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Reverse Dictionary

examples: unpleasantly moistusing pretentious wordsinhabitant of earth

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half hemisphere semicircle demi- hemi- Hf semi- halfpenny halve halves half-moon semi moiety halfway half-price majority sesqui- half-and-half flat split side dimidiate en drowse caracole minim sharp semitone semilunar halfling dozy half-length half blood semiannual hemistich semicircular semiconscious half-breed downstage centaur drowsy half-staff last quarter mediety jigger minority snicker half-bred fluke bottom hemihedral midway chromatic scale cup semester stoop eastern hemisphere
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buskin southern hemisphere northern hemisphere turnover hemicycle top h better Minotaur cocker dome haversine pye-dog quarter tone squireen half-track SS absolute majority fly half half note quarter-tone half-life semidiameter hippogriff tabloid semiuncial semiweekly Fuller cocktail half-deck halftone griffin Pan hooded backcourt slush semisavage diminished upstage split pea echidna half-baked bi- pink haverel semioval halfendeal twitter half-hour moon sinciput half-yearly half-pint Western Hemisphere first quarter green obole stamp ringdove demy hemitrope paraplegia broadloom sixpence brother stand-off time and a half semidiurnal lune semiped half–moon cue Harpy half–blood halvers astragal erf dim minute ree pottle ridgeling picayune forequarter hatch medialuna murmur hemicylindrical half-time jack mezzo nicker doze underwitted semiform bad titter blink gibbous pint half-heartedly half-dozen breed half-holiday respond peek dot interval Caliban sesquipedalian half-size caf� curtains [or] cafe curtains ray bekah legal pad ischium legal-size half-sole split-level semicolumn lunette throttle hemialgia ravissant sear paramere semiquaver bendlet chukker trill domino half-cracked again whipstitch half price 'arf leash cupful chuckle barrel vault half-tester biannual summer mince token sea horse pubis semirecondite semihoral half–cracked half ray half–saved half a dozen UH staumrel half close sam–sodden sen semisubterranean middle-sized half-clammed semiiannual semibarbarous semiflexed block shot Hb fiscal first half pilot's luff partial rhyme plurality parcel bass semiterete semicylyndrical semirespectable half–staff outhalf fiscal second half issuant platoon hemianopia dichotomize conchiform semiovate nut semi-christianized semiacidified semipagan demi–pointe half a dollar inside half half seas over star-blind half-year semiopaque Hercules medio halflings hemitropous stand-off half siren renversement semimonthly double hemicardia launch bell playschool smolder bloat comb demibastion demilune ha'penny table half-bottle kilderkin quinarius bunt smoulder dichotomy point Immelmann quarter–witted faun fifty–fifty bucentaur break conditional semieffigy wave plate semicyclic mezzo-relievo Six omelet Huáscar eighth note perch demigroat demiman demibrigade semopermanent false title half–a–crown half–pint rood semihistorical cut time two sister OH bastard hp half-uncial middle half point toe hardie hemispherule que slugs imperfect cadence fly title semi crustaceous semivif semitransparent semipedal seminude Brown tone horseback three-quarter shinbone profile rod five-eighth hemiholohedral whew Ulster foible minor m bail palet butt meridian midterm half–life cut angelet n quaver console half-island hypnagogic mind tot pack bloater semicompact slip semibarbarian drawknot half-strained caste semiannually semi circumference bastard title hemiglyph about muggy inverted–pyramid indention half–decker semiliquid sludge demisang ss. wicket hap'penny demidevil leap jacksnipe tap sprag dimidiation demigod five yardarm ilium half–timer crescent mulatto half cousin party per pale half–sib half niece snakebite merman half nephew melange sea hapa mermaid hircocervus halfback Sagittarius half-brother sheet mezza orchestra stand off halfpipe half bat high relief twelve-tone scale hauf semidiaphanous end doty hemispheroid half–mooned half–roll commodore half shell semidiaphaneity halfen south half semihexagonal first-half half-volley half-hitch doted half-step half-arsed semideistical semilune rag codling center half half–cocked half–sole underwit half-sister sesquih east half cerebral hemisphere brodekin halucket semisquare sesunc centre-half lidded semispheroidal semiperspicuous semicalcined demirelievo semichoric half-back bisect semiformed schisma limb in two di half–mast semitangent semispherical semicircular dome bootee semi-independent semibarbaric cent concha semidetached dotty uraeum at full/half throttle half aunt hemicerebrum half disme half past semi-dome winter semierect half-hatched semisoun half-mast more often than not hemina half-blue half–holiday half–time bluchers semilogical midterm break semi-cylinder semiglobular nestle typical bathyal zone dandiprat unstable half uncle half-century halfness deminatured randy often q hellicat half relief dough–baked sagittary missing link pegacorn gimlet black velvet satyr quarter-pipe Dagon most quartile deviation thumbnail whole–length semiproof shirt half round semicalcareous half-dollar interlace hemiparesis ninepence prevelar semilenticular heel milking stool the best/better/greater part of say hypovalve semipenniform quarter-watch quarter distance half-sword semiannular resting-place half-inch half pay buttery hatch half volley half-note semiamplexicaul semipyramidal walnut shell gill scallop half-round heart grind piper cafe curtain treble in the majority halfway through half-rest half-title semiring handle jubilee poltina scattered clouds half-hourly valve semipellucid semiangle semibarbarism pardao stompie augmented semivitrification brise–bise semicylindrical half-litre featheredge file half–dollar half–one halfer semiorbicular semivocal bronco cope pass epivalve semihardy semitrailing beading parboil cotta huck pastille sixain semi-pelagian prickle babbler stanza pye–dog semiprostrate frontcourt equal temperament fan half header half–hour glass half–sword hemicentrum mandible in the minority half-moon glasses demivill coomb semivitrified broncobuster snipe urn fully bucket demi-decade billon afterbeat half term inner table reversement three–eighths blood Parker House roll sesquiduplicate half-page sesquialteral half as big/much/good as methyl acetone penthemimer griffon standoff half sash window double-hung window trithemimer nix Portacipher half-door demi-rilievo sesquialterate half–integer pessimist Castor and Pollux semicupium fly-half alderman semiquartile Assamese halftime Immelmann turn lowboy panisc opinicus plagiocephaly critical flicker frequency chessboard BOGSHP western portague half cent a quarter-pounder/half-pounder half year hypotheca half off honor bend mulch mustang partitive chap reduction clustered at half strength three desultory quarter cleft pullover refracted surgeon's knot quadrin radius styca oblique helicoid chromatic interval right stage pinnatifid pinnatipartite blucher Dorian tetrachord plunk quarter-butt quattrino radioactinium revertant California privet vest en quad semi-elliptical semi-skimmed spotted gar above fanlight hobbledehoy epitheca heller limp fondante potatoes actinon after-frame ale kilderkin fulgent tallboy stepbrother Laodicean uniflow warble wherry half column formeret chevronel gathering ship's bell the half triad gazet hinge inward iatrochemistry slapdash slushy mid-calf Chimney Flute mellow mite pinch half-day tankini half-g cotton shrub octant cantarro rattlesnake-weed scarp upper well-bred folio fifty eye semiofficial hobbit half–glasses halfpace half rest dresser hephthemimeral caesura hindquarter Lorraine inverse voltage half-assed lie back jackknife semitransept demilance demiquaver thought ball Bow Street Runner Tudor serpentine tint demisemiquaver chromatic lightscot nombril road coach white note finisher bullace catty semiaxis half hunter indobriton cubbridge-head alla breve semicirque barrulet dingo semiarch bud brush sesquiplane tit bone bootlace pagan cattle bulldog odd court blinking left stage diminish foolscap grain graupel hemiplegia magazine loup kiss–me–quick nobelium noble passerine palmatipartite papain quarter note profit tunnel stepsister toddler sambo ring half cone half-section by half demimetope clams casino half–wave rectifier leet haploid first-half loss first-half profit semilens Morgan le Fay middy two-cleft Souphanouvong spherical wedge half cadence half–length half–track iambelegus parent company crotchet crop top half-port ootocoid semiligneous Bellini brother-german caser basal wall half dollar lap Bewick's wren brother–german sunrise midpoint primo peach Melba screen slow march submarine roll step Netherlands New Guinea monkey boat naked bat peter boat quarter blood sister–german lay stooter chroma minuscule mullock monkey-boat whole note bewilderment head tile three–halfpence electrocatalysis palimony pallet pincer pipe penthemimeral plastron through take squark start-up en dash half-light -chested underpants dottle dopey creeping lawyer four hard dot better half drawer demitint minister's face ladies' night nipperkin packing radius on the half hour platic penthemimeral caesura postvelar sixteenth note quarter watch pycnostyle salmon trout semispan snow ice chaise longue chromatic alteration chotapeg colon subsidiary company dital even court Dutch door pyjama bottom quarter butt holding company mixed number amphitropous but demicadence demiwolf coss hemimellitic halved semicrystalline surmounted calzone cupola conch blue perch axel cholo closet clove electrocatalyst even stockade fence succinamic acid trithemimeral caesura date diminution fifty-fifty honour grapefruit kick-off lie medium major myth palmatifid pecan topless sultana stymie universal motor supermajority semibreve serious life mourning bride mezza voce queen closer above/below the fold curve of areas English cocker spaniel greigite king closer half–and–half light cream de medietate linguae treaty port energy divine postpalatal endpaper end lap fisherman's bend polarization summer solstice loop Bosch, Hieronymus dumb-iron imperial syncopation apple turnover anisomyodian alternation

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Words For "half-"

As you've probably noticed, words for "half-" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "half-" are: half, hemisphere, semicircle, demi-, and hemi-. There are 992 other words that are related to or similar to half- listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "half-" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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