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pole negative no electropositive cathode polarity electro-positive hydrogode minus negativity electronegative polar Arctic catelectrode flagpole shaft mast staff print air-condenser nor nay spar boom sign perch Antarctic punt rod vault electrode monopole neg stave blackball unipolar either beanpole lug but anode downside positive poleless not descension negation con do pole-vault meridian proof post negatively fire pole abnegative negate caber poler integer
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South Pole reach into till too p flagstaff stanchion tongue North Pole telephone pole ridgepole utility pole contact print equator so neg. beam minus sign Polander ricker magnetic potential magnetic pole neap fog until circumpolar geographic pole punting pole punt stick lucre disvalue uh-uh telegraph pole touch pejorative aurora borealis aurora australis d knock quarter post decrement Arctic Ocean drawback longitude disapproval pejoration quality retouch on neutral bargepole lodestar southness standard ski stick maypole bowsprit pike crotch gondolier quarterstaff north poleburn cannot polestar Polonian antipodes opaque negativism o hit photonegative any hill of beans bail antipole polestack affirmative recoil prettify whit bad polar bear tent pole station pole basket quant pole vault speak privative plus whatsoever electron short double negative gaff javelin capstan bar quite adverse yes down deny depression vituperate albertype anion carbanion clean slate bite lest expos� [or] expose beta ray CARE bar ice hook poling South neither stick bean pole jump blame reduce pole and satchel charge shed burn slide pole fish pole strip template pseudospherical shin bell tent lance stang degeneration negatory contraction pseudosphere pickpole poled pole of the heavens Polaris spacing strip sting ale stake pole–clipt risk the prime meridian damage object cynic unfavorable electro-negative poleman poison stab Cepheus janker veto dolly the Arctic Circle true north hyperbolic critical anything like metalloid prejudice complain depth pan hot rap hydrus intensify run up vent hold negatron the Antarctic Circle roast prohibitive crop colour anymore flat inverse feedback negativing characteristic overhang negatived master or stower frigid zone subpolar interpole density yin zwitterion north celestial pole north terrestrial pole dense alternating series at any length triangle roost go anywhere polemic cut fateful long south terrestrial pole Tree DPDT DPST north–seeking pole south celestial pole shoe m totem pole cowl sound pointer pool-rush poy bority cold pole rood prickle palm south geographical pole cross bat Draco spring pole spiral bush bean craig flounder south–seeking pole north geographical pole enlargement re- non placet deterrence occasion hate increment bipolar hold a brief for relapse sequela negative–painted barring Best redevelop noncontent troll IF after-image mind neutralize sufferance polary negentropic depolarize recusative NTC downer destructive in Bear notself nayward negativitise anything to do with rail revile disincentive yet rotten separation candle nope errant vilify underpole n witch sprit mountain-green load pall jaundiced monoanionic a thing no more do/will/can/have I low take a dim view mixed uncertain southing disparage fatal belittle interrogative throw (or pour) cold water on hater on a downer twist uncomplimentary hell north-polar Antarctica positivity polewards Antarctic Pole imp-pole overpole ridge pole pole trap Arctic Pole vaulting transpolar disselboom anelectrode clothes pole curtain rod palo pool animal-vegetal axis salient pole put-down for anything reduction negative much/still less intensifier red cent directed kick liable nervous pushback I'm (or I'll be) damned if proposition don't negative acceleration abide the first thing strip–in broo depreciatory apogeotropism give a second thought to go for subtractive remove hydronegative dislocation on earth so-called geonegative court not at all beyond crabbed traction supremely vulnerable give credence to go denial jaundice can lose-lose indefinite term nothing of the kind attitude blank criticism safe edge the noes have it impinge chance feedback lead anywhere negative crystal breed unvaluable comeuppance contradict trash uncoloured internegative nonpositive does remotive distance flag geopolar ranging pole unipolarly Mazur pole–car half–mast pole vaulting stand lineman shred pole–clipped done did DOS macrophotography doing prop ram schooner ferry pole punt pole roof jack jig polytropic rhombus punter pole boat hand mast fishgig gee pole Staffs tongued tonguing positive pole curtain rail handstaff underreach battering ram staves quarter pole sae-tree pruning hook distance pole parapolar mountain-pride polynia Ursa Minor ice pole nutation stump australize polarly impale angling half-mast alepole stake ice cap Little Dipper axis pole–timber hemihedral adverse balance earthly flip side overshadow buzzkill cracked up to be help matters exception get someone down trouble pretty photopathy platykurtic rather retardation unvalue doomed dis- na slouch unsigned commit finite unfavourable drive (in) the least whole number hear look at someone sideways crystallotype seronegative shadow stop transcendent Chinaman's chance morbidezza fall on stony ground give (someone) the time of day virus other electric dipole move a muscle arrant artificious number egregious damaging not for a/one minute stoke stuff gut composite print grainy interdict hard–hit get anywhere in any way, shape, or form a blind bit of contaminate provoke compound succumb rampant rank shadow rumination nerve formyl disfigure demise to one's knowledge fallout characterize engram lay a finger on false unconstructive taste dislocate count (something) against someone/something eucolite charitable exacerbate profound much? next to anything near cursed buffet by no means a penny against all whitemail remit put pass pull antiproton think that sure take lightly too much let bug saga backlash exhibition throw cold water on sth conventional current I'll be hanged help foggy infinite proposition get one anywhere insinuate terminal savage monumentally particular compare perpetrate polyanion tobramycin boo whatever dog's chance mixed bag chlorous unit magnetic pole the international date line perfect skid liberty tree longitudinal leveling rod planting pit the equator declination foreguy pole-strap pole strength pitch pole-shoe linstock ringer spire banner lathi hoist a flag/sail ball bearing beacon floor lamp amphitrichous putlog stool tilt ridge tent sweep clothespole lug pole dragstaff pole chain pole dancing monotrichous vein rot trident goal hoist pole transformer run sth up oar touch bottom trolleybus pukamani pole prypole runway stick hang something out streetlamp footpick ledger magnetic force tomjohn antilogous pole dog-pole cresset balance umbrella tent verticity ferrule perch-pole wind unmarked roping-pole quart shimmy oosome dovecote ice-hook lamp post multipolar eighth pole peel pole-trap unpleasantness hat stand steeve machila pole trawl balize cowlstaff musca nuthook hatstand Apus bank pole shadoof pole piece upright hang windsock pole–pile oersted Chamaeleon cast the North Star the Southern Lights steering column cant spar lamppost ridge stay signal post stobie pole banana plug setting pole streetlight eye dragon binder unipolar induction vaulter antipodal holarctic poster stour wrap the pole vault fire boom hod masthead high field goal Jacob's staff analogous pole lofting pole H pole hoopstick repel stay Camelopardalis kilhig mace poleward poling–boat plump animal pole pole-net swape trolley retriever zincous tier pole bucket boathook collet cleat ctenocyst catchman bleah printing–in interpositive excuse give a hang rest-cure nonpolar shigella skew thin take (or bear) the consequences give a darn sexist lift a finger lose sleep over eaten up with/by sth pull punches polarization premonition qualify scruple unalloyed dipole dirt derogatory null non-placet shake sensitive spare yes and no hardly cut it juju wet blanket manufacture see eye to eye turn off someone's cup of tea something/anything of the kind vaguebooking admiration constructive specificity tone underwater at worst harbour Great Satan cracked anything it matters a little a hill of beans apologize for any the wiser have someone to thank (for something) build-up counteract give a tinker's damn give a shit give a hoot eat up blowback hold with if not in so/as many words I think not transcend in the depths of something spot need transposition prone underbelly cheap shot joke care a hoot cut ice hyalotype gonococcus good audacious anti–de Sitter space damage control ambrotype plumb the depths (of something) sneeze at take a compliment universal postulate up to par up to scratch work against (someone) flinch e accident escape one's attention compulsion contemptible cynical diapositive difficulty dim disturb innit intensity klebsiella inverse non-negative never paradiastole prescribe zero unnotify for love nor money let the grass grow under one's feet hot spot give a crap give/care a sod go a bundle on go there pole pitch zenith on the cards reversal snap out of it self-confessed hand's turn voice charge uncritical critically incremental demon give a damn have a problem with negative sign imaginary number rhyme a double-edged sword awful antidote bargain subtractible counter countermeasures amiss better allay must know from come in for in the shadow of bother electric quadrupole of any description would kill one commitment electricity electropolar stochastic someone's life depends on (something) stand a chance of stand for throw caution to the wind/winds wash take kindly to take much notice of will dependent cost forcing have macher vitriolic tropism qualification snort judge really at least burden cloud over contamination come crossover distortion plain conspire bias cologarithm contrast electrovalent depolarizer be/fall under sb's influence/spell bitterly enlarge enˈlargement believe one's eyes/ears gamma complex flash in impression HIV-negative hold something against someone

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Words For "negative pole"

As you've probably noticed, words for "negative pole" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "negative pole" are: pole, negative, no, electropositive, and cathode. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to negative pole listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "negative pole" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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