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prom year-end c quarterly annual season year–end year end end comp yearly continuous audit commencement final december final dividend year see out august May year's end seasonal march Junior interim around calendar sabbatical through senior twelvemonth term summer midyear sing in (or out) the new (or old) year annually april winter yearling sophomore November January cooperation October terminus July June calendar year quarter day semester
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schoolies week quarter butt the turn of the century/year termination promenade final (exam) suffect thirteenth cheque September month off-season matric fingertip dead-end Bairam full-year loss vintage new year curtate February trimester summative advanceable school year company accounts go down final accounts yesteryear end-of-season Marcheshvan seasonable annals fiscal year holiday round class expiration deferred annuity profit and loss formative an festivity yr loan value heel death hogget finish freshman report seasonally terminate relinquishment last in, first out explode first in, first out barbecue Revolutionary calendar last tiptoe climacteric intercalary rhizocarpous crunch infancy per annum New Year's Eve derby FY biannual date crop academic year bissextile tax year straight bond chump New Year's Day Treasury bill tip review y chaotic ebullience multiyear point midway praetexta lead unseasonable biennial evergreen hoggerel demise deciduous lunisolar period epact allocate fall solar year the Last Night of the Proms equinox leaf fall finis pullet prime late quinquennial close season credit scrag headstone annuity biyearly anno Domini semiyearly locust yearbook tag surcease movable apex reserve fawn ending NEB gunpoint decade anniversary redward foot volume tail foal session grade annus horribilis basketball muzzle tele- tenancy from year to year leave-taking yearlong close hearse perennial ember spring quadrennial quietus yardarm endways infant mortality AD quadrivoltine new-year s.l.a.n. head endlong kindergarten regnal break up millennium stern down day sabbatical leave bluewards death knell My. back end Jy. [or] Jl. Ju. [or] Jn. steer within baccalaureate birthday gross domestic product dog days hart ring in Christmastide Perseid growing season missal Tet resident solar cycle suicide length tail end EOF year round EOT annus mirabilis sore cockney year-on-year raith jubilee tel annal first grade leveret muharram autumn superannuate half-year polyestrous New Year's Day [or] New Year's Day conclusion tumble beet CY academical year dog's year throughout bust-up embolism the last annualized breakup second half time course pricket lectionary classic integration centenary teg over blueward latter choke fine floor break heading rump funeral peak prong knifepoint redwards nose amen omega Tishri kill suffix arrowhead meaning adjourn bolster congress AUC leap year rain later year–around birth rate feverous farrow one-year-old calendar month spay octennial migrant rut Q ah solar salary the Christian era yob keep tether polycarpic term time caudal inside half Tammuz crownet caecum stop consul year-long migrate handsel earth-year yearround fresher fiscal IGY in the long run knell mull ended bullet yr. light-year time of year pelicanry gap-year boy Christian year Jeth leap-year leaf-fall Asin beginning of year freeze-up Kartik Sawan Chait reception fuchs Baisakh hopper Magh year of grace Phagun hornotine Asarh Bhadon bud primary decontrol e.o.m. eend last gasp endo- passing spatter glass EOM cut out full-year pa YOY ultimate lamb natural premium eponymate old sun seven–year apple fingerling Dhu'l–Qadah New Year's vintage year dichronous of Rabi al–Thani rabbit season Jumada al–Awwal Jumada al–Thani mating season off year Rabi al–Awwal brandling harvest magistrand the Blue Book sorrel fore and aft sprag coddymoddy holiday season back–calving librate plurivoltine zone Shaban Shawwal stretch monomictic Dhu'l–Hijja summertime semisedentary shed polyoestrous mortality rate rathe-ripe perfect year Rajab foundation frost time Safar Christian Era half-fish Lammas back-to-school brood stream year-to-year bang rail end south end so much for autolysate disjoin doomsday twilight roadhead sound/ring/toll the death knell regular year coda back-end front-end wane solstice defective year terminal axle bellend sabbatical year Old English form upstream gable the end of the line feather perennially medieval polytocous long shemittah equinoctial year accounting year towmond periodical year toyear Church year church year-earlier to–year after for the duration closing Sanders, Barry Iyar Rosh Hashanah Kislev Nisan period g'day feazings object draw finale chimneyhead desegregate bow no side antrum pinhead ropery apices anterior feet tag end confidence limit bickiron traduction key full time late-term forkhead eventide postmortem dock come to a full stop design pierhead annual loss initial reserve Feb. ab Sivan wind-up bitthead draw in culmination even east horrent likelihood prow prick other rise corner barrelhead dayfall snap epiphysis to term ampulla $ postcolonial tomb telomere telos nightly scroll Heshvan Tebet recess burley demolition away but destination halt translation kerf life's end get fulfil the final curtain kibosh Shebat Elul shank moribund roach weather capitulum reorganization confidence limits bill Yucatán Channel accomplish to the last year to date calendar quarter terminal reserve worth New Year’s resolution oakboy of the year winter onion internal rate of return cock almanac posterior Jumada sign of the zodiac Aug. Rabi Dec. four–quarter plan maiden proper cenogonous BC Jan. silver anniversary one Apr. septennate fertility infant Candlemas term Abitur golden anniversary Sept. birthdate blackfin chiliastic eye Nov. Trojan War Oct. short-term fire season infanticide long-term fiar all billet energy underclassman undated chicken sophister unseasonal migratory saturnian brocket Beaujolais Nouveau uranian siddur great good tide hansel football season see in effective annual rate Sacrament sunday pennyland first-half loss first-half profit pup profit sporting calendar Martinmas term the Gregorian calendar ungraded sack wanderjahr Atlantic Daylight Time annual return Julian year New Year’s Day boarding school mild mochi prevailing wind surplus county sessions ring out eponym investment reserve rareripe in the year of our Lord eighty Leonid seasonality low season saint's day Sun Valley zif leap-day year–bearer theology vague year anomalistic year wreath hog saint’s day sexcentenary dying faucet span end-to-end Julian calendar reg next-to-last wrangler treasury certificate pinch perpetual trading period third-quarter quarter waiter civil Wesak year-over-year regnal year stint rathe quarterly loss fourth Fortune 500™ depreciation rate comprehensive hind Eastern Daylight Time salaried out of season a year and a day dear turnover moot twenty ten peen wingspan Monday through Friday/July through December etc Pythiad six-figure salary quarter-day sorefalcon wanderyear entermewer cynic sebat first footing annual earnings in Christmas Great Lent the dry season seasonally adjusted visitor high season Isthmian games dividend growth haab half year Trinitytide immovable feast personal allowance personal exemption second-quarter multiple cropping Moon Before Yule on–year open season overyear pugnacious planetary average am collection death rate keep someone down annual value Mardi Gras acclaim era do upperclassman dirt incunable intermittent ultrashort rowen spire youngster vacation Q, q season's greetings keep someone back grand climacteric corm bicentenary Christmas season sabbath see the new year in rutting Mountain Daylight Time marking period Pacific Daylight Time senior college Sothic theave wardrobe collect for the day face range polycarpous tail fly end zone enfilade crown end surrender value coronis boom stick extinguish final whistle rake sieve tube butt joint bobfly tappet wrench eternally all year round yo soph ha in the year of grace (or Our Lord) —— one-eared sextennial semiannual annotinous semiannually sidereal year lunar year year-round (all) round the year biennium anomalistic twice yearly twice a year semi-annual triennial periodical cicada CNY heliacal year sesquicentenary year class the rainy season ordo varve tisri nullah nightfall crowstone deckle consummation forefoot butter expire ageing Pisgah, Mount the beginning of the end telo- Cape Cod Bay fin de siècle apocalyptic short ultimately denouement eyepiece from Jezreel, Valley of end of the golden weather crust expiry antechapel high century man–year origin reformate toe scrag-end senile nunnation crack bridgewing end on chisleu Pythian games tel- bring up the rear myxa ad fin. gammon end–time ocular at the buzzer tebeth Klein bottle eye end in season numerology thirty seasonal unemployment mint set tony Abib short session the Civil List flytime ice time Grammy annual report billing associate develop

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Words For "end-of-year"

As you've probably noticed, words for "end-of-year" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "end-of-year" are: prom, year-end, c, quarterly, and annual. There are 910 other words that are related to or similar to end-of-year listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "end-of-year" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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