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pot shot potted pop shoot gunshot chip round shotted commode Marmite crock pellet cauldron buckshot dunk pipkin pottle put potshot ante stockpot flowerpot hook canister potful kettle slam dunk teapot potman Jerry bowshot dink potty snapshot projectile melting pot bullet chamber stewpot lead dixie cannon scratch carom slug BB cruse point-blank grapeshot retrieve steamer slice jump shot jumper shotgun po ale-knight olla kitty break gallipot missile
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pow calendula braise gunpoint firepot honcho dart rebound sauerbraten pan pressure cooker arrow pot-au-feu over chamber utensil bird shot pot roast coffeepot chamber vessel pepper short potboiler long shot header unshot ball percolator outer bull's-eye retake stew repot Dutch oven abdominous snipe pitch backhander set shot footage free throw kill screamer tracking shot drop shot billy cassareep volley birdshot ammunition drive grenade skillet perrier trivet cachepot marigold squirt range draw at gunpoint BB gun shot put planter cuvette explode crucible cannonball dub inner fairy stone cut wing shot swish bolt potsherd watering can call angle big noise blank under fire needle bombard potting stuff trey slap shot washpot hit coffee-pot pot-plant hake butt mitraille left and right jackpot slop popgun lota jordan head honeypot inkpot cacciatore chatty jorden save lob ace putter cupola jam blast air ball fairy arrow potlid blowpipe can thunderbolt Indian reed get outsider hotpot pot-lead Os grape duff scratch line shooter paunchy Scotch marigold snort shot glass hailshot bombardment Parthian shot billiard push coup de grâce fadeaway pot-bound light thunder mug lobster trap mug anchor shot pot-walloping jardinière slow cooker buck screw free-fire zone tian root–bound set kettle pot-gutted chip shot fade windage shy foozle sweep deadline firearm headshot tagine fluke close-stool earthen sweeten putback round-bellied dunk shot continuity drop aspic mid–shot shots dump shot crack nab four cannonade lead poisoning nett tweener basket crane shot pile aliipoe stuff shot net netting bull's–eye blow someone's brains out mulligan scorcher sink dolly shot feathered shot wrist-shot snap Trim mill crease flowering shot shotting China shot flaunching rack water-sink vegetable stock sprinkler scot magpie retriever gage gazunder Philadelphia pepper pot watering-can camp oven walloper wild marigold lade teem smudge pitch-kettle waterpot alderman paramoudra muff-glass copper ghatam pothook tallboy shorten pottain hotchpot sighting shot angle shot fallaway checkside blowgun belt dead bullseye bonsai bean pot smother wad dutchie stinkpot mustard seed shootee crab pot white owl fanny unpot carafe biggin panpot O showdown root-bound fire-pan pat tinpot shotless howitzer j sighter deflection intercut ladle rifle piledriver gun dog bank shot pitch shot let sound shot-proof pistolade shot borer finger-roll shooting scene led convert flak pistol-shot big wheel Indian cane booster gunned nurdle rejection headmold shot masse pitch–and–run shot bigfoot one-shot backhanded play bracket keeper repel heavy hitter fruit–tree bark beetle drill kangri riddle shot tower lie air-to-air end bomb gall pouch layup ballistics dissolve choke closestool quart-pot tea brand iron Crock–Pot purslane seether pig potgun nog pint pingle pottle pot buckpot crevet boast follow hook shot cartridge cutaway slapper mishit shell fix shot plant chip-shot solo masquerade hoist shot-free pot likker overpot pot-luck punchy drip pot cruset block case mugshot slog-sweep loft dust shot arquebusade come under fire dominate flick sun–shot fish pot pint-pot ogee lack jet runner spitted escape split pack gunfire rifle-shot pelican line of fire driven blowdart snap shot sitter skyhook drove slam-bang shot–free brick game bird rebote gralloch free shot harquebusade zip gun slog report cleek fleshpot beaker caldron pot–color pot liquor yetling urn iron action shot air–to–air slingshot two–shot upshot jackshay cast-iron handi chytra metal rim pot-hat plug-hat thunderbox iron-shot fire sth off random shot rifle shot onetime shootable maximum pothole drawcansir sapucaia cupel poke double potstick percolate rice cooker caster hale test crook pot-metal pen pot pot on pot luck pot-bellied cresset stovies top-hat gather shot wedge draft cut in wrister daisy cutter cover shot drop volley exterior line drive interior snooker loose looper handbarrow tee shot sitting shot grouse at bag one–pounder put something away one-off nail dust-shot blinder winner double round hole in one muff shotlike froze wood shot flask colander curler freezing parting conning tower flyer shotten checkside punt frozen ricochet squeeze shot–clog shotty bombproof distasteful pounder smash pint pot clay pigeon overhead socket cripple trimmer two shot six-pounder shot hole drops big game freeze duck shot flightshot courage under fire near miss lifeline tot close-range but basil pot metal side pot pattern chili–dip put-away close–up pass potleg insert single–shot connect fire-shot shotshell trimming chest shot blowback raking shot bury clout wand shoot split-shot wrist run-up boom shot reverse-angle shot scotch spinach pothunter pomander cottrel clepsydra potluck chafing dish range-proof tin opener lampion tunnel net aspergillum boiler melt aludel Dutch pot coffee pot brew ambitty dog's cabbage Brechites tun-bellied toilet chair surahi pot furnace smudgy try–pot cremaster pelau pot-et-fleur throw Scotch whisky fountain pot oven pot–lead pot layering oleraceous fleshhook potpourri market pot hingle down root seller hot pot pasta cooker livery pot high-low inkwell lunette Crockpot pot-fisherman quart-pot story spittoon slop bucket bellied spider side money storied maslin spinage bed bush bread chocolate pot cozy chop teakettle paintpot crane ital medium shot bar shot reverse angle mustard-seed bound cockscomb flesh fork brawn just fatten combination toilet set cineraria prick out pepper pot busy Lizzie pot valve pot-roast progger liquor tea ball kelp combinet high–low reckon-crook replant Scotch barley chamber set transplant bedpan plant out pothanger pot-tree cottage cheese fryer pot bottom stakeholder olericulture psykter balti bet weel echeveria glue pot O & M pisspot pitch-pot potherb white-pot chimney top apple slump sagger go to pot shot metal mig scatter trap skinner repeater powder-cart paintball lay-up knocker hearing chase tier shot trap load scattergun shot cartridge best gold drive-by accurate shot on goal rubber bullet pump fake hook pass high cockalorum discharge in-off explosion shot follow through chunk broken air-to-ground shot-peen bang triathlon Slot top edge side-foot like a shot leading made/scored a basket follow shot half volley poster scuff short iron shot bag core drill shrapnel spring bolt stricken gun barrel follow-up jigger lock-keeper master trucking shot approach charge wire chilled shot ammo boilermaker hole-in-one lay up bull’s-eye broke close-up clutch push drive long iron shot noise long black finish air pistol bulletproof bunny blunderbuss load flechette twang inch-perfect out-turn double–barreled deliver beauty shot carronade bull bump explosion shotblaster hipshot checkside goal miscue uppercut triple scattering quarrel raise penalty shot unforced error seek dead affogato glancing semiautomatic bump–and–run cartouch peen fetch above combination shot rotation bunker lag one–off pistol shot skull shot drill shot–putting sumping shot swan shot spitball collar graze aim fire for filmize three–pointer duck deadly in-turn reject sinker clear fore jump hook downswing fade-in fade-out tell eight-ball tappit hen schefflera Ganesh lid cafetière coxcomb sea kale town-tallow inject rye and Indian work stone albarello wallflower deglaze plant hoya cyclamen lamb's-quarters shabu-shabu lathe gluepot slop jar table mat collet pot-herb plunge soup vessel goashore fiddle–leaf fig rose marcottage parlor palm buzzer–beater sandbag pot limit rainbow go-ashore handle might Lecythis hoop bromeliad chamber pot mistletoe fig peperomia dusted target fat cat torpedo flight-shot baton round be shot through with something flashcube honey shot half-volley nutscaping musket-shot partridge popinjay that crossbolt crossbar shot nip draw videobomb videobombing feed corner handgun chokebore wadding still Parthian point of impact push shot screen script–scene sight gag fine longbow decoy ballistic missile double carom gun finger roll shank quail passing shot bridge charger hit-out lay pump mend oversman unload pot burner

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Words For "pot shot"

As you've probably noticed, words for "pot shot" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "pot shot" are: pot, shot, potted, pop, and shoot. There are 968 other words that are related to or similar to pot shot listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "pot shot" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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