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ultimate last conclusion end finality senior final divisor finish finalize definitive farewell upshot bottom line ending ultimatum terminus net fate divvy extreme dividend only finally conclude quietus finalist last word teleology determinate numerator bonus dividendless denouement draft declare ex dividend last-ditch culminate judgment clinch Armageddon latter summation supreme xd stock dividend div the tail end result dividend warrant interlocutory postlude end product div.
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settle telophase arbitrament last hurrah eschatology disposition endgame termination tripos drip divd apocope home absolute omega PDR remainder coda culmination catastrophe clincher go issue nonfinal doomsday imago proof Ledger distribution perdition paradise pass tail terminus ad quem deathbed indecisive match point cancellation cessation utter rhyme swan song semifinal into dernier rest division conclusive last rites audit death sunset eventuate medial universalism extra dividend divi award climax ex div. unfinished cum dividend best sum limit preferred dividend divident firm scrip suspense account grand total Day capstone eventual Victory outcome rinse interim decisive envoi arbitrator jackpot engross sanction coup de grâce third reading heat event outtake arrangement d. waterloo provection close dividend yield instant school say-so through wrap-up Cup Final x interim payment ultima nightcap cumulative special dividend telic put diakinesis follow-through preform matric hurrah desperate finished lick UP last hand showdown sigmoid flexure playoff a blue chip peremptory Shakespearean sonnet stand junior declaration denouement [or] d�nouement modus vivendi tentative Buck decree absolute DPS P/D ratio denominator balloon payment sixth form nisi ultimately tail end end point crucial security elide qualify apocalypse questionist pay off home straight end with irrevocable trump split decision semi completion cadenza balloon shooting script galley proof d mature inappellable eventtual deferred share court of last resort darrein ultime fair copy authentic button up payoff Schoolies Week share run-up finishing coat Div/Share twilight dress rehearsal savings and loan association baste dispositive consign trial balloon preliminary finalism the last/final word trial balance the straw that broke the camel's back perseverance fix last–ditch cumulative preference share cabaletta ex cost of money editor in chief brain death old age goal divide done out scrip dividend dividend date dividend-paying judge nail dividend rate interim dividend gain dividend tax fine term enlightenment blank tie finative diffinitive dividend share source concluding referee rota matador CY masculine cadence river great go last time telo- deciding parting shot apogee tel- homestretch end–stage end-stage gavel penult rectum dessert peroration desistive destruction catalectic qualifier Supreme Court acatalectic terminal anthropocentric road novice oxytone deferred stock round fall back-end ecthlipsis desitive bitter end stretch approach strike exode seed shortlist cut recapitulation telestich -end nick dividend cover gross national product inconclusive consummative checkmate reserve distribute dividend payment dividend policy tontine insurance last but not least execution output topcoat runoff editor probationer sign (sth) off dividend recapitalization dividend-price ratio paid–up addition preferred stock markup guillotine liaison resurrection unpaid dividend rolled-up diˌvisiˈbility payout ratio galliambic cover note enroll muleta ratio dividend cheque the cherry on the cake model nail down settlement say–so anchor last-gasp do gone marsh domicile dying lattermost deoch an doris end-all Goes guardian resultant doing going did -ier dividends payable dividend per share achieve citadel magistrand consolation CAT squeaky-bum time bonus issue postmortem dividend the last straw tag end octave childbed perfect last ditch lose repechage does end in lid nail something down DOS in the twilight of something injunction countdown unjelled decidedly the last but one eschatological crasis nirvana restorationist semi-finished judgment day set the seal on lying-in grave quotient line dividend payout ratio division sign date of record dividend roll default capitalize straw common share dual–purpose fund compo dividend stripping par value price-dividend ratio record date feminine blast run top off consumption tax aspirate interlocution senectitude run–in precook lay something off refire head joint land up raw material put (or set) the seal on coccyx prick recover resort last chance scoreline curtain line staging post post starting price rearguard action unappealable transition consumption peremptory mandamus rising diphthong spore period fall through winner locked groove summary total epitaph decisiveness end result decision agony agterskot last (of all) apocalyptic back nine up- cyst prove Greats swansong sheet anchor mimmation moment of truth New Jerusalem to cap it all amine sue nett ultima ratio elision with prejudice rideout settle accounts with process fixed income ex-dividend ordinary share preacquisition profit participating preferred share retained earnings warrant ex-dividend date investment product overpaint retire the side mop up contractor shoot netting stunning snuggle copestone unfabricated last wicket lay port mark pi therm bonne bouche semi-final masculine last change top-heavy last lap wind retention ratio ordinary stock management shares shake out cutting room embolism candidate plagal after coping back planish eschaton predestine Sion the stretch when all is said and done write sth up the last word faena bum chase to crown it all -nd complete working ride -'s -s' keep resolve this is it Kali Yuga draw settle on something destructionist championship recovery qualified proofread seventh heaven serve makeready night editor second public examination general judgement closing Götterdämmerung custody evening high noon last thing hypodochmius kitchen sink support vowel banker mason anticlimax beta transfer house wager conk waybill referendum transmigrant provisional rime suffisante common stock deferred dividend long division ex-all preference share stock split cancel layback verification sulfide toning postaudit the upshot bear preaudit eventually negative next-to-last mastigopus sweat V-Day touchdown lacquer promised land sail-off mediate Abitur ultimation Ariosto, Ludovico afterword quarter-final Sedgemoor pudding count net price override game masculine rhyme circular reaction female ending epilogue determination novitiate exon gloss kick subject to review graveyard stinger turn trend -grave tenor check ride thesis dispose general election dot the i’s and cross the t’s harvest home j good behavior lame duck last resort laugh fair sth out (be drinking in) the last chance saloon lay–by chrome cup-winning prebreak retail samadhi provisionary review screed loose end to end all unmade–up putty gloss probationary dosage finishing touch rime jump-off conclusively nose depend effete abbreviation aged base ultimate reality son of man contract trim tierce de Picardie predestinate engrossment end one's days (or life) end game death throes after-course parting indirect tax Maori renaissance genital suppering maturation imperfect cadence bail uranium lead bill of review prime put the finishing touches to twilight of the gods toner Ragnarök tav molasse in conclusion hypercatalexis cooling-off period congregational deus ex machina condemnation intern local mix dog rough-stuff schwa conviction greengrocer's apostrophe aftercooling punchline alliteration ce true go-around goof grace-cup miss rondo will scazon play–off picardy third rebase qualifying heat reverse index say session clearing shower dissolution feminine cadence exchange of contracts in closing pentameter margin of error gallyambic finishing ordinary shares proofreading cartoon auslaut air clean–up fund congener duathlon fit-out coalification conciliarity oilstone limerick re-sort cast-off subimago juiced rehearsal leave/keep one's options open everlasting burning sentence catalexis to cap it off unitarity unshaped thermoform stretto target quality control closer decider Federal Register rapture alogism burn-in postglacial provenance to top it all wire we'll see flamboyant deferred annuity terminalia the end justifies the means bid commutative fund last brood conciliarism concrete gospel flush coat medial cadence photoimpose scratch division peneplain Great Schism variance design tight adjudication finisher mistime milk bone to top it (all) off Tenebrae -th semiworks hurry-up rinse aid taw sigma deˈclarer brief apocalypticism all over bar the shouting aftercooler induced investment joker final draft heart net exam sixth-form college preference shares Ragnarok finale end of it ain't over until/till the fat lady sings curtain call negotiable final and binding defined-benefit Court of Criminal Appeal the top line water string power amplifier agraffe comprehensive consonance concord cross-light spoiler dead imposition headliner Technicolor Tewkesbury preordination restoration tack scale surface structure roughout puff villanelle Hail Mary last chance saloon double witching hour Jevons nail-biting precast coursework run the clock down continuous assessment Marsh, Dame Ngaio exit interview in the final/last analysis margin MRO aegrotat article arbitration cercaria authentic cadence authentic mode choke caveat effect tangent screw suspended cadence type specimen work print Twelfth Day deliverance measure nunation posedown receivership stuff sieve takings clause pro forma Libera Star Chamber nail–biter closing entry fit–up man intermediate connect fine stuff have out hog grace cup last mile grognard elimination tournament infection period lamentable repêchage rere-supper sestina revelation layout nil breakdown block night CATS outside finish estocada windup bite blue-black colon acquisition cost the Resurrection trimming house stitch up subrecent age-old gulf tool transaxle tabernacle that average wind-up decree alpha version police offense class cutting feature-complete end reaction final record high private guard circle exposure draft inside finish integrated beta test pari-mutuel predestination recuse reveal kaivalya liquidating dividend prejudice A level powerlifting probation precedent underpainting cytomorphosis summing–up year finger hole l theotokion teliospore tagline synthesis upright trailer acrostic cryptomedusoid

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Words For "final dividend"

As you've probably noticed, words for "final dividend" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "final dividend" are: ultimate, last, conclusion, end, and finality. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to final dividend listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "final dividend" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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