orthonon touch/strike/hit etc a (raw) nerve coyly clearance authentic bond find it in one's heart drama emotional memory victim jump affirm authentically personalize take a lot out of (someone) innocence pachyderm photopolymer darkroom elasticity tiptoe limnimeter tactile hair appreciate erotic oafish photocopier chipper digital wildfire pad aesthete state secret gelatinochloride expose empathy touch/hit a raw nerve with-it radiosensitizer photopile supertaster vibrissa rheoreceptor rheoreceptive ocellus image man erogenous zones thermosensitive fix electrotropic bullion balance enderon squeal silver chloride corn bastard sensitive plant colour-sensitized discretion attuned vision with survey meter G-spot photoprint nimble close to the bone price-sensitive trichromatic detonator thermoammeter crass susceptivity electroreceptive impolitic rhabdom selenium thermogram harden thermal imaging photoreceptor microphonic lyophilize epicure collodion orthogenic violent heartbound silver bromide photogram touch someone on the raw gelatinobromide exfiltrate finesse gamma infinity Bourdon gauge poetic laugh at chip coyness chemoreceptive blue-paper sensitive paper fixation serum anaphylaxis scintilloscope retinal detachment translator static marks photodecomposition temperature spot involve symbiosis painful pentryl light–beam pickup redact safelight neuromast SSL Thematic Apperception Test residual unemployment co-dependency abuse draining facade chromatype detain Desmanthus complement iodopsin inure projection print rend colour sensitizer rhabdoid Lauritsen electroscope tin ear primary explosive substratum kiwi hard-mouthed foxtail millet baldly nice passion weather plant latitude cowboy dander oaf mechanoreceptor retinopathy photographic magnitude carbon tissue sanitize butthurt banausic test indicator block adult child complex pathopoeia sensitive pea bald siphon recorder tripack response curve McLeod gauge sensory rayograph violet wood sorrel balding radioimmunoassay radioactive hygroscopic tendril plateholder psychography regulate dry plate collotype appreciation stormglass Eötvös balance continuum exposure autophotograph autoreceptor fry fertile frond blue paper integral tripack midpoint bleach–out process secret list trembler chrysotype malware regulation nob sensitive joint vetch shun espionage read galvanic skin response Chamaecrista slow G spot soul spelt echiuroid goldbeater's skin microchemistry scintillation counter shell eye adolescence calmodulin picture varactor receptor poison ivy photo dark box baryta paper base photovoltaic cell ratiometer simple eye roadkill vibrant pic tirade aroused new wave glossolalia subjunctive stress relationship married lateral line albumen paper cauterize cavefish bipack retinula Catasetum exhaust–gas analyzer chalky paper etching graphics tablet infrared photography incident labyrinth light pen altimeter dictograph radiophotograph trigger point infinitesimal roller slide Rochelle salt squid radiotherapy vapography electronographic thermorelay ultramicrometer development sandpiper screen gag order celiac disease jig borer mimosine hit theory bimetallic strip chaos theory spectrograph tensiometer sympiesometer Eastman, George geobarometer ferric oxide silver–print drawing wax ferrotype wild frosty expressive devastation carapace soothe whole supportive tension traumatize scarred codependency confused heartache abate punctigerous reed switch line of Intuition tooth dichromacy subdue withdrawal appalled fear incandescence obsession agitation crooner unavailable maturational cherish implode public interest immunity sensation psychometry image orthicon Marsh test collodion process couth animal soul micrometer platypus rhabdomere periodicity color zone eyed laser printer mask broach Beckmann thermometer defamatory Echiuroidea juvenile jealous wintry ill-equipped overreact Venus's–flytrap f-stop magnetic tape apathetic bismuth mine ruffian tasimer crybaby gluten manumit quadrant electrometer quarrelsome eyelash injure photogenic gelatin process empathic esthete hearing fragility instrument sound spectrograph secrecy thermostat confide elephant seismometer

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Words For "emotionally sensitive"

As you've probably noticed, words for "emotionally sensitive" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "emotionally sensitive" are: susceptible, feeling, insensitive, sensitize, and ticklish. There are 953 other words that are related to or similar to emotionally sensitive listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "emotionally sensitive" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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