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tube sift sieve plate tubular riddle tubing sieve definitive callus bolt sieve element pipe duct slime plug sieve area companion cell screen sieve cell capillary tubule sieve–tube element tubal trommel CRT slime body strainer spout straw inner tube barrel salpinx hose strain roll trachea bore kinescope salpingitis cribriform ranger temse kaleidoscope range canal rudder searcer passage test tube conduit intubate rice griddle gavage ruddle roller oviduct tubicolous bronchiole try ethmoid cribble
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blowgun tubiform chimney calibrate harp blowpipe clarinet prickle cartridge limp sile vessel tubeless sleeve tammy esophagus siphon phloem valve torpedo tube anode cigarette lumen trunk triode snorkel salpingectomy cannula fluorescent ridder stem catheter peashooter anticathode pentode tubate mesh jigger klystron tubeless tire auditory tube gun static pressure tube intake dropper cathode ray funnel coscinomancy gullet drain windpipe diverticulum bolter picture tube cop acorn valve ajutage drum-sieve Boult test-tube fluorescent lamp cul-de-sac fulgurite sucker -tron thermionic tube crumhorn tubi- quill grid current header funnel pan tubal pregnancy eyedropper nozzle compound microscope bassoon pipestem mailer orifice cathode curler grid bias krummhorn piping gift block caliber chute salpingostomy waterline lipstick tube sock gauge magnetron ectopic pregnancy riddle and shears polyp van tetrode searce duster salping- solen kazoo pyosalpinx cannulate adapter ductus tube top ethmoidal fry calibre jig vacuum valve thimble retube ree vitta channel flue drum sieve tubulate bell cribrose milsey petrel Klein bottle rectifier oesophagus tube pan gas tube scree coliform gamopetalous bowel siphuncle faceplate eustachian tube ear trumpet sarse grid blockage water glass urinal periscope vermiform appendix bubble stylograph penstock prosiphon corolla tube tuba stent alembic pavilion pipette throat urethra proboscis purée recorder pinchcock orthicon cypsela tube worm suck torpedo intubation muff plate phototube tubulation television tube hookah tiffany venturi tube sievelike tunnel weaver storage tube otosalpinx megatron tubed gas–filled tube voice pipe cribral sieve-plate cylinder cuvette syring- tube-shaped vas podium stop transcolate pulp-strainer eustachian cast churchwarden diode tower ear canal pore-area counter tube retubing electronic tube conjugation canal pickup tube medullary tube raceway sieve tube element brandy snap blow rod safety tube sifted eudiometer compound sieve plate sausage roll dynode manubrium envelope nanotube dillue unsifted knockings cutting scalp endotracheal sausage vacuum tube vidicon downcomer electron tube gut flute camera tube casing monadelphous sconce inlet thief serpentine pitot tube serpulite trump oboe spire fluorescent light airway intestine TT discharge tube pellet spaghetti shell G–M tube bronch- operculum stopper ferrule reed mouthpiece sweep meniscus electric eye U–tube flint mill venturi socket vein jacket blood vessel ostium bronchium fuse force-feed bolster roentgen–ray tube pressure tube thermionic valve tubelet Vt peanut tube VTVM connector teapot needle ambulacrum bile duct rectum capsule ampulla rocket flyback grommet stomach pump umbilical cord excitation beam ligation albuminous cell micropyle getter ureter display core barrel fimbria callose reeing siftings tamis bong extender drum calibration intestinal spile pea-shooter lacteal trombone bobbin burette vegetative cell syrinx cathode-ray tube tail over chinois sieve pit pipefish paraxial intrafallopian Horn dilluing air-tube radio tube tubifacient chaffer bar screen memory/mind like a sieve sieve analysis gruff pressure nozzle subsieve ambulacral foot tracheotomy tube serpentcleide capillary electrophoresis braid wire round fistula gun-barrel air tube tubuliform pedicle bast closure priming-tube Soxhlet extractor tail cone mixer tube pneumatic tube quillet tow siphonet infundibulum occlusion cannular crossbar sack urceolus pump barrel stoppage tubulated lawn jigging tail sheet trumpet hypha slack breathing tube drawtube toilet roll reaction coil unblock caloriduct waterspout cardiac catheterization buckytube honey tube tunnel stern tube siphonogamous Audion rocket tube eye tube tile tube culture limb ductal pipe amygdule air-box vagina crypt tubeform anemobiagraph hot-tube wild–oat kicker cold cathode tube transmitter sucker foot pedate mask swan neck skelp cylindrical element tubulous patent slot Torricellian vacuum macaroni airline hosepipe Bourdon spring tuboid vestimentiferan cavatappi pneumatogram tubeworm rolled-up electrometer tube worm tube retro-ignition puree Berlese funnel glow stick sieve and shears Plücker tube politzerization transitron thyratron memory tube penny whistle polar telescope stay tube electrode bologna positive ray worm-tube firecracker asiphonate heater speaking time base tube-shell Clubionidae aneurysm Anger camera bugle éclair Aston dark space endosiphuncle pine–tube moth lance kit bag dilator grid circuit aspirate grid voltage lamp chimney canaliculus electroluminescence tank circuit radial canal thistle tube interstitial video recording cytopharynx rolling pin extubate orb-weaver stack twang gradation sunshade gastroesophageal bombard trumpetfish subway glassblower mesencephalon Hydroides igniter head tube tropostereoscope receiving valve pull-down through shunt pressure-tube cold patch phosphor cannoli patency reducing press driven well windsock cigar mesosalpinx strip light systoflex sucking disc sedentary lens-cap germination quench spouted salivary duct plate circuit ballast autodyne phallosome saucisson expander powderflask acorn tube tubivalve urethral tube–feed aglet thermometrical thoriate capillary action balloon flesh tunnel collector bombilla blinker tube bubble tube video frequency siphonaceous sucking stomach tuning eye salverform charge reproducing tube mosaic air fauces eye-tube plate voltage thermowell vasiform neurenteric vas deferens cylindroid peribronchial rhombomere retort swede yoke glass-blowing permatron line of metal light pen tubestock soda fountain tail shaft oesophageal ear candle brake hose breech plug discharge lamp close Bertrand lens colon bypass blood clot baton fuze calcar intestines hot dog! gas pipeline flugelhorn hydraulic honeysuckle ferule eyelet dull emitter filter bronchial cathode glow glue stick small intestine Cerianthidae anastomose tunnel vision solid-drawn porogamy pump vestlet bulbil tubular bridge auricular inhaler launcher leg crown drill silencer simple aeriferous perisalpingitis peritoneum nematocyst Bourdon gauge Cephalodiscus glue ear colonic valinch alimentary canal gas-discharge tube gather epithelium Bundt cake laryngoscope grid condenser grid–glow tube kalian epididymis ignition tube impact tube didgeridoo graduated cylinder fire hose push-pull prosencephalon oesophagitis pterobranch in vitro echinoderm sawn-off shotgun top hat antiperistaltic excurrent feeding tube haemorrhage oilcan stylo- Abney level radon seed sigmoidoscopy locking ring mostaccioli main ring canal proctoscope rhonchus sand mason sand tube Bangalore torpedo body tube drainage-tube neurulation nipple static tube Spirorbis snow tube chimney pot fornix jet level tracheal tubeflower Tubicola bulb grass spud blackwater rafting cannon choke come drainage tube Bundt electronic flash cash carrier syringe gun barrel cigarette holder flare whistle cochlea diaphragm grid leak pitot's tube Braun, Karl Ferdinand alveus rotameter baleen callus Geissler tube IVF digestive tract hush tube furl hemorrhage inject mortar chalazogamy gas-focused air pipe clog Amphitrite cooling coil plug cracker bazooka dutchman's-pipe syrette trier vortex flowmeter lamp-chimney muscularis passant gas focusing waggler squib filament dredge focusing coil Melicerta sausage meat storm glass coenosarc image converter hunting horn pipeline holothurian electrodeless blowtube rocket launcher loctal chalumeau colonoscope manometer fan worm X–ray tube pitot–static tube collimator gugelhupf lens hood Liebig condenser indwelling speaking tube stomach tube C–bias Roman candle Rawlplug musical flame percolator plate resistance fulgurata fistularia monte-acid air jet wheel-shaped boob tube scuba diving perforated pancreatic duct boss plate signal plate strobotron stenting telescope suction dredge water scorpion boiler key nasogastric pin-eyed stomach-tube sympetalous fallopian tube rigid inflatable brass desmoneme cannelloni contact potential daffodil bowels in vitro fertilization iconoscope frankfurter French horn pencil crook tag Allihn condenser capillary attraction appendix flume hot dog aorta perforation deflection Nissen hut primer piper colonoscopy television trocar trumpet keyer plunger siphonium spurling pipe star ipomoea striding level ascon atresia canna boom box mailing-tube watering can wand crimper cystoscope glow switch Mariotte flask B battery germ pore thermometer

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Words For "sieve tube"

As you've probably noticed, words for "sieve tube" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "sieve tube" are: tube, sift, sieve plate, tubular, and riddle. There are 891 other words that are related to or similar to sieve tube listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "sieve tube" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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