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slipcase muzzle cul-de-sac open open-ended muzzleloader drumhead closed caecum close bell crowbar up hedge fund shackle cubbyhole outfall blind alley ope closed–end crescent gape test tube through reopen agape blind gut combination wrench blind windsock shed hornpipe gunpoint sheet place shut unclose champaign butt tappet wrench fly salverform seal cecum unlock endways caddis scoop open-mouthed airometer can-opener debatable break bayonet stack
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offering price disclose closed mortgage nosebag mutual fund ajar field vulnerable resonator box kite galley patent air-bell train platform alfresco Torricellian tube overt end jemmy cone tuba construction wrench public drum jimmy main water butt Klein bottle fine opeidoscope rift flute trunk piston kazoo platform clear outdoors frank spread unstop pry pocket tunnel tusk-shell finish unfold opening unrip barefaced terminate hatchback standpipe gaping POP unguarded discharger yawn unclosed glade unopen unzip surcease questionable tele- plain avowal burst rupture free-handed wastebasket boiling tube pervious water-butt barbell broad endlong Mariotte tube unclench candid fissure finis turnbuckle steamroller airy wide split pin exposed transparent lead stopped dedans unshut blin distro Vespidae megaphone arguable tweezers out crack undo professedly free current account upend reel butterfly net over reclude brougham frankly fieldy hospitable kiosk lean-to tongs opisthodomos date sake closure Long conclude cloaca drawbar stop shell expand bare unreserved open-air globe-sight tel break up last tumble honest ARM profess ceaseless latter suspect ran unassailable truck period accessible re uninhibited roller-polo openable lance goggle-eyed seam undraw susceptive cuff corruptible ruption determine around rope-end drosometer pass cartwheel dup obvious patulous give pert devious soluble level testimony openly sea-chest ending em pitchpole inosculate coed [or] co-ed lawn scorn heart-to-heart free market openwork avowedly unchallengeable fizzle bowling fusiform consummation pegging rammer ultimate acro- eternity scotch galactic cluster booty split up explicate unquestionable dehisce subject hovel moot old flare loggia launch issue pressure-tube terminus acyclic cart hypaethral reveal cleave split wide-open wink veld deadlight phaeton open-faced private blue water aperture half-open assailable cheroot bald ringent reserate unfasten blast widespread forum fishnet netting force pregnant vanish suppress church key trivet contempt confinement end brush later end e forthcoming chink sightly unpicked direct sandwich smoky empty net OU visible fresh shimmer problematic endo- yawning interval design wain apert round mortgage exigent open–eyed sore expansive weald earthy inaugurate gap bloom equivocal blasted elective broken unwrap open-eyed underground apparent dubitable ouvert unquestioned defiance ingle daylight slack-jawed header Corner come to an end raise subterminal EOF death termination finally behind ultimately DE cut out spindle-shaped conclusion fin terminally EOT blossom evolve dubious unseam sincere door disputable negotiable chap unclasp ramada ostensible all–night unroll dissolve point unending discontinue forever lift endless wane endmost outspoken unshutter expanse blink untwist chine simple-hearted gambit raw elicit cariole cross-country braai pop open indisputable openness exceptionable wide-eyed unbutton pioneer goggle unbar tilbury pan dawn bilge view rump rest utterance ECT bottomless extinguish pointless throughout timeless ajourisé dispersed harmony open contracts square gait open commitments free water open-end out–front agog slash opened disoppilate open position open–handled open–access floating insurance run–on couplet daylighted extended harmony gladsome open–stack the OU outcry cut string plus juncture avowed gash campania telo- tel- siemens-martin process ended perclose pinion end year's end half lap spread end omega business part heelpiece lime game hole rag end pinning end draw to a close/an end prosumer participatory open tone slather wire MOOC lea sure perflatile upfront developed broke demonstration hollow newel stair dinghy face-off free-for-all open–well stair al fresco straightforward widen (as) straight as a die trailer overture round–dealing filigree ambiguous opportune naked aperitive concealed carry break something open sesame unveiled expound pregnable undeniable generous get the door yaw proof with open–letter eventerate tame moon-eyed freedom recrudesce phaner- splay seaway open fire in doubt forestair denunciation turn erupt V–connection self–confession open admission open door rictus fow disguiseless glory hole demurrable abroad above board chaun switch break open campaign break sth up tail warp balefire loose sluice thought rebellion gondola hangi fault portsale problematical bullpen open-book closeted dissect ingressive doubtful throat downright labile incontrovertible opinion tub unarguable whirlicote break something out no-load unsympathetic moon–eyed brazen-faced glad liberal half–decked prize unwrench wanton patency think cellular bolero rave-in upbreak cratch field plot palmate censurable closed-door lair introductory FOSS terrace go–cart unselective butty green acres unbuttoned separate unbundle thinking draw suggestible fair extend field-preaching field-room ingenuous lease unconcealed open-chain out-of-doors prise OBM expiry put a stop to demise wind up take bite the dust break off something sign off EULA dog-end last gasp antepenultimate bring down the curtain on something/bring the curtain down on something only preterminal endlessly dateless eventually envoy lastly tailpin tip from cover to cover all front end done backloading desition FEP explode forestock bring down the curtain on snub-nosed sweep rear-ender turn out catastrophize curtain payloader permanent at the end of the day ho decontrol disaffiliate interminably wind up (something) upstaring telos e.o.m. endwise complete napoo back end snuff out something call let someone go nib exit charge eend infinity front loader perpetuity infinitely spatter glass ceaselessly load peep paid die a/the death EOM whereto turn-out passing muscle-spindle front-end loading be tickets cessation dout put a period to shank cutter tail end break (sth) off therefore to uncinate subjoin telic world tapered give onto sth fan buttoned–up heath come out garth lip undoubtful truck box chase uncoil dismantle fauteuil clearing battue aliphatic open-heartedly zip anastomose dagger skeleton key diurnal discutable roadster tin capable transparently RIP sociable open port prairie fire maiden flan broad-minded childproof spongy demonstrative displayed glaring corridor latticework paddock splat windy hole door holder batter down display kago tote bag matter of breviary openhanded nappy nasal communicate saxboard communionable porousness glee advisable introduce beg broadway bonfire fall custard pie cheesecloth investigable unexpanded outdoor openmouthed recant square lead off wolds cloudy pelagian simple surface undemonstrative valvate unhidden undebatable spontaneous windswept wold pavilion perhaps like parkland enterotomy dolman Campagna cagey buggy bucket blatantly unplight unbreast chappy leave out hold free port drawer pull closed chain jar invulnerable dilated lost issuable reprehensible all-night unambiguous slap open up opetide Parashant National Monument prestant receptive reminder runabout safecracker slipshod snick enucleate fielden husk money-taker animosity bowl bust talkative stare undecided undisputable webbed umbraculiferous dispart airing be anyone's braaivleis airtight crack a book bleak under the stars dedicate debouch fly–up frankhearted hold on hypnotic unplain cup pelagic pillage the knives are out (for someone) wind juridical days patefy sideless seugh field-preacher kennel bookrack breathe go-cart undissembling unhasp unlatch covert incontestable ice-free keep picnic oyez round-eyed terry trough twinkle oceanic shaky line vivisect wagon expose afield unbarricade fenceless cancellated full-blown broach business day decry clap lido casquet bookshelf unclutch flip gable bottom short the end of the line coterminous fore and aft upstream wind sth up feather other put conterminous chump from soup to nuts twilight ring off quench draw to a close come last sempiternal achieve wait out eternal juggle interminable screeching/crashing halt append affix supplement roadhead doomsday go separate ways flared break something off put down the phone nosedive cease tapering fate grief head limitless fantail pay dirt heel rang sit out put the mockers on spatulate grand finale quietus call it a day box wrench curtains truly dag sound/ring/toll the death knell bust-up apex together confineless moribund so much for rail end south end scope progress rope's end put the phone down on (someone) disjoin cusp fingertip divorce

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Words For "open–end"

As you've probably noticed, words for "open–end" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "open–end" are: slipcase, muzzle, cul-de-sac, open, and open-ended. There are 971 other words that are related to or similar to open–end listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "open–end" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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