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feast regale banquet junket squint see visor aspersions look repast flatfish blink stare goggles vigil loan (sth from sb) feria assumption sleep touch sloe-eyed spread wear stargazer eye snook festive luau squat cry convergence on frown avert goggle antimony cheek head rest binocular octave oculate water bug-eyed prick stand glaze gleam bridal headband bridge set sth forth festal sunglasses wrinkle gluttonize wink marriage sight supine -mas sting focus
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bleary red temple dinner peeper green-eyed eyewear eyeless roll your eyes pop-eyed stool stalk-eyed fete Walpurgis Night face blue-eyed fall optic Bug eyelash Mark misty–eyed tread gaudy bag put sth into sth blindfold itch mist dim glare eyebrow facial fall on/upon sth daylight moist endorse sit down tear gas Ur initial tiptoe eye level blinder drop fete [or] f�te circumcision simple double forehead ocular rake brights baby blue backstroke shoulder ballot hollow poison tree alipata gaze crawl milky mangrove register glitter handkerchief pince-nez cover hyperopia bat cheekbone gangwa blinding tree glimmer eyer squeeze scald almond-eyed ox-eyed piggyback unblinking downcast arch glasses bill eye socket arval life puffy beady fasten on powder pink-eyed hang round with sb annunciation settle get around sth lidded crab eyes out on stalks friend get round to sth tender-eyed clap REM sleep sweat autograph go around sth away a gleam in your eye bloodshot deodorant prickle settle on dandle heredity Martinmas back watch sweatband vote sewer see stars knock sb off their pedestal presentation allhallowmas sit bareheaded show sb round (sth) look round (somewhere/sth) thing cyst bale out backpack stibium hereditary nail ophthalmologist throw sth out nagyagite impersonal glassy eyeglass focused sign kneel open-eyed cap hunker down foot fix on festival big toe laughter lines elegiac yer fixate candlemas cloud Pentecost contact lens yr spot lookdown time get into sth brow pull back holiday ascension foy transfiguration epiphany agape symposium cheer eyed Immaculate Conception St George's Day binoculars scratch little toe pillow fetal position rheum backside headgear come to rest rear on all fours busk vision bottom farthest kajal nightjar lead dreamy rest on sb/sth be riveted on/to someone/something bacchanalia hollow-eyed palmist baby blues headstand eyghen bright-eyed black-eyed earring screw up binoculate mist (sth) over/up radiant flood octonocular wig eghen eyen left Podophthalmia face cream crow’s feet wide-eyed eyestrain outer ear sentimentality invigilate knapsack erupt trip scalp lump cosmetic pressure point endorsement popeyed mudpack put sth down Sunday best somersault goggle-eyed merrymake handstand button coordination bleary-eyed f festino feasting carousal feste scan Nativity feature open input harvest-home dry look/glance sideways pouf plaque perfume fest feasted relate bonk project expressionless gleaming Falling Asleep Friday feast owl hammerhead gastrolith gawk sincere balaclava tonsil ray Holy Cross Day Holy Rood Day desired teary dimple pig-eyed housewarm holy day of obligation immovable feast rinse footwear clip art hairbrush footstool stamp ragamuffin black and blue jewellery responsible moisturizer straddle sticking plaster German measles butterfly shoehorn defriend sign in toothpaste attitude melt chequebook smile fasten recessive Himalayan podophthalmous fix light (sth) up hold someone’s gaze deep-set bat your eyes/eyelashes rove lift stare sth in the face baseball cap wander glassy-eyed the scales fall from sb's eyes sweep crow's-foot cloud over glow shadow penetrate wide-set term tearful look right through someone eye strain heavy pop wraparounds Corpus Christi crow's feet look at shift avert your eyes/gaze/head etc wide–eyed shammes proper Dormition Holy–Rood Day réveillon indulgently private Hilarymas aloud vacant get dressed recumbent gene Orthodox Sunday maundy bellycheer festeye Festival of Lanterns gaud-day thumbnail nothing tod physician responsiveness flop circadian madly fix with sparkling fatigue farm bulge fleck repetition sermon descry composite make a face (at someone/something) travel cataract peak eyelid somnambulate optical lorgnette petulantly imprecise hairline perspective fascinating dilation refulgent countenance mustard gas hepatitis tear up swim bags under your eyes improper skew–symmetric cadaverous razing jaundice sense organ Cuthbert, St transfiguratien all souls' day prone Simeon Stylites church-ale Easter savagely Dunstan housewarming Ross seal feast-day domicile garble affix Lawrence Albertus Magnus koimesis epulation Succoth dirgie bridalty symposiarch glue scupper if you ask me made-up on your knees your two cents' worth breakout pivot scale bruising face downwards glazier eyecup put on gel offer off eyeshade dwell ogle shiner cuatro–ojos repasture festivous legend flathead pinkie glove prickly aura the windows of the soul beaux yeux asperity ski mask foetal position easy sinistral stalk–eyed arrest sessile-eyed unfocused independently little finger nick aramayoite heterozygous transfixed harsh hungry apperception haircut antihistamine iris intuitive morality pimple lecturing staring closed hay fever filmy wolfachite shut adjust CS gas dart close the whites of someone’s eyes nocturne streaming hand-eye coordination geocronite light value judgment on (your) hands and knees Christmas Alban roll optical illusion indolence with your eyes closed/shut sidelong Transcendental Meditation kobellite rapid autoptic beholder barred owl mesmerize consign handspring solemness drowsy goggle-eye vergence trochlear Kawasaki disease lobster shrew maiden feast animation stomach crunch trance survival of the fittest blinker stalk–eyed fly ophthalmology Shavuoth Feast of Dedication pascha long pig convivial halmas utas Twelfth Night bridale Feast of Orthodoxy John of Damascus, St repas hallowmas convive rush Sebastian, St Ninian Alexander Nevsky frumenty crease polyp goatsucker Ignatius Irenaeus, St Hypapante vespers region suck finger middle finger watchband sock yaws leg express open vowel tax return security surety sign over collarbone forefather self-willed pinna think for yourself in-tray liniment unfestlich junketing jaundiced Helena Lammas abrasion mommy blogging make up lean palmister out-tray bloodline say resourceful ring subscribe clasp zit behind bald resource do creepy creepy-crawly fine moribund unlisted word eye shadow eye gaze skin tag egosurfing be thin on top wanly unguent dip track record papoose tush rear end single-minded scheteligite back up baggy bare crack hat quiver pikestaff underfoot burn poker face sympathizer chiromancer out-basket subscription carry bum catch pustule befriend balding bang arse enroll payday refutation therapeutic funnel luggage ring finger figure American plaice quadriceps ballot paper dedicated exposure hair verruca thumb voice-activated your best bib and tucker defence your on its way pocket money kneecap self-reliance resourcefulness judgment call butt greater feria freckle stand up iq fed feed brimful dove–eyed senocular agoggled octophthalmous blinking fire-eyed nictate postocular pinky squeeze one's eyes shut (or closed) MEGO crunch stifle cross-eyed small-eyed slit–eyed exoculate supraocular stand on your hands/head grey-eyed fire–eyed interocular ardent yellow-eyed nasal cringe lamp Redding blinkingly make stars in your eyes mesmerized headlight maudlin musky parallax sarcastic tetramorph blood clam dewy-eyed all eyes are on sb/sth Bothidae Turkish Van knee homozygous cerulean clear-eyed polyommatous sloe–eyed moon-eyed blue–eyed oculated cross-eye big-eyed googly reckon sidesaddle cloud computing calculate punch ramble ganglion keep Siamese cat fruit bat haggard heterosomati bull's-eye saccade empathetic bizarre adoration cartwheel arrowtooth flounder io kewpie Malacostraca ring-tailed lemur Pipunculidae telescope fly paramour physiognomy damn finalize amigo knuckle sit–up nickname shoulder blade expression appall radius oleaginous sidearm face pack geo-dating travel expenses sit-up frisky foundation clothing supinate loosen your grip loosen your grip/hold have your day in court hang blotch discernible lotus position disconnect paint rex sole heck head-up display right-eyed flounder shine black–and–tan bull's–eye rot stealth bomber forecastle gecko bete noire carotid artery operate body mass index part kiss curl obstetrician cicada horopter spit curl make-up Helena, St lambale espousal mead-bench clerk-ale suppose reflection cross-legged ulna hoax the hypothalamus card hairy protuberance Childermas delectable love-feaster churn supper convival All Hallowmass analepsis yule preparation war feast fiesta glut sheep-shearing fête seudah bride-ale church festival cross-days epulary asleep wart stifling ophthalmic squint-eyed festivity St. Nicholas' Day name day harvest home blow-out whence toner pulsate subjective cicatrice misty skive seeing dimmy beady-eyed tear seen glint sapid confederate obsessive umbilicus akimbo endocrine armoire port ulcer copepod modernism patrilineal signature cross–eye slit-eyed gazelle–eyed buck-eyed wishful Argus-eyed moon–eyed open–eyed ophthalmo- nod cynosure Pleuronectidae lace pig–eyed rose–colored glasses cockeyed sheet have one's heart set on (something) lying relentless Cyprian, St Swithin, St Anselm, St resort tine Catherine, St John the Baptist, St Feast of Fools Andrew, St Lawrence, St decorative wandering agaze ocularist jeopardize impose reminder exhortation broadcast misconception between vigor bounty precipitant flip knuckle joint Exaltation of the Cross Francis of Assisi, St Belshazzar Barnabas, St Feast of Unleavened Bread

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Words For "feast your eyes on sth/sb"

As you've probably noticed, words for "feast your eyes on sth/sb" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "feast your eyes on sth/sb" are: feast, regale, banquet, junket, and squint. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to feast your eyes on sth/sb listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "feast your eyes on sth/sb" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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