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soft gentle mild tender coax nudge giantess gigantic bland giant breeze tap ogre caress Sweet ungentle zephyr benign whinny giantism plash brobdingnagian kind dove big tree Goliath meek melt lamb soft-spoken purl tame troll sequoia gigantesque gently breathing glacis Orion kindly ladied rolling panda gentleness gent kiss stroke putt breath light gargantua chuck croon delicate coy silver pussycat small simmer ice giant colossal order mellow dogtrot lent
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aperient submiss roll cuesta pat dab still lap cyclops softly warmth gentry damsel gigant- agastache softness canny gale mansuete gentleman admonition nibble saguaro placid mild-mannered thaw coo gentil trickle mildly smooth genteel air humanize tender-eyed rock jingle rough rap playful slap hard whisper maidenly Hood Island Arcturus stinker stew nelly cajole burble insinuate dulcet David slight afreet fold Irish elk submonition debonair digest thunderbird josh ferment tatou love tap Pantagruel petting zoo green aloe scrub kangaroo California newt tamanoir tamp ettin gray kangaroo jog grampus anteater Polypheme great gray kangaroo Mother Carey's goose cabalassou bullfist Danubian reed pahua tatuasu giant fulmar large cane great kelp great anteater warm up harsh benignity easy soft–spoken quiet roughly dragon stinkpot lady click Antaeus Procrustes Titan dreamy slight falcon sough shimmer lenity warm fondle goodman dovelike gentlefolk gentilitial moderate lenitive pigeon–livered subgiant Sequoia National Park giant sequoia carrizo rounceval fetid aloe fish killer Jovian bamboo reed GS forester piteira hogweed sungazer giantly electric light bug giant fish killer orange-dog tortoise puffball clam myeloma nal sentiment Japanese crab black sea bass Japanese spider crab giantize insinuation giant tortoise craniosacral therapy influence hellbender amble Utgard-Loki gentlehearted hand canter silken hende swollen bunny slope whiff rambling diapnoic tenderhearted bop lady's wind nursery slope lullaby babble soft sell soften swell dove–eyed pirr Atlas moth lilt now, now civilize granadilla halcyon subdued bonair megal- soft-hearted wouldn't hurt a fly super-G drizzle–drozzle silky tassel–gentle gentility unvicious swelling gigantean pet effleurage meekness tridacna Enceladus fermentation unhurting tickle turtledove loom-gale drizzle facial someone wouldn’t hurt a fly gentlewoman gargantuan skookum sigh tepor ham-fisted brown bear leviathan goliath frog arteritis Argus giantesque afrit Mastigoproctus queller Paul Bunyan peng windigo cane toad drop ripple Jersey Giant unrelenting giantship macrocystis redwood affection sweet-tempered spray nocturne sweet-toned tender-hearted indulgent gentle-hearted nursery slopes milord brush touch fair-spoken sweetly lown softly-spoken trip spoof sweet-sounding spleenless lustre humane lamblike low gentilly honey cannei hooly lapse round silvery pigeon-livered dulcify affable greaser flow clement Ailuropoda tule cabuya endear jelerang man-mountain giganticide alga clemency erl-king Saguaro National Park antaean Malabar squirrel river wolf Anisomys elephant tortoise canebrake Priodontes Irish deer femininity softly spoken admonish horse-whispering gentile sentimentality mansuetude milady nice and easy kindhearted aurora wheedle jolly bimble blarney favonian curve sweet-talk palaver kindliness christian doe-eyed lambent blandish goodwife ham-handed cuddle simple manna shimmering kindness inhumane contoured delicacy unmeek gentlefolks dimplement douce sentimental namby–pamby breezy reprove squeeze look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth lightness Cameron of Lochiel inveigle at peace dogtrick chuckle amabile organ-cactus osteoclastoma Antares rung taimen super G orc Ymir zord fulmar mylodon sea devil bamboo suwarrow narthex ayahuasca Macrocheira stigmaria rang Castoroides megazord calamite gnome billfish mammoth atlas ogress otate Monocaulus Lethocerus supergiant super giant slalom rocambole ringed Mimir Scorpius bearcat gyre mammoth tree Mallomys ring Ratufa bonebreaker brown dwarf Menkar fennel glyptodont monitor briarean waft rheopexy nesh go easy go-easy harden jogging mollify sympathy murmur piano untender slip–off slope mildness bedew tap-in rustle aw an iron hand/fist in a velvet glove tapping royal water lily typhoean manatee poke laxative lenient fairly define thermoluminescence a rap on/over/across the knuckles iodoxybenzene joggle baby oil sawtooth melting pipple rap someone's knuckles yield bicker Entelodon horsehoof clam rosette plate Megalobatrachus Mirach panache Erl King stream orchid Ferris wheel lycopod pitahaya cape-hen queen-conch blazar minium mitigate gentlehood monocline love pat west flinty glide sea breeze baby brogue cryer dolce chinquapin slurry Briareus Galapagos tortoise Capella with kid gloves dip slope bowl well-behaved warm-down rustling go easy on someone zephyrus wash someone wouldn’t hurt/harm a fly swoosh lovers' rock Sekhmet giant planet Scheat Megathymidae rock trout deterrent emergent kangaroo fire gilding con amore feminine swish limber up spinster dag pony capybara mystery giant star ahuehuete IMAX elephant bird Midgard giant lily Dinohyus Deneb Kaitos interferometer carbon star Mauritius hemp Schedar antiphrasis myeloplax Mirfak jet red giant Bankia conch Idun saturniid Indian potato Bunyanesque cryptobranch Aldebaran agate snail osteoclast Mithgarthr dirigible giant branch protoplanet quetzalcoatlus cockatrice kidney-worm Rasalgethi blue giant slow frame ingrown meander Ramsay lazy softie low-pressure Manipuri pianissimo horse whisperer soft landing horse whispering cyclone contrayerva rankett bouncinette gargle ambient music porcelain cement head nodding honeyed crag and tail Colossus of Rhodes huntsman spider geoduck ragweed Arundinaria typhoon talipot Ferber, Edna Dawsonia fridge monolith optometrist Megascolecidae schnauzer antithetical asteroid billboard skiff bulge Arundo cane Gog and Magog hornet jewfish heedless Reed–Sternberg parlor cargo savage bulky flagon eurypterid great auk fait accompli entelodont Mantell, Gideon Algernon hindsight occult predator stolid Calvatia entail Jupiter Gigantopithecus guillotine chasm Crystal Palace coop topiary lumber lull bunting concave beast balmy euphemistic New Age music obscenity amok pacific cool wind chimes fatherly New Age layoff pastiche raillery Horatian satire common reed Giant's Causeway reed grass algin mesmerized spawn tubercle Mira juggernaut beset quizzical du Pont, E. I. traverse grass-tree vestimentiferan Sequoya Saturn Baird's beaked whale Alvarez theory Rhyssa neurochord armadillo Cryptobranchidae foamy virus purple hairstreak puya conglomerate anaconda Furcraea fairground Rushmore, Mount biped direction bargain reduced Uranus slavery marine belie quintessence contradiction forgivable damage reverent shady sumo lumbering fritter gerrymander deftly ingenue Bifara beauty disco omnipotence outrageous subdue whimsy flashback lifeboat accumulate Douglas, Stephen Arnold hew perfidiously puppeteer continental drift colossal floe gradual dismal Thuban wonderful tote bulldozer like-minded behind homely angelic grumpy ninny obstreperous velvety blemish lithesome mince hill agreeable deft generosity pudgy sway unmitigated misrepresent dickens embrace carillon utilitarian mitigated placidly seraphic tyranny chide blunder patience tall wind

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Words For "gentle giant"

As you've probably noticed, words for "gentle giant" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "gentle giant" are: soft, gentle, mild, tender, and coax. There are 779 other words that are related to or similar to gentle giant listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "gentle giant" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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