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little less overmuch quiet far taciturn close-mouthed weak sedentary some without brief dim brevity slow out for silent small dearly non troppo cheap saw lazy lean dictum inactive concise low low-paid backwater logion mickle tight-lipped light greatly plain self-contained tanto to put it mildly valediction easy not go far moderate painless someone can’t say (something) tit for tat badly difficult phony cagey open-and-shut unread enough reasonable guarded ration calm whatever
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a little dull certain inexpensive refund I don’t know semiskilled mon troppo poverty trap budget Pyrrhic victory considerable fuss gobby blow/hang the expense something won’t break the bank to put it politely saggy temperance moche adage nil poor notability uninformed spoon-feed good nm what off bromide byword don’t ignoramus dying rarefied flattery not think much of let economical byway simple low-maintenance scantling straight have money to burn windy someone can’t be bothered run short (of something) only much fraud get out could have (done something) quietly sober no same aren’t way refrain muchly leave-taking fad silly distant scarce solitary retraction downtime let’s refusal push see about petty molto feel exclusively come on open verdict lightweight field too busy doing something comfortable tight still waters run deep he’s it’s right mum but gag rule no relation at a cost or you’d not exactly he’d she’d can I’d shifting/rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic with the best will in the world defame pardon she’s it’d great or else yet envoy short ma non troppo chops amateur impecunious hard up superficial fallow considerably idle unproductive remotely chop moped intone stiff bright ranch house tasteless conservative safe pooh inequity break someone’s heart I can’t hear myself think someone’s got it bad before valuation reticence x they’d even be short with someone mile apart dark otherwise querulous rookie long quickly dream low profile pro forma a lowbrow amn't farewell pussy two–faced metonymy quote descriptivist cogent full hyperactive mealy-mouthed inelastic word expression positive scant bland uneducated in a world of your own negative flood liquid lunch make up for lost time temperate dude fixed cost tacit speech a certain awkward mindless alone affirmative wallflower of few words be poorly off mockery presumably guess overly sorely extent dear chewy a whole lot full of crap/shit brinkmanship sullen epigram quip influenza fools rush in (where angels fear to tread) fat laboured braggadocio excluding ago daylight robbery to say the least the feeling is mutual by far I would give my right arm/my eye teeth for something could use something well are you kidding? my arse going on not/never in your (wildest) dreams pcm immensely something puts years on someone someone can’t stand someone/something there’s no comparison homily half/twice etc as much again someone can’t stand to do something away someone/something will be the death of me with the exception of excessive overplay your hand to eat your heart out more/longer etc than someone cares to remember/admit/mention darling infinitely desperately valedictory assassination full of shit exactly there’s no justice (in the world) something is anyone’s guess unheralded placid not nearly odds–on flimsy undemanding low-income to a lesser extent/degree slow burn go steady on sth immature rebuttal it’s (all) Greek to me God/Goodness/Heaven knows not by a long shot/chalk/way it/something doesn’t make any odds (to me) I don’t wonder (that) wrong (the) cat has someone's tongue not think for a minute/moment (that) rod counterbalance scanty passive greenhorn watching/counting one's calories defensive sparse grant gloomy fast comedietta anyway roundabout there’s nothing in/to something who needs something smutty uninhibited unknown to someone economic a fat lot earthbound bleak slightly naivety distract heaven help us one man’s meat is another man’s poison bone what’s the odds? someone couldn’t/doesn’t give a monkey’s parenthetical hang something be out of the question I’m not bothered you’ve got me (there) someone won’t have something again deserted that’s the drink/drugs etc talking restrained suicide not particularly casual minor offhand risible snide futility deification ahead figure of speech cocktail and the rest muchel excepted excepting at all costs the road to hell is paved with good intentions impudent mochel lots muckle heaps many on I don’t rightly know/I can’t rightly say barely just/only being polite busted weren’t couldn’t have heard it (all) before no matter how/where/what etc cute needn’t close your ears (to) neither here nor there off the record reticent hardly not be wild about something there is no need (for someone) to do something life’s too short it’s someone’s loss I might have known/guessed unobtrusive low-pressure trite on your last legs cherry tomato dimly badly off cash-strapped airless stable shiftless thin taken low-yield fall behind firm flat scantily clad/dressed froth little worth easy listening token squash sum cottage cheese ill-disposed labour-intensive covet little more than low-price have a lot (or not much) on the ball go easy go easy on something tight-fisted close take it/things easy underused rough egocentric keep (yourself) to yourself a drop in the ocean economically round tolerably cub reporter crude around thinness little better than modest slim trifle babe in arms presumptuous inattentive apathetic bad night dispirited torpor forlorn one's heart is (just) not in something man/woman of few words run-down took taking take patronize in the way of incinerate inactivity formulaic (there are) no flies on someone there is no love lost between someone and someone so to speak insistence hedge be that as it may beneath can’t cannot/can’t very well by be serious as luck would have it come along dare I say (it) I don’t envy you/him etc I fail to see/understand heaven (only/alone) knows it beats me it’ll just just my luck I thought as much like lose the thread nearly never no object my hat might (just) as well not make a habit of doing something/not be in the habit of doing something not my idea of fun overhear wouldn’t wish something on anyone restraining order thank God/goodness/heaven(s) that’ll be the day whatevs you never know backstabbing unmet wave something goodbye/wave goodbye to something proud tell that/it to the Marines a bad/good sailor (all/only) too true cannot/can’t help something crack up for the most part I’d like to see someone do something I’d like to think (that) it’s no use in a manner of speaking in principle in theory little does someone know/realize no dice no fear non-committal not much of a not/nothing much may someone rest in peace only/just joking of a kind someone isn’t made of money someone’s name is mud something is not in/part of someone’s vocabulary tell me another (one) hesitant the jury is (still) out (on) the next thing I knew (the) chances are there’s no call for something there’s no harm in (doing) something there’s no such thing/person as there’s no use (in) doing something won’t do/wouldn’t do/doesn’t do you can’t be too careful you don’t say you’re/he’s etc going to love this who is someone to do something? who shall remain nameless wild horses couldn’t... to (the best of) my knowledge waste not, want not think through no choice of someone’s own turn on Freudian slip indiscreet I beg to differ/disagree it's all Greek to me RSVP truism not all that good/bad/big etc something won’t kill someone someone’s heart is not in something someone/something be damned someone/something/somewhere etc or other something is not worth the paper it is printed on the lights are on but no one’s home style yourself/something (as) something what’s .... when it’s at home?/who’s .... when they’re at home? what’s the good of/what good is (it) (doing) something? who needs something? you can’t please everyone you could have fooled me rather watch your tongue typical cat got your tongue gassy God forbid tradition pink slip off message put–on tactless broadly/generally speaking can ill afford (to do) something come, come/come now don’t give me that for reasons best known to himself/herself etc for some obscure reason fair enough essentially every man for himself how should/do I know? I dare say I wasn’t born yesterday I’ll/we’ll have to see I’m not particular get out of whether or not pass more not necessarily it’s a... thing no such luck nice my lips are sealed it’s only a matter/question of time ain’t go on someone will live to regret something something goes in one ear and out the other (there’s) no time like the present time is money weather permitting cross I hope not it’s not the end of the world kiss my arse like talking to a (brick) wall charming (let’s) face it look at could have been a contender my foot neither fish nor fowl might/may/could just do something pull the other one (it’s got bells on) breezy on/off the radar (screen) oddly sincere there's nothing in sth being as all talk and no action a fool and his money (are soon parted) GOML not give/care a damn no thanks to yeah, right a little bird told me do you hear (me)?/you hear (me)? discretion is the better part of valour it’s all in your mind it’s/that’s OK it/that figures it/that would never do under false pretenses restrictive injunction get away forbear you can’t win know better there is more to someone than meets the eye the dice are loaded against someone (that’s a) good question no harm comes to someone/something something/life is not a bed of roses someone will not thank you (for something) shock horror on paper old nothing to get excited about nothing doing not that I’m aware of not likely not just yet salubrious shouldn’t cliché ignorance is bliss out of sight, out of mind pithy it’s no skin off my nose mustn’t not be someone’s problem play games perhaps daren’t I’m all right, Jack perish the thought hasn’t so (what)? doesn’t with a small ‘c’ etc someone can’t see the wood for the trees and damn the consequences/expense etc mild talk is cheap who cares? wasn’t wouldn’t didn’t in the wrong place at the wrong time no way be all very well how long is a piece of string? however hadn’t something doesn’t bear repeating won’t cut the crap! haven’t isn’t mightn’t oughtn’t shan’t eject double standard second best spineless nerd acronym brouhaha equable take (something) in good part the game is/it is not worth the candle doting about thing unrefined under nickel-and-dime dummy bubblegum low volume spoil in the negative befall respectable cabalistic rhyme felicitous should have (done something) regret that’s your problem who’s counting? ditch thankfully that’s a good one steady on denial who’re sickie say no more too many chiefs (and not enough Indians) between you, me, and the gatepost (all) to themselves anywhere apparently eh for all someone cares I never dreamed (that) have to pinch yourself good luck to someone it’s no bother it/that is just as well I wish I’ll believe it/that when I see it (I’ll) be seeing you I’ve implicit mud sticks not enough room to swing a cat not good enough threat throw sb off balance whispering campaign behind the times I'm easy neutral bullshit hypocritical bullshit one's way behind for the present half insist let someone be the judge of something speak of more by luck than judgment might...but may/might (just) as well do something part of me/him etc something can/cannot wait something does/will not wash that’s the way the cookie crumbles there must be some mistake they’re you’re you’ve when/while the cat’s away (the mice will play) who is someone kidding? who’d come off someone can stick something that’s/it’s news to me they’ll what a mercy what do/can you expect? what’s whenever wherever you’ll wish -’s two wrongs don’t make a right we’ll we’re alas a mug’s game that’s something forward he’ll if you’ve got it, flaunt it lost your tongue? not get someone anywhere not know what someone is talking about nothing could be further from my mind past out of/beyond someone’s reach them she’ll someone wouldn’t hurt/harm a fly budge reckon aegis who’ll suck it up don't call us, we'll call you who’s see around self-proclaimed we’d (all) to ourselves be big of someone (to do something) due to/for reasons beyond someone’s control do with for all someone knows/cares someone can whistle for something far from it hmm I would think/imagine/hope etc I wouldn’t think of doing something/I would never think of doing something I’ll I’m get stuffed it’s more than my job’s worth it’s not as if... in the region of never/don’t judge a book by its cover no comment of course mock modesty forbids/prevents me from doing something slander none of someone's affair/business people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones plump promises, promises outside one way or another scandal linguistic who knows/cares/wants/needs etc who’ve be miles away we’ve I’ll give you that basically unless snow job but for nice/good try all right not go there pussyfoot some are more equal than others someone’s day will come no offence all is not lost something would not work/start/open etc I shudder to think mañana there is something about freaking different strokes (for different folks) controversially be on shaky ground (there’s no such thing as) a free lunch wheels within wheels (it’s) all right for someone when the going gets tough, the tough get going facetious personable not worth the paper it is written/printed on limit abracadabra pressed for time worrywart know what hit one nitpicking object novice pedagogue low-cost long on sth and short on sth stay-at-home stability fallen angel ectomorph throw together rare subsistence in the dark (about something) landlubber formality apathy art is long, life is short last liverish ill-informed heavy-handed a stick of furniture salad days shoot your mouth off not amount to much sb's/sth's days are numbered run out no-brainer keep to themselves Invar flummox in one's own world in a world of one's own humble little people unskilled be bursting serious the sum total squeeze in starchy sleepy underemployment neophyte better hello the devil makes/finds work for idle hands for aught I know/care be/have something to do with something egghead from humble origins determined hot air fussy keep (herself) to herself keep to himself downscale briefly parched stun hasty indulge commonplace presumption pilfer suffocate turn on the waterworks back road the sands of time are running out idea the have-nots bloated phooey valuable push on gush flooded

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Words For "that’s not saying much"

As you've probably noticed, words for "that’s not saying much" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "that’s not saying much" are: little, less, overmuch, quiet, and far. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to that’s not saying much listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "that’s not saying much" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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