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down windfall windy wind breeze gust south windward reef blow spool chinook downy lodge cata- easterly northerly recumbent wound gale southerly blast fall north bluster depress twist upwind decumbent up fell westerly downhill twine anemophilous windless lap coil topsy-turvy windfallen williwaw zephyr over luff flaw east reel souther winding take set sth forth hew southwester drop air calm scud windblown downwind adown rack plumule twirl
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southeaster norther seedy prone lay southern embouchure katabatic dependent cutting bequeath subventaneous northwester waft windswept anemo- downright fluky outblown blowdown wind-blown put sth into sth procumbent topsyturvy convolute lop floor sirocco southeast winded southwest spindrift pendulous descend auster Horn flurry rain rewind attrition level below windflaw windproof trade full-blown back fart bill downtrodden large hypo nethermost invert Low deposit get around sth go around sth get round to sth afer shoreward fresh serpent choppy aeolian break afflatus d deep turndown look round (somewhere/sth) loan (sth from sb) show sb round (sth) bale out birr rage fist nether mongolism aspersions throw sth out foehn KD render freshen decline air tunnel wester hunker meander contrary cyclone time get into sth depend pull back laid squall tramontane northeaster convolve sheltered disarm Boreas west bottommost descent chillax cool it tranquilize plumula flatten depone overthrow stand lead bag let plummet farthest tame descendent decelerate northwesterly point seaward northeast southwesterly sunder wind-borne Boreal stretch get bangle hollow encumber burden re-coil northeasterly dejection dip souse flan standing fallen hand anemometer weather vane interwind put sth down snook blow down overgo raze knockdown dismantle collapse overblown marline rig anem- gun equinox wnd wine relate to fizzle notus venti- project flix back off still trisomy 21 drop–down under paravent overwind stiff poop tempest pipe libeccio berg wind detrition grinding abrasion zonda downward stare sth in the face neck down timber fohn flap dull wind–shaken degradation nod high leeward windage weather droop eurus ball entwine downfalling plump variable crankle ructation crank alight seat climb-down put keen cut free weathertight wrap enwind hurricane degressive grass sleet wave perpendicular repose hail pendent couchant deject hang rat-tat ginger inverse plotz Scribe erect rosy apple rat-a-tat ginger piliform thistledown dn lysis slatting facedown plumb deck agal take a seat abject chill abate sough levanter monsoon sandblast carminative windburn fissle airstream fire wind humble flatus reach northern levant piercing fly edge deturb keel over sag southeasterly decoct raddled scorn dejected unbowed despiciency sediment southward skew–symmetric hurl slowdown dump CKD dive settle downstairs pump heavy cry demiss grungy laden devolution englut overblow offer vane dressing loll dismount mat foot legend arrest step prescriptive tear pitch reap jot flump topple procidence crumple underfoot come go demerit jotter riding-sail the rock cycle founder roost cool trim ragged sand drift mountain wind cowl tornado corkscrew air sleeve sun spider wind valley crook vapor wind cone anemosis blooddrops second breath wind catcher mountain breeze landing T flaming poppy bora screw ruffle near windiness windborne thunder–gust breathe wind–shock wind–swift thick-winded perflatile wind–borne head up flative pirr tail cheese fair buster drogue skein tack buffet backwind maze windmill parp tunnel berry cape doctor fold air gap Aïr flatuous aquilon fall wind head aerophone bought shear insinuate room guff trump blow off ptil- couch dependant depression rallentando hand on downmost gravity wind wind box wind bracing chuff slickrock ahold ponente windgall in the teeth of downbye Down's drier–down downed take a pew! moulder return squinch take a chair (or seat) upsodown crock pushover decompose rot buckass deponent step aside deliver climb down de- go over pulviplume sit-down strike downing irrevocable aerogenerator all föhn isanemone airless blow land swaddle outwind channel weather–burned interlace wind-instrument sturdy mast waterspout lace snake haul pirrie whirl-blast enlace farter intertwine squally sousaphone Sarsar baleful caecias loom-gale blore burnewin fast forward kick kick up poof wind power shrewd tail wind wind–pollinated crowfoot tuba western breath run leading wind anemology unblown windblast driven frisk trade-wind snowdrift eastling blowy khamsin close chops storm weatherboard talk in flossy avale pat fluffy truck write sheer sit–down slump source sit–in cornpone forelay swan's-down sit-in bd downcry droopy book eider fallback derelict downplay detrited describe traditional correct flag defluent drop/fall/sank to one's knees give out jotting jam log get down on one's (hands and) knees propendent ramshackle sit down tamp spiral corrosion downflowing take something down saggy low–flung rone pipe note swizzle decompress lower one's eyes be seated bail upsyturvy cinch devex defoul deflow decursive Down's syndrome drop one's gaze downline press down calver fix cd breve be (down) in black and white grabble fleabag dust stay-in strike accumbent -stasis dog-eared descendant the dust settles overtop dab condescend kill pensile overbearing slug load unputdownable swap thwack perpend pack pin relax subside bowl someone over arsy–varsy tell down cower copy cark drop-down depressed turn turtle get something down ground down compose cloit down–gyved dress dispunge decurved downstream drop one's eyes/head RDC unbeaten quintessence subdue decrepit take a (or the) load off one's feet set deeply crack up downcast plumulaceous defluous lay down doon muffle reach–me–down reseat damp dominate downshift reach-me-down lay something down dig downslope soft-pedal fall away lower mongoloid overlook overslaugh topsy–turvy command remain/stay seated cataclasm cumbent cut back downthrown delative groundward grab a seat have/take a seat overweight re- pull-down reduce pull-down menu put down KDCL KDF cubatory commit bowl decommission squash topsyturn dunk bring countdown deduct grudge lay-over lout mire pop stoop spat retrench quat eye ageostrophic lull twister sharki bladder backing windfirm tan wind–bell whirlpuff light bronze chest prosperous breezy circumvolve vese involve krummhorn wind-sucker creek weatherward Zephyrus side wind blowout baritone ocarina outpoint wild windscreen anabatic stormy doubtless scent skiff tift in the teeth of something windcheater wind direction wind–force weather–going tide curl deflation storm current brisk blirt laveer blustery blew element bleak eastern fine furious northwest southeastward southwestward quarter wind lill raddle rasp wynd stop becalmed melodica fetch sail sou'wester single nose disturbance bear windhole drift mad rough keckle pavillon snithy quade foul bear off work onshore lee energy weather tide wind turbine before the wind east wind flyaway full daily strong reed south wind bitter tailwind ventil breathless blown loop puff weathervane wood draw rap-full tramontana spill stormwind anti-trade spilt efflation reed organ wind farm bise austral tide–rode detrude hold heel driftwind sigh storm wind rest estrich outlook rundownable slam avalanche bung bughouse taken degrade bobble ballast burthen dropside down-low SKD destructive contemn lessen lave tradition wallop wimple submit slippery squelch styptic undercoat suspend take the weight off your feet frap downless down wool preponderate ground depose kata- drip inferior mollify shutter phut decubation downbear rub down despise daunt sit-down crap crummy set down spatter strike took trace transmit sericeous vertical rosinante soft–pedal stated suppress gnaw misgive guard lighten forjesket upsy–down unbuild jounce snub shacky down-market upend delapse prostration recline rundown grind labile crouch destroy demolish coast downweigh reverse serricated backdown cath- cascade precipitate kick-down die boil plank disdain bounce bear down berattle deducible clamp down chow disjaskit fail keep mangy nutant heap landslide slap steatolysis stog wreck jigger weigh downpour base poise deflate affrap indite loppy plash keel overgrow oppression rattish refrigerate unmowed tralatitious bed blink taking conk

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Words For "wind (sth) down"

As you've probably noticed, words for "wind (sth) down" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "wind (sth) down" are: down, windfall, windy, wind, and breeze. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to wind (sth) down listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "wind (sth) down" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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